Abandon de l’énergie nucléaire, développement de l’énergie solaire et éolienne, production d’énergie à partir de la biomasse, réduction de la consommation d’énergie. D’ici 2050, la Suisse doit atteindre la neutralité climatique. Un objectif ambitieux, rendu plus urgent que jamais par une situation géopolitique de plus en plus difficile. Comment faire pour mettre en place ces prochaines années un approvisionnement énergétique durable et résistant pour la Suisse? Comment les énergies renouvelables peuvent-elles être utilisées de manière optimale? Quelles sont les nouvelles technologies les plus prometteuses? Au PSI, des chercheurs s’efforcent de trouver des réponses à ces questions décisives.
Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
The 5th Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions (PSI2019) took place from 20 to 25 October 2019 at PSI, bringing together 200 scientists from all over the world working on some of today’s most precise particle-physics experiments at the low-energy frontier.
Field-Induced Double Spin Spiral in a Frustrated Chiral Magnet
X-rays and neutrons has been used to investigate the correlation between structural and magnetic chirality in magnetic fields and its impact on the polarization in multiferroic langasites. A long wavelength modulation of the magnetic structure has been found, and it is shown that the chirality of the crystals structure connects to chirality of the magnetic structure that leads to an additional electric polarization in this field induced phase, which, depending on the christal chirality, can either increase the electric polarization or lead to a reversal of it for increasing magnetic fields. The theoretical description based on allowed Lifshitz invariants intriguingly contain all the essential ingredients for the realization of topologically stable antiferromagnetic skyrmions.
Determination and evaluation of the nonadditivity in wetting of molecularly heterogeneous surfaces
Every folded protein presents an interface with water that is composed of domains of varying hydrophilicity/-phobicity. Many simulation studies have highlighted the nonadditivity in the wetting of such nanostructured surfaces in contrast with the accepted theoretical formula that is additive. We present here an experimental study on surfaces of identical composition but different organization of hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains.
Florian Döring received the PSI Founder Fellowship
A new PSI spin-off is on the horizon: Dr. Florian Döring, PostDoc in the Laboratory for Micro- and Nanotechnology, received a PSI Founder Fellowship at Park Innovaare.
Assessment of electricity supply resilience
Researchers from FRS and the Paul Scherrer Institute have developed the Electricity Supply Resilience Index (ESRI) to measure electricity supply resilience in 140 countries.
TecDay: LMX meets Hohe Promenade
TecDay is an SATW initiative that was developed at the Kantonsschule Limmattal in 2007 and has since been rolled out to more than 60 secondary schools across Switzerland. By the end of 2017 it had reached around 45,000 students and 5,000 teachers. In December 2019 the LMX contributed in one module, that received a total of 16 students over the course of a morning. The module was organized in three different “stations”, each one focusing on one topic or area that the group is working on.
5 000 000 000 000 000 d’octets de Villigen à Lugano
Les analyses de structures minuscules aux grandes installations de recherche du PSI engendrent d’énormes volumes de données. Au Centre suisse de calcul scientifique CSCS, sis à Lugano, les données sont archivées et les chercheurs utilisent le superordinateur du lieu pour leurs simulations et leurs modélisations.
Fascinating colloquium about the 200 Swiss frank banknote
The designers of the new Swiss banknote series together with the scientific advisor Günther Dissertori from ETHZ gave a fascinating PSI-colloquium on the 200 Swiss Frank banknote.
Generation and measurement of ultralow-emittance electron beams at SwissFEL
The emittance is a fundamental parameter of particle distributions accounting for the average spread of the particles’ positions and momenta. We have generated and characterized intense ultralow-emittance electron beams, setting new standards for electron linear accelerators. The measurements have been carried out at the SwissFEL accelerator of PSI. SwissFEL is one of the few X-ray free-electron lasers (FELs) worldwide, which are cutting-edge research instruments to investigate matter with resolutions at the level of atomic processes.
2019 Highly Cited Researchers
Again in 2019: Three LAC researchers were highly cited.
ANAXAM has Officially Launched
Anaxam is a technology transfer center created as a collaboration between PSI, the FHNW, the SNI and the Kanton of Aargau. Created to provide simplified access for industry to the large research facilities at PSI and focused on delivering services to support Advanced Manufacturing, both in the improvement of existing products as well as with manufacturing processes. ANAXAM has Officially Launched today 2019.12.01.
Towards dynamic feedback control during time-resolved CT at TOMCAT
Researchers from the CWI in Amsterdam and the TOMCAT beamline have developed and implemented a real-time CT reconstruction, visualisation, and on-the-fly analysis approach to monitor dynamic processes as they occur. With the processing of multiple sets of CT slices per second, this represents the next crucial step towards adaptive feedback control of time-resolved in situ tomographic experiments. The results of this study were published in Scientific Reports on December 5, 2019.
Towards dynamic feedback control during time-resolved CT at TOMCAT
Researchers from the CWI in Amsterdam and the TOMCAT beamline have developed and implemented a real-time CT reconstruction, visualisation, and on-the-fly analysis approach to monitor dynamic processes as they occur. With processes of multiple sets of CT slices per second, this represents the next crucial step towards adaptive feedback control of time-resolved in situ tomographic experiments. The results of this study were published in Scientific Reports on December 5, 2019.
Jahresschlussapéro 2019
Am Mittwoch, 4. Dezember fand der Jahresschlussapéro in der OASE statt. Viele Lernende, Berufsbildnerinnen und Berufsbildner, wie auch weitere Gäste genossen den Anlass in der OASE. Der Leiter der Berufsbildung Paul Kramer hat das Jahr Revue passieren lassen.
Field-induced double spin spiral in a frustrated chiral magnet
Magnetic ground states with peculiar spin textures, such as magnetic skyrmions and multifunctional domains are of enormous interest for the fundamental physics governing their origin as well as potential applications in emerging technologies. Of particular interest are multiferroics, where sophisticated interactions between electric and magnetic phenomena can be used to tailor several functionalities.
The multi-layered physics of layered superconductors
Muon spin rotation experiments provide unique microscopic insight into the superconductivity and magnetism of transition metal dichalcogenides — and reveal complex and unconventional patterns, hinting towards a common mechanism for and electronic origin of ‘unconventional’ superconductivity.
SLS 2.0: l’upgrade de la Source de Lumière Suisse SLS
Au cours des prochaines années, la Source de Lumière Suisse SLS fera l’objet d’un upgrade: la SLS 2.0. Cette transformation rendue possible par de la technologie dernier cri donnera une grande installation de recherche à la hauteur des besoins des chercheurs pour les prochaines décennies.
Spectroscopic disentanglement of the quantum states of highly excited dicopper molecules
Transition metals, characterized by their partially filled d-orbitals, provide the basis for many of the most relevant processes in chemistry, biology, and physics. Embedded as single atoms or in small clusters, they give rise to exceptional optical, chemical, and magnetic properties. So far, it has proven impossible to disentangle the complex network of excited quantum states, which greatly hinders predicting and controlling of material properties. We employed double-resonant four-wave mixing spectroscopy to quantitatively resolve the bright and perturbing dark quantum states of the neutral copper dimer.
Animal embryos evolved before animals
Detailed characterization of cellular structure and development of exceptionally preserved ancient tiny fossils from South China by synchrotron based X-ray tomographic microscopy at TOMCAT led an international team of researchers from the University of Bristol and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology to the discovery that animal-like embryos evolved long before the first animals appear in the fossil record.
Christian Rüegg, nouveau directeur de l'Institut Paul Scherrer
Le 27 novembre 2019, sur proposition du Conseil des EPF, le Conseil fédéral a nommé Christian Rüegg à la tête de l’Institut Paul Scherrer PSI. Il succédera à Thierry Strässle, qui dirige l’établissement par intérim depuis le début de cette année. Christian Rüegg, qui est âgé de 43 ans, est actuellement chef de la division Recherche avec neutrons et muons au PSI. Il prendra ses nouvelles fonctions le 1er avril 2020.
Christian Rüegg appointed new Director of the Paul Scherrer Institute
On 27 November 2019, at the recommendation of the ETH Board, the Federal Council has appointed Christian Rüegg as the new director of the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI. The 43-year-old will take over from Thierry Strässle, who has headed the institute on an interim basis since the beginning of the year. Mr Rüegg is currently head of the Neutrons and Muons Division at the PSI. He will take up his new position on 1 April 2020.
Des médicaments qui rayonnent
A l’Institut Paul Scherrer PSI, on administre un traitement unique en Suisse à certains patients cancéreux. Bombarder les tumeurs de protons permet de les éliminer, et ce avec plus de précision qu’aucune autre forme d’irradiation.
Distortion mode anomalies in bulk PrNiO3: Illustrating the potential of symmetry-adapted distortion mode analysis for the study of phase transitions
The origin of the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) in RNiO3 perovskites with R = trivalent 4f ion has challenged the condensed matter research community for almost three decades. A drawback for progress in this direction has been the lack of studies combining physical properties and accurate structural data covering the full nickelate phase diagram. Here we focus on a small region close to the itinerant limit (R = Pr, 1.5K < T < 300K), where we investigate the gap opening and the simultaneous emergence of charge order in PrNiO3.
Le besoin de radionucléides pour le traitement du cancer est important
Les radionucléides ouvrent de nouvelles perspectives en termes de thérapies très efficaces dans le domaine du cancer. Christian Rüegg, responsable de la division Recherche avec neutrons et muons à l’Institut Paul Scherrer PSI, explique le rôle que joue la source suisse de neutrons à spallation SINQ du PSI pour le développement de tels médicaments.
Un médicament anticancéreux issu de la source de neutrons du PSI
A la source de neutrons SINQ, des chercheurs du PSI produisent des radionucléides qui contribuent au développement de nouveaux traitements anticancéreux efficaces et ciblés. Ils collaborent étroitement avec les hôpitaux des environs.
Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions
The 5th Workshop on the Physics of Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions (PSI2019) took place from 20 to 25 October 2019 at PSI, bringing together 200 scientists from all over the world working on some of today’s most precise particle-physics experiments at the low-energy frontier.
Zukunftstag 2019
Am Donnerstag, 14. November haben 129 Kinder am Nationalen Zukunftstag des PSI teilgenommen. 57 Mädchen durften am Vormittag und 72 Jungs am Nachmittag 2 Stationen aus 12 Möglichen besuchen. Danke an alle engagierten Helferinnen und Helfer!
The X-ray Tomography Group welcomes Dr. Nazanin Samadi as Post Doc
Dr. Nazanin Samadi will help develop tools for comprehensive simulation of tomography beamline design and will contribute in the technical design report of the future TOMCAT 2.0 beamline upgrade. Before joining the group, she was a PhD student at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada.
Arbeiten mit einer Hörbehinderung
Im Leitfaden "Entwicklung und Anpassung von Diversity & Inclusion Richtlinien mit Fokus Hörbehinderung" wurde unser Automatiker-Lernende Andrin S. zu seinen Erfahrungen als Mitarbeitenden mit Hörbehinderung interviewt. Lesen Sie das interessante Interview auf Seite 14.
Pinning down the proximate Kitaev spin liquid
A study of the extended Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice that factors in Kitaev, Heisenberg and off-diagonal symmetric interactions provides both a definitive answer on proximate Kitaev states and an essential guide to the physics of candidate Kitaev materials.