Data Science

Molecular Scale Dynamics of Large Ring Polymers

We present neutron scattering data on the structure and dynamics of melts from polyethylene oxide rings with molecular weights up to ten times the entanglement mass of the linear counterpart. The data reveal a very compact conformation displaying a structure approaching a mass fractal, as hypothesized by recent simulation work. The dynamics is characterized by a fast Rouse relaxation of subunits (loops) and a slower dynamics displaying a lattice animal-like loop displacement.

Temperature dependence of the (050) reflection from a 200 nm o−LuMnO3 [110]-oriented film. Inset (a): Temperature dependence of the integrated intensity from the (050) structural reflection (black) and the (0qb≈½0) magnetic reflection (red) of this film. Inset (b): The simplest approximation for a distortion producing nonzero intensity for a (0k0) reflection with k odd, depicted for two atoms along the b direction.

Multiferroic Properties of o−LuMnO3 Controlled by b-Axis Strain

Strain is a leading candidate for controlling magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroics. Here, we use x-ray diffraction to study the coupling between magnetic order and structural distortion in epitaxial films of the orthorhombic (o-) perovskite LuMnO3. An antiferromagnetic spin canting in the E-type magnetic structure is shown to be related to the ferroelectrically induced structural distortion and to a change in the magnetic propagation vector.

Structural and magnetic dynamics in the magnetic shape-memory alloy Ni2MnGa

Magnetic shape-memory Heusler alloys are multiferroics stabilized by the correlations between electronic, magnetic, and structural order. To study these correlations we use time-resolved x-ray diffraction and magneto-optical Kerr effect experiments to measure the laser induced dynamics in a Heusler alloy Ni2MnGa film and reveal a set of time scales intrinsic to the system.

Direct Spectroscopic Observation of a Shallow Hydrogenlike Donor State in Insulating SrTiO3

We present a direct spectroscopic observation of a shallow hydrogenlike muonium state in SrTiO3 which confirms the theoretical prediction that interstitial hydrogen may act as a shallow donor in this material. The formation of this muonium state is temperature dependent and appears below ∼70 K. From the temperature dependence we estimate an activation energy of ∼50 meV in the bulk and ∼23 meV near the free surface. The field and directional dependence of the muonium precession frequencies further supports the shallow impurity state with a rare example of a fully anisotropic hyperfine tensor.

The μ → eγ decay in a systematic effective field

We implement a systematic effective field theory approach to the benchmark process μ → eγ, performing automated one-loop computations including dimension 6 operators and studying their anomalous dimensions. We obtain limits on Wilson coefficients of a relevant subset of lepton-flavour violating operators that contribute to the branching ratio μ → eγ at one-loop.


50 years of hotlab

50 years of cutting-edge research at the Swiss Hot Laboratory: On September 26, 2014, this impressive anniversary was celebrated in Hotwil with current and former employees.

Electric-Field-Induced Skyrmion Distortion and Giant Lattice Rotation in the Magnetoelectric Insulator Cu2OSeO3

Discovering fundamentally new ways to manipulate magnetic spins is crucial for research into advanced technologies. Magnetic Skyrmions, which are topologically stable whirls of magnetic spins, are promising candidates for new device components since those found in metallic host materials can be manipulated using electric currents.

Controlling the near-surface superfluid density in under doped YBa2Cu3O6+x by photo-illumination

The interaction with light weakens the superconducting ground state in classical superconductors. The situation in cuprate superconductors is more complicated: illumination increases the charge carrier density, a photo-induced effect that persists below room temperature. Furthermore, systematic investigations in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x (YBCO) have shown an enhanced critical temperature Tc. Until now, studies of photo-persistent conductivity (PPC) have been limited to investigations of structural and transport properties, as well as the onset of superconductivity.

Sr, Mn, and O content in La0.6SrxMnyO3-Δ thin films: (a) deposited on (001) SrTiO3 substrate at 650 °C as a function of the O2 background pressure using an ablation fluence of 1.8 J/cm2; (b) deposited on (001) Si substrate at room temperature as a function of the O2 background pressure using an ablation fluence of 1.8 J/cm2.

Plasma interactions determine the composition in pulsed laser deposited thin films

Plasma chemistry and scattering strongly affect the congruent, elemental transfer during pulsed laser deposition of target metal species in an oxygen atmosphere. Studying the plasma properties of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3, we demonstrate for as grown La0.6Sr0.4MnO3-δ films that a congruent transfer of metallic species is achieved in two pressure windows: ∼10−3 mbar and ∼2 × 10−1 mbar.

Possible reactions at the cathode using (a) a mixed O2- ion/e− conductor, (b) a mixed H+/e− conductor, and (c) a composite cathode made of a proton conductor phase and a mixed O2–/e− conductor phase. The dark gray spheres represent a mixed O2–/e− conductor phase, the light blue sphere is a mixed H+/e– conductor, while the light gray sphere is a H+ conductor. The red semicircles represent the reaction sites where the oxygen reduction takes place.

Low-temperature solid-oxide fuel cells based on proton-conducting electrolytes

The need for reducing the operating temperature of solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) imposed by cost reduction has pushed significant progress in fundamental understanding of the individual components, as well as materials innovation and device engineering. Proton-conducting oxides have emerged as potential alternative electrolyte materials to oxygen-ion conducting oxides for operation at low and intermediate temperatures.

Mixed Dimensionality of Confined Conducting Electrons in the Surface Region of SrTiO3

Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we show that the recently discovered surface state on SrTiO3 consists of nondegenerate t2g states with different dimensional characters.

ARPES spectra revealing the electronic structure of a metallic surface state on SrTiO3.

A revealing mixture: The surface of an oxide insulator can host two distinct types of conducting electrons

Strontium titanate, SrTiO3, is an important material for the realization of next-generation electronic devices. A famous example is the interface of LaAlO3 grown on SrTiO3, which is metallic and magnetic at its interface, even though the individual compounds are insulating and nonmagnetic in bulk form. The physics behind how novel interface states form on SrTiO3 - and how they become endowed with such surprising properties - is not well understood.

Spin-lattice coupling induced weak dynamical magnetism in EuTiO3 at high temperatures

EuTiO3, which is a G-type antiferromagnet below TN = 5.5 K, has some fascinating properties at high temperatures, suggesting that macroscopically hidden dynamically fluctuating weak magnetism exists at high temperatures. This conjecture is substantiated by magnetic field dependent magnetization measurements, which exhibit pronounced anomalies below 200 K becoming more distinctive with increasing magnetic field strength. Additional results from muon spin rotation experiments provide evidence for weak fluctuating bulk magnetism induced by spin-lattice coupling which is strongly supported in increasing magnetic field.

Schematic comparison of the two main SOFC technologies (with planar design) illustrating the decrease of electrolyte thickness in order to lower the operating temperature. a) Anode-supported conventional (thick) SOFC and b) free-standing (thin) micro-SOFC membrane on a silicon substrate (not drawn to scale). c) FIB cross-section of a free-standing micro-SOFC membrane, the insulating Si3N4 layer and the etched Si substrate.

Low-Temperature Micro-Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Partially Amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ Cathodes

Partially amorphous La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ (LSC) thin-film cathodes are fabricated using pulsed laser deposition and are integrated in free-standing micro-solid oxide fuel cells (micro-SOFC) with a 3YSZ electrolyte and a Pt anode. A low degree of crystallinity of the LSC layers is achieved by taking advantage of the miniaturization of the cells, which permits low-temperature operation (300–450 °C).

Fast scanning coherent X-ray imaging using Eiger

The smaller pixel size, high frame rate, and high dynamic range of next-generation photon counting pixel detectors expedites measurements based on coherent diffractive imaging (CDI). The latter comprises methods that exploit the coherence of X-ray synchrotron sources to replace imaging optics by reconstruction algorithms. Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut have recently demonstrated fast CDI image acquisition above 25,000 resolution elements per second using an in-house developed Eiger detector. This rate is state of the art for diffractive imaging and even on a par with the fastest scanning X-ray transmission instruments. High image throughput is of crucial importance for both materials and biological sciences for studies with representative population sampling.