One Proximate Kitaev Spin Liquid in the K-J-Γ Model on the Honeycomb Lattice
In addition to the Kitaev (K) interaction, candidate Kitaev materials also possess Heisenberg (J) and off- diagonal symmetric (Γ) couplings. We investigate the quantum (S=1/2) K-J-Γ model on the honeycomb lattice by a variational Monte Carlo method. In addition to the “generic” Kitaev spin liquid (KSL), we find that there is just one proximate KSL (PKSL) phase, while the rest of the phase diagram contains different magnetically ordered states.
Open fire on tumours
At the treatment stations of the Centre for Proton Therapy at PSI, tumours can be precisely irradiated from any direction. An interactive graphic explains how the protons get from the source to the body in order to trigger the elimination of tumour tissue.
World Energy Scenarios 2019
The Energy Economics Group quantified the new World Energy Scenarios 2019 in collaboration with the World Energy Council and Accenture Strategy. The three scenarios (named "Modern Jazz", "Unfinished Symphony", and "Hard Rock") depict possible future developments of the global energy systems until 2040 and were presented at the World Energy Congress 2019 in Dubai.
European neutron facilities come together for LENS General Assembly
The League of advanced European Neutron Sources (LENS) with the participation of PSI held its second General Assembly at Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) together with meetings of its five working groups and the LENS Executive Board. The meetings brought the consortium’s operational working groups together with the leaders of the LENS member facilities to advance priority actions for the organisation in the months to come.
Berufserfahrung in den USA
Vier Wochen Berufserfahrung und viele Freizeiterlebnisse in den USA kann mir niemand mehr nehmen.
Take a flight through ESTIA
PSI is entirely responsible to build the polarised neutron reflectometer ESTIA at the European Spallation Source ESS in Lund, Sweden. The lead ESTIA scientist Artur Glavic (LNS/NUM) has now simulated a virtual tour of the neutrons travelling through the instrument from the focusing neutron guide to the detector.
Matter before solid nucleation under synchrotron light
Investigation on early stage of solid formation from solution, before nucleation, have been carried out at PSI by small angle scattering technique using X-ray light from the Swiss Light Source SLS. The system under analysis was calcium carbonate, a model system archetype of several sparsely soluble inorganic materials and relevant in many field such as CO2 capturing and biomineralization. The experimental setup, the method, and developed theoretical framework can be applied to many other systems and made available for the entire scientific community.
From the Walkman to the electric car
Three researchers share this year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry. They are being honoured for their respective contributions to the development of lithium-ion batteries. Petr Novák of PSI likewise works in this area of research and has known the three laureates personally for decades. In an interview, he tells about sitting directly across from one of them at the crucial moment.
Nano-engineered contact for the zero-field nucleation of magnetic skyrmions
Researchers in a joint collaboration between the PolLux endstation of the Swiss Light Source and the University of Leeds have achieved the reliable and reproducible electrical nucleation of magnetic skyrmions from a nano-engineered point contact structure, investigating the physical mechanisms driving the nucleation process.
Characterisation of work hardening and springback in Ti
Interrupted standard tensile tests with in situ x-ray diffraction and quasi-in situ electron backscatter diffraction reveal the origin behind the work hardening plateau and springback.
Assessment of innovative reactor designs in PSI
Between the years 2015 and 2019, PSI coordinated a project investigating the pebble bed high temperature gas-cooled (HTGR) reactor aside with molten salt reactor (MSR) concepts and the use of thorium fuel. The project involved different groups from the ETH domain and the main purpose is to build-up the specific know-how in Switzerland that is necessary to provide in-depth information to decision makers and identify research needs for the future. Several key aspects of both HTGR and MSR reactors were addressed in this research project. These include economic and accident phenomenology studies of the HTGR, fuel cycle optimization of both MSR and HTGR, as well as a study on waste volume reduction of the pebble bed reactors.
3D imaging for planar samples with zooming
Researchers of the Paul Scherrer Institut have previously generated 3-D images of a commercially available computer chip. This was achieved using a high-resolution tomography method. Now they extended their imaging approach to a so-called laminography geometry to remove the requirement of preparing isolated samples, also enabling imaging at various magnification. For ptychographic X-ray laminography (PyXL) a new instrument was developed and built, and new data reconstruction algorithms were implemented to align the projections and reconstruct a 3D dataset. The new capabilities were demonstrated by imaging a 16 nm FinFET integrated circuit at 18.9 nm 3D resolution at the Swiss Light Source. The results are reported in the latest edition of the journal Nature Electronics. The imaging technique is not limited to integrated circuits, but can be used for high-resolution 3D imaging of flat extended samples. Thus the researchers start now to exploit other areas of science ranging from biology to magnetism.
Collaboration Meeting at University of Zürich
The Mu3e collaboration met for three days at University of Zürich to discuss detector integration, progress in the subsytems and plans for detector commissioning.
"It's important to keep doing research"
Proton therapy is time-consuming and more costly than conventional radiation therapy, but its accuracy in targeting tumours is unsurpassed. An interview with Damien Weber, head of the Centre for Proton Therapy at PSI.
PSI hosting meeting of the LENS working group on technology development and operation
On October 1 and 2, the Laboratory of Neutron and Muon Instrumentation (LIN) hosted the first meeting of the working group on “Synergies in Technology Development and Operation” of the League of Advanced European Neutron Sources, LENS, to kick off developments aimed at creating a new generation of neutron technology.
Understanding the Superior Stability of Single-Molecule Magnets on an Oxide Film
A research team centered at the X-Treme beam line at the Swiss Light Source has demonstrated that spin-phonon coupling plays a major role in enhancing the magnetic stability of so-called lanthanide phthalocyanine double decker single-molecule magnets. This understanding is important in order to employ such molecules in future spintronics applications.
Award by NPSS
The IEEE Nuclear Plasma Science Society has recently awarded Dr. Paolo Craievich, leader of the group «RF-system 2» in GFA, with the Particle Accelerator Science Technology award for his exceptional contributions to accelerator science and technology.
Extended Magnetic Dome Induced by Low Pressures in Superconducting FeSe(1 − x)Sx
We report muon spin rotation and magnetization measurements under pressure on Fe1+δSe1−xSx with x ≈ 0.11. Above p ≈ 0.6 GPa we find a microscopic coexistence of superconductivity with an extended dome of long range magnetic order that spans a pressure range between previously reported separated magnetic phases.
Ultrafast Transient Increase of Oxygen Octahedral Rotations in a Perovskite
Via femtosecond x-ray diffraction, we observe an ultrafast increase of the octahedral rotation angle in the perovskite EuTiO3 after ultrafast laser excitation. This is opposite to what is expected from an increase in temperature. We ascribe this increase to an effective change of ionic sizes that transforms directly into a change of the Goldschmidt tolerance factor. Rotating oxygen octahedra at will opens up the possibility to control electronic and magnetic properties of perovskites on ultrafast timescales.
Cancer cells under attack
At PSI, cancer patients receive a therapy that is unique in Switzerland. Bombardment with protons wipes out cancer cells – and does so more precisely than with any other form of irradiation.
Chemielaboranten-Ausflug zur Ilmac-Messe 2019
Wir Lernende Laboranten Fachrichtung Chemie reisen mit unserm Berufsbildner an die ILMAC, der führenden Schweizer Fachmesse für Labor- und Prozesstechnologie in Basel.
Visit of ESS Council to Switzerland
On 24 September the Paul Scherrer Institut was the venue of a meeting between the top supervisory board of the European Spallation Source ESS to be built in Lund, Sweden, and representatives of the Swiss government from SERI. The chair and the vice chair of the ESS Council, Beatrix Vierkorn-Rudolph and Kurt Clausen, respectively came to Switzerland to discuss the Swiss In-Kind Contributions to the largest spallation neutron source under construction in Sweden.
Lehrlingslager 2019
In diesem Jahr führte es uns nach Hottwil/Böttstein, wo wir 2 sehr lehrreiche und interessante Wochen mit viel Spass und harter Arbeit verbracht haben.
Thirteen months in the Arctic
A PSI research project investigating atmospheric chemistry will be on board the icebreaker Polarstern on 20th September 2019. Researcher Julia Schmale talks about the upcoming expedition and her role in it.
PANDA Large-scale Experiments addressing Complex Natural Circulation in a PWR two-room type containment
In nuclear safety analyses, the assessment of hydrogen release, distribution, and mitigation in the containment has high relevance, because under certain postulated scenarios, combustible mixture could form and hydrogen explosions could damage safety systems.
Safety analyses is carried out using advanced computational tools that have been assessed and validated through a variety of the analyses based experiments representative of the phenomena postulated in the containment and obtained in highly instrumented thermal-hydraulics facilities.
The OECD/NEA HYMERES project ( was carried out to create an experimental database consisting in 24 PANDA tests and 9 MISTRA (CEA, France) tests devoted to phenomena with high relevance in nuclear safety. In two PANDA tests identified as HP6_1 and HP6_2) was investigated the effect of complex natural circulation in a PWR two-room type containment, on the hydrogen distribution, during postulated accidents [1]. The PANDA test specifications have been determined based on scoping analyses with the GOTHIC and APROS advanced computational tools [2].
Herbstliches Beer & Dine
Luc Van Loon und Christopher Chen präsentieren ihre Biere.
Nano-engineered contact for the zero-field nucleation of magnetic skyrmions
Researchers in a joint collaboration between the PolLux endstation of the Swiss Light Source and the University of Leeds have achieved the reliable and reproducible electrical nucleation of magnetic skyrmions from a nano-engineered point contact structure, investigating the physical mechanisms driving the nucleation process.
Identifying a disturbance root-cause from ... noise!
Nuclear reactors are complex systems with inherent stochastic behaviour. In simple words, the behaviour of various reactor processes are continuously fluctuating over their mean values, even under normal operation and steady-state conditions. The detailed and systematic analysis of this noisy behaviour can reveal valuable information about the operating status of the studied nuclear reactor. More importantly, designed modifications of the reactor’s operation or even unexpected deviations from the normal performance can be identified using advanced signal analysis techniques. The STARS program, at the Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT) in PSI, based on a tight collaboration with the Swiss nuclear industry, has developed a well-established signal analysis methodology, being continuously improved since more than two decades. The latest enhancements of the PSI signal analysis methodology allow a deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms that drive the reactor’s operation, and can provide better insight on the root-cause of possible disturbances or malfunctions. Recently, the latest STARS activities in advanced signal analysis techniques were culminated by an international recognition through a special distinction from the AIP Chaos Journal.
Nanocrystal superlattices as phonon-engineered solids and acoustic metamaterials
Phonon engineering of solids enables the creation of materials with tailored heat-transfer properties, controlled elastic and acoustic vibration propagation, and custom phonon-electron and phonon-photon interactions. These can be leveraged for energy transport, harvesting, or isolation applications and in the creation of novel phonon-based devices, including photoacoustic systems and phonon-communication networks.
LIN Engineers participate in the DENIM conference
LIN Engineers Manuel Lehmann, Sven Schütz, Dieter Graf and Peter Keller attended the 8th annual Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting (DENIM VIII). DENIM is world’s largest conference on Neutron Instrument Engineering and is an important avenue for our engineers to share and exchange their knowledge with other international experts. This allows us to continuously develop and maintain neutron instruments for SINQ that push the current state-of-the-art.