Data Science

Mario Liechti

WorldSkills 2022 - Silber für Mario Liechti

Elektroniker Mario Liechti gewinnt Silber! Herzliche Gratulation zu dieser tollen Leistung!


PSI researcher Patrick Hemberger honored in the Rising Stars special issue in Energy & Fuels

To celebrate contributions of highly influential early and mid-career researchers in energy research, the journal Energy & Fuels established an annual recognition of Energy and Fuels Rising Stars.

SPIE Fellow Manuel Guizar-Sicairos

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos elected as SPIE Fellow member

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos was elected as a 2022 SPIE Fellow Member for his contributions to coherent lensless imaging, including ptychography and X-ray nano-tomography. The distinction was awarded in the SPIE’s Optics & Photonics conference in San Diego, California.

Laura Torrent at the award ceremony. Photo: EXSA

EXSA Young Scientist Award goes to Laura Torrent!

Dr. Laura Torrent, Postdoc at the laboratory for bioenergy and catalysis, was awarded the European X-ray Spectrometry Association (EXSA) Young Scientist Award 2022 at the PhD Level for her Doctoral Thesis entitled "Occurrence and behavior of silver nanoparticles in the environment: Analytical methodologies and laboratory studies".

Shen et al

Emergence of spinons in layered trimer iridate Ba4Ir3O10

Spinons are well-known as the elementary excitations of one-dimensional antiferromagnetic chains, but means to realize spinons in higher dimensions is the subject of intense research. Here, we use resonant x-ray scattering to study the layered trimer iridate Ba4Ir3O10, which shows no magnetic order down to 0.2 K. An emergent one-dimensional spinon continuum is observed that can be well-described by XXZ spin-1/2 chains with magnetic exchange of ∼55 meV and a small Ising-like anisotropy. With 2% isovalent Sr doping ...


Rahn et al

Clarifying the fate of collective metallic quantum states

Many complex metals exhibit collective states in which electrons appear to collaborate to generate novel and frequently functional behavior. These states develop when metals are cooled down to remove the effects of thermal fluctuations, enabling collective states in which electrons move coherently through the material. These collective electronic states are of tremendous importance because they are the foundation for many quantum states of interest such as unconventional superconductivity, frustrated magnetism, hidden order, as well as topologically non-trivial and electronic-nematic states.



Jungfraujoch Carbon Balance Campaign measures wildfire emissions from southern Europe

The Jungfraujoch Carbon Balance Campaign is a measuring campaign within the ACTRIS project. It is conducted by the Paul Scherrer Institute in collaboration with the Stiftung HFSJG, Empa, FHNW, as well as groups from Lille (France), York (England), and Aerosol d.o.o. (Slovenia). The campaign’s aim is to comprehensively measure and characterize the diversity of carbon-containing molecules present in the air in hopes to obtain helpful information on their role in climate and weather relevant processes.

ultrafast diffraction scheme

Strong modulation of carrier effective mass in WTe2 via coherent lattice manipulation

Schematic ultrafast surface diffraction setup used for monitoring the crystal lattice in multiple directions.

5232 Magazine

LEA scenario analysis for Switzerland in PSI's 5232 Magazine

5232 — The magazine of the Paul Scherrer Institute includes the latest long-term scenario analysis for Switzerland produced by LEA

Congratulation to Noemi and Michael!

Congratulations, Noemi and Mike!

Noemi Cerboni and Michael Hofstetter managed to keep up the international scientific prestige of LRC at the Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Nuklearchemie 2022, with Noemi winning the Best Poster Award and Mike the Second Best Poster Award. Congrats, guys, LRC is proud of you!

Yin et al

Discovery of Charge Order and Corresponding Edge State in Kagome Magnet FeGe

Kagome materials often host exotic quantum phases, including spin liquids, Chern gap, charge density wave, and superconductivity. Existing scanning microscopy studies of the kagome charge order have been limited to nonkagome surface layers. Here, we tunnel into the kagome lattice of FeGe to uncover features of the charge order. Our spectroscopic imaging identifies a 2 × 2 charge order in the magnetic kagome lattice, resembling that discovered in kagome superconductors. Spin mapping across steps of unit cell height demonstrates the existence of spin-polarized electrons with an antiferromagnetic stacking order.


conference foto

30th Conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society

The Isotope and Target Chemistry group of the Paul Scherrer Institut had the pleasure to organize and host the 30th Conference of the International Nuclear Target Development Society (INTDS 2022) at PSI from 25th to 30th September 2022.

The conference was a great success! 80 participants, representing scientific institutions of 14 different countries and 4 continents, met in person, discussed and presented their newest results on target preparation methods, advances in target characterization, production of targets for medical applications, gas targets, stripper films, high-power target technology and much more. We are happy to emphasise the relative large number of students, 15, participating to the event.

Special thanks to the Local Organizing Committee: D. Schumann (Chair), Z. Talip, E.A. Maugeri, R. Dressler, K. Daniela, A. Blattmann, M. Veicht, N. Cerboni

mario phd

Mario PhD defence

LRC is happy to congratulate Veicht Mario Aaron, one of our most promising student, for the successful defence of his PhD Thesis, 30th of September, 2022, at PSI Auditorium lecture hall.

Magnetic measurements team

Ready for SLS2.0: First magnet series measurement completed

The first magnet series consisting of 112 quadrupole electromagnets for SLS2.0 were measured to high precision using a special home-made rotating coils measurement system. This is an important step forward for the realization of SLS2.0, the upgrade of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) at PSI, and a milestone for the members of the Magnet Section in GFA.

Lehrlingslager 2022

Lehrlingslager 2022 im Klöntal (Richisau)

Zwei Wochen Lehrlingslager im herbstlichen Klöntal

Teaser Francesca

IPW Young Investigator Award 2022

Dr. Francesca Borgna, former Marie Curie Fellow at the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences awarded by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2022 and gave the IPW Young Scientist lecture entitled: "Combination of Terbium-161 with Somatostatin Receptor Antagonists: a Potential Paradigm Shift for the Treatment of Neuroendocrine Neoplasm.


Welcome Giovanni Baccolo

We warmly welcome Giovanni Baccolo as Postdoc in the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry. He joined the Analytical Chemistry group on 1 October 2022.

feM-LEAD am PSI, der Empa und der WSL fka. Mentoring-Programm für Frauen mit Führungsambitionen

Das Mentoring-Programm ist ein kompetitives Programm, das sich an Frauen richtet, die in Zukunft eine Führungsrolle übernehmen möchten. Es startete erstmalig 2018 am PSI und beendete seine Pilotphase Ende 2020. Das Mentoring-Programm wird über diese Phase hinaus fortgeführt und wurde extern als einzigartig evaluiert, da es:

- offen für alle Frauen ist (d.h. Wissenschaftlerinnen (nach Postdoc), Technikerinnen sowie Frauen, die in der Administration tätig sind)

- offen für Frauen ist, die noch keine Führungsrolle übernommen haben

Erstmalig steht das Programm auch offen für ambitionierte Mentees und Mentor*innen aus der Empa und der WSL.

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