
On 26th September 2019, PSI will host its second IDCN-event at the FHNW Brugg-Windisch (right next to the trainstation Brugg AG) in cooperation with IDCN Zurich. 

The International Dual Career Network (IDCN) is a non-profit organization formed through the collaboration of academic institutions, companies and NGOs with the purpose of facilitating the job search for mobile employees’ partners, and providing member companies access to a turnkey pool of talent. Since 2017, PSI is a corporate member of IDCN.

At the event partners / spouses will have the opportunity to:

  • collect useful information on how best to search for jobs in the region
  • get visibility of job opportunities and meet with recruiters from the corporate members
  • receive practical tips and guidance from human resources professionals on how to prepare for and organize their job search in the most effective manner
  • share success stories, valuable experiences and challenges with other partners
  • build meaningful relationships and networks which will help to move ahead
When: September, 26th 2019, time tba
Where: FHNW Brugg-Windisch (Room 6.0D13)
For whom: Partners / spouses who have recently moved to Switzerland and are searching for an employment and other IDCN corporate members
Registration: Please sign in as a partner / spouse at IDCN You will receive an e-mail with the registration details for the event afterwards

The IDCN Zurich Corporate Members are:

An information Event for Mentoring Programs will take place on Thursday, 6th December 2018, from 08:30 to 10:30 a.m.

Date: Thursday, 6th December, 2018, 8:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Place: PSI, SZ-OSGA/EG06 (large room Education Center)
Please register by Monday, 3rd December, 2018 at


08:30 Introduction
08:35 Presentation Fix the Leaky Pipeline (Mentoring & Coaching)
09:00 Presentation Mentoring Programme for Women with Leadership Ambitions
09:20 Presentation Mentoring Programme for New Leaders
09:40 Presentation CONNECT - Connecting women’s careers in academia and industry
10:00 Questions
10:30 End of event

The International Dual Career Network (IDCN) is a non-profit organization formed through the collaboration of academic institutions, companies and NGOs with the purpose of facilitating the job search for mobile employees’ partners, and providing member companies access to a turnkey pool of talent. Since 2017, PSI is a corporate member of IDCN (Zurich Chapter).

IDCN Zurich organizes 4 to 5 events, hosted by different corporate partner institutions.

At the event partners / spouses will have the opportunity to:

  • collect useful information on how best to search for jobs in the region
  • get visibility of job opportunities and meet with recruiters from the corporate members
  • receive practical tips and guidance from human resources professionals on how to prepare for and organize their job search in the most effective manner
  • share success stories, valuable experiences and challenges with other partners
  • build meaningful relationships and networks which will help to move ahead

For upcoming events, please check:

Registration as IDCN member

Die Berufsbildung und das Komitee für Chancengleichheit führt dieses Jahr zum achten Mal das PSI-Feriencamp durch.

At June, 6th, 2017, PSI hosted its first IDCN-event in Villigen. Thanks to everybody that attended this event, PSI was very happy to welcome the IDCN partner and corporate members here. You will find information about the agenda, the presentations and impressions from the event below.

The International Dual Career Network (IDCN) is a non-profit organization formed through the collaboration of academic institutions, companies and NGOs with the purpose of facilitating the job search for mobile employees’ partners, and providing member companies access to a turnkey pool of talent. Since 2017, PSI is a corporate member of IDCN.

At the event partners / spouses will have the opportunity to:

  • collect useful information on how best to search for jobs in the region
  • get visibility of job opportunities and meet with recruiters from the corporate members
  • receive practical tips and guidance from human resources professionals on how to prepare for and organize their job search in the most effective manner
  • share success stories, valuable experiences and challenges with other partners
  • build meaningful relationships and networks which will help to move ahead
When: June, 6th 2017, 8:45 - 16:15h
Where: PSI, Auditorium West
For whom: Partners / spouses / children (min. 16 years old) of PSI employees and other IDCN corporate members who have recently moved to Switzerland and are searching for an employment
Registration: Please sign in as a partner / spouse at IDCN You will receive an e-mail with the registration details for the event afterwards

Event Agenda

08:45 Registration and Welcome Coffee  
09:45 IDCN Welcome and Presentation Download Presentation
10:00 PSI In a nutshell Download Presentation
10:20 Diversity @ PSI Download Presentation
10:30 Field Reports of two Dual Career Partners  
10:45 Negotiation: Know What You Want – Get What You Need Download Presentation
11:15 Career Networking  
12:15 Lunch  
13:15 Motivation Letter Clinic  
14:15 Coffee Break  
14:45 Guided Tours to the PSI Research Facilities  
16:15 End of Event  

The IDCN Corporate Members are:

IDCN-Corporate Members.PNG

Video about IDCN:

For questions about the event or regarding dual career issues at PSI, please contact Melina Spycher, Equal Opportunity & Diversity Coordinator at PSI

Some impressions:

Die Berufsbildung und das Komitee für Chancengleichheit führt dieses Jahr zum siebten Mal das PSI-Feriencamp durch.

Am Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016, von 11.00–12.30 Uhr findet im PSI West Auditorium eine Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema

Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle als Beitrag zu einer guten Work-Life-Balance

statt! Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Einladung und dem Poster.

Nachtrag: Der Event war ein voller Erfolg! Danke an alle Teilnehmenden. Hier ein paar Eindrücke:

Vorschläge für Referenten/innen und Themen und andere Veranstaltungen zum Thema Chancengleichheit sind jederzeit willkommen. E-Mail bitte direkt an das Komitee für Chancengleichheit.