Yi Wan

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Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI

In 2019,Yi Wan joined the Energy Economics group of the Laboratory at Paul Scherrer Institute as a PhD student. She works on the project ReMaP and focuses on electricity market modeling and prosumer player integration.

2016 Master in Energy Science and Technology ETH Zürich Switzerland
2012 Bachelor in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering Southeast University China


Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2023). Market equilibria of prosumers under market power: Analysis of combined oligopoly and oligopsony in electricity markets, Operations Research 2023, Hamburg, Germany. Presentation

Densing, M., Wan, Y. (2023). Aggregation of intermittent renewables in energy market models: capturing correlations and extreme events, 19th IAEE  European Conference, Milan, Italy. Presentation

Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2022). A case study of integrated players with large-scale P2X in cross-country electricity markets based on a game-theoretic equilibrium model, International Energy Workshop 2022, Freiburg, Germany. Presentation

Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2021). Prosumers with power to gas (P2G) in cross-country electricity markets based on a game-theoretic equilibrium model, 1st IAEE Online Conference 2021, Online. Presentation

Wan, Y., Densing, M. (2019). Nonlinear Inverse Demand Curves in Electricity Market Modeling, 16th IAEE  European Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Presentation