Pestalozzi Stiftepriis 2023
Am Freitag, 10. November, wurde bereits zum 41. Mal der traditionelle Schweizer Nachwuchspreis verliehen. Die Berufsbildung des PSI war auch mit einem ehemaligen Lernenden dabei.
Wieso ist Karriereplanung so schwierig, wo es doch bei allen anderen einfach aufgeht?
‘Bei euch klingt es so einfach, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wo ich hin will – wie habt ihr das gewusst?’ war ein häufiger Kommentar nach unserem Nonlinear Career Paths Event im Oktober. Wieso fallen uns Karriere-Entscheidungen so schwer, wenn im Nachhinein doch alles so einfach scheint? ‘Ich habe diese Person getroffen, und dann hat eines zum anderen geführt, und jetzt habe ich meine Traumstelle’, oder ‘Ich habe mir mein Berufsleben ganz anders vorgestellt, aber dann ist X passiert und hat mich von Y fasziniert, und jetzt bin ich hier’ sind typische Antworten wenn man Leute fragt, wie sie zu ihrer jetzigen Stelle gekommen sind. Muss man aufs Glück warten, oder kann man eine Karriere planen?
Deciphering the Skies: Lubna Dada receives Ambizione grant funding for "BioPSI" Atmospheric Research Project
Lubna Dada, Scientist at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry (LAC) at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) was granted the Ambizione Grant 2023 with her project “Biological Particle Sources and Impact (BioPSI)”. Lubna’s journey of her visionary research project “BioPSI” is set to commence in January 2024, with the anticipation of welcoming a PhD student into the project.
Listening for Defects as They Happen
Experiments at the Swiss Light Source SLS help resolve a long-standing debate surrounding metal 3D laser printing.
Of Accelerators and Radioactivity
On March 26, 2024, Patrick Steinegger leads visitors of the ETH Zürich Public Tours 2024 through the proton accelerator facility of PSI.
Nuclear research in Switzerland
Patrick Steinegger on the 29th episode of NucTalk
Skyrmion metamorphosis: Lattice transitions of hybrid skyrmions in a polar magnet
Magnetic skyrmions, with their distinctive vortex-like magnetic spin configurations, continue to intrigue researchers due to their potential applications in nanoscience and technology. Traditionally skyrmions form two-dimensional hexagonal close-packed lattices, with the skyrmions themselves displaying one of just two types of internal magnetization texture known as Bloch- or Néel-type. Recent theories hinted at the prospect of reconfigurable transitions between skyrmion phases of different lattice types and internal textures. Until now, experimental evidence supporting such theories has been scarce.
In-Plane Magnetic Penetration Depth in Sr2 RuO4 : Muon-Spin Rotation and Relaxation Study
We report on measurements of the in-plane magnetic penetration depth (λab) in single crystals of Sr2RuO4 down to ≃0.015 K by means of muon-spin rotation-relaxation. The linear temperature dependence of λ−2ab for T≲0.7 K suggests the presence of nodes in the superconducting gap. This statement is further substantiated by observation of the Volovik effect, i.e., the reduction of λ−2ab as a function of the applied magnetic field. The experimental zero-field ...
Switching Off the Surface Conductivity of Strontium Titanate by Non-Volatile Organic Adsorbates
Strontium titanate is a wide band gap semiconductor. Its surface can be rendered conductive by a mild annealing in vacuum. The present study reveals that by deposition of less than a monolayer of non-volatile organic molecules such as tetracyanoquinodimethane (TCNQ) this conductivity can be completely turned off. In view of the small size of TCNQ (ca. 1 nm) this could allow new pathways toward oxide-based electronics.
Neutron reflectometer Amor at SINQ receives the ESS MultiBlade detector
The neutron reflectometer Amor now uses the ESS MultiBlade detector, with improved resolution, angular coverage and dynamical range.
Réparer de l’ADN endommagé avec la lumière du soleil
Les dommages infligés à l’ADN sont une cause du vieillissement, de la mort cellulaire et même du cancer. La capacité à réparer de l’ADN endommagé revêt donc une importance cruciale pour tous les organismes. Au SwissFEL du PSI, une équipe internationale de recherche vient d’étudier la manière dont la photolyase, une enzyme, utilise l’énergie de la lumière du soleil pour ce mécanisme de réparation.
Welcome to LXN Maria Szola
Herzlich Willkommen Maria Szola im LXN!
Reprogrammation mécanique des tissus
En utilisant des stimulations mécaniques, les scientifiques du PSI ont reconverti des cellules de tissus conjonctifs en cellules semblables à des cellules souches, avant de les transplanter dans des tissus cutanés lésés. Cela a permis d’accélérer la régénération de la peau et la cicatrisation des plaies.
The secret life of an electromagnon
SwissFEL sheds light on how lattice and atomic spins jiggle together.
Konstrukteure besuchen den Kontrollraum des PSI
Die totale Überwachung des PSI?
Hidden magnetism uncovered in a charge ordered bilayer kagome material ScV6Sn6
Charge ordered kagome lattices have been demonstrated to be intriguing platforms for studying the intertwining of topology, correlation, and magnetism. The recently discovered charge ordered kagome material ScV6Sn6 does not feature a magnetic groundstate or excitations, thus it is often regarded as a conventional paramagnet. Here, using advanced muon-spin rotation spectroscopy, we uncover an unexpected hidden magnetism of the charge order. We observe an enhancement ...
Microstructural control of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V
In-situ Selective Laser Heat treatment is applied to induce martensite decomposition in Ti-6Al-4V
Terbium-161: new radionuclide therapy hits the clinic
Highly targeted cancer treatment has the potential to eliminate ultra-small cancer lesions that cause disease recurrence.
Du verre intelligent et de la musique venue de la SLS
Chaque année, le programme Founder Fellowship du PSI encourage des applications innovantes à hauteur de 150 000 francs suisses.
New post-doc position on high-throughput discovery in the MSD group
A new post-doc opportunity is open to join the MSD group to set up and maintain large scale materials discovery projects based on the workflow engine AiiDA.
These positions are funded by NCCR MARVEL, offering close collaboration opportunities with project partners such as the Swiss Supercomputer Center CSCS, and other institutions in Switzerland and Europe.
Deadline: December 10, 2023
Excitons coupling to octahedral tilts in Pb nano-perovskites
Excitons coupling to octahedral tilts in Pb nano-perovskites
Crystal field rules heavy fermion delocalization in SmCoIn5
Crystal field rules heavy fermion delocalization
"Core-shell" cathodes for high performance Li-ion batteries
“Li-rich Ni-rich” core-shell particles are engineered as layered cathode materials for high energy Li-Ion batteries, including a controllable outer "Li-rich Mn-rich" shell improving cyclability.
Quel est l’importance de l’hydrogène pour la transition énergétique?
Thomas J. Schmidt, expert en énergie au PSI, fait le point.
Zwei spannende und erfolgreiche Tage am PSI
Zu Besuch bei Konstrukteur- und Polymechanik-Lernenden an den Besuchserkundungstagen der Schule Endingen
Kondo screening in a Majorana metal
Kondo impurities provide a nontrivial probe to unravel the character of the excitations of a quantum spin liquid. In the S = 1/2 Kitaev model on the honeycomb lattice, Kondo impurities embedded in the spin-liquid host can be screened by itinerant Majorana fermions via gauge-flux binding. Here, we report experimental signatures of metallic-like Kondo screening at intermediate temperatures in the Kitaev honeycomb material α-RuCl3 with dilute Cr3+ (S = 3/2) impurities.
PSI au Swiss Innovation Forum de cette année!
L'échange, l'inspiration et de nouvelles perspectives peuvent contribuer de manière significative à l'innovation. Le Swiss Innovation Forum (SIF) 2023 réunit tout cela en un seul lieu - c'est pourquoi nous, au PSI, soutenons l'édition de cette année du SIF en tant que partenaire.
Le 30 novembre, des start-ups motivées, des investisseurs engagés et des innovateurs audacieux se réuniront au Congress Centre Basel. En échangeant à travers les secteurs, ils développeront de nouvelles idées pour faire avancer le paysage de l'innovation suisse.
Points forts du programme :
💡 Conférences de Catrin Hinkel (CEO, Microsoft Suisse), Jürgen Geuter (Tech De-Evangelist & Co-fondateur, Otherwise Network), Prof. Dr. Gregor Hasler (Professeur, Chef de service, Université de Fribourg et Réseau fribourgeois de santé mentale (Suisse)) et bien d'autres encore.
💡 Remise du Swiss Technology Award 2023, le prix de technologie le plus prestigieux de Suisse.
💡 Zone d'expérience avec des cas intéressants provenant du paysage de l'innovation suisse.
Le PSI est de la partie ! Cette année, en collaboration avec l'ETH, nous présenterons le thème passionnant de "l'informatique quantique" à notre stand dans la FutureExpo ! Venez nous rendre visite - nous sommes impatients de vous accueillir sur notre stand !
Informations détaillées et inscription à la conférence sur
Sustainable Group-IV Active Photonics Research Sinergia Project granted
We are excited to announce that our joint Sinergia Project: Sustainable Group-IV Active Photonics Research (SUGAR) has been approved for funding by the SNSF and will start in the spring of 2024. SUGAR is an interdisciplinary project that aims to develop a more sustainable photonics platform, based on group IV elements (Si, Ge, Sn). The proposal emphasizes sustainability throughout the entire device life-cycle, incorporating life cycle assessment (LCA) from extraction to end-of-life.
Lubna Dada wins Swiss Aerosol Award 2023!
Dr. Lubna Dada, scientist at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, at Paul Scherrer Institute received the Swiss Aerosol Award 2023 from the Swiss Lung Foundation in Bern for her excellent work on warm airmass intrusions from mid-latitudes into the Arctic.
Mechanism For All-Optical Magnetization Switching
X-rays reveal a non-collinear magnetic state as the base for all-optical magnetization switching.