Data Science

Lehrberufe à la carte 2019 Teaserbild

Lehrberufe à la carte 2022

Am 26. Juni 2022 präsentiert das PSI seine 15 verschiedenen Lehrberufe. Auch das Schülerlabor iLab öffnet an diesem Sonntag seine Türen.

jisoo kim

Jisoo Kim bags the 2022 Werner Meyer-Ilse Award

Jisoo Kim was awarded the 2022 Werner Meyer-Ilse Memorial Award. The WMI Award is given to young scientists for exceptional contributions to the advancement of X-ray microscopy through either outstanding technical developments or applications, as evidenced by their presentation at the International Conference on X-ray Microscopy and supporting publications.  Jisoo was awarded for his development of the method "Time-resolved x-ray scattering tomography for rheological studies", and is co-recipient of the award with Yanqi Luo from the Advanced Photons Source for her work on applications. The award was presented during the 15th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy XRM2022 hosted by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) in Hsinchu, Taiwan on 19 - 24 June, 2022.

BB-Parcours Helferessen

BB-Parcours Helferessen

Der Berufsbildungs-Parcours repräsentierte die Berufsbildung des Paul Scherrer Institut an der Berufsschau AB21 in Wettingen.

Elternabend 2022


Gegen 170 Lernende, Eltern, Berufsbildnerinnen, Berufsbildner und Betreuer besuchten den diesjährigen Elternabend am 11. Mai. Vorträge, Arbeitsplatzbesichtigungen, Gespräche und ein feines Essen bildeten das Rahmenprogramm.

Figure 3

Synthesis of Metallic Lanthanide Thin Samples

This work aimed to produce intermetallic samples of platinoid metals (active metal matrix) and lanthanides (co-metal) and via the method of Coupled Reduction, i.e. a thermal treatment of the combination of the lanthanide oxide and noble metal at high temperature, as high as 1100 °C, under a constant flow of H2. We have demonstrated by means of several techniques, such as Scanning Electron Microscope, Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy, Alpha Spectrometry and Radiographic Imaging, that this method, at defined experimental conditions (temperature, pressure and concentration) yields a metallic lanthanide thin film when using platinum as active metal matrix. Conversely, the formation of a bulk intermetallic compound was obtained when using Pd as matrix. Those systems will have applications in different nuclear physic and radiochemistry studies, such as irradiation targets for production of superheavy elements and for nuclear data determination.

Augusta Raurica

Hercules and batteries, X-rayed

Developments of the MIXE technique at PSI

With muons, PSI researchers can examine objects non-destructively. This helps in archaeology and battery development.


Yanting Qian has received the MSc/PhD competition award in the FISA2022-EURADWASTE'22 conference

Yanting Qian has received the MSc/PhD competition award in the FISA2022-EURADWASTE'22 conference. She works on the retention of redox-sensitive Tc on Fe-bearing clay minerals.

soft matter workshop CH-FR

SANS-LLB at PSI: keeping up with the soft matter community needs

The shutdown of the Orphée reactor at LLB (Saclay, France) and the upgrade of the SINQ neutron guide system at PSI (Villigen, Switzerland) in 2019 were the beginning of a long-term collaboration between PSI and LLB. The SANS-LLB instrument, formerly known as PA20, has travelled more than 500 km, and since 2020 is being installed at SINQ/PSI as a collaborative effort between PSI and LLB. The aim is to make a modern SANS instrument available to the soft matter neutron scattering community at the SINQ spallation source.


SwissSkills 2022

Wir suchen die Besten des Landes! Im PSI hat sich Flavio M. erfolgreich für die SwissSkills qualifiziert! 


NMB/Eckelman Young Investigator Award 2022

Chiara Favaretto, PhD student in the “Radionuclide Development” group at the Center for Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, received the NMB/Eckelman Young Investigator Award for the abstract entitled: “Production and radiochemical separation of terbium-155 from enriched gadolinium target material and its preliminary application in SPECT imaging”, presented at the International Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (iSRS 2022).

Produketive Arbeit im ersten Lehrjahr

Produktive Arbeit - Schon im ersten Lehrjahr

Die zwei Automatiker Lernenden vom ersten Lehrjahr zeigen hier, wie sie schon am Anfang ihrer Ausbildung praktische Erfahrungen bei produktiver Arbeit sammeln. Dabei spielt das Motto «learning by doing» eine grosse Rolle. 

EntrepreneurSkills 2022

SwissSkills 2022: Qualifikation von acht Teams für Berufsmeisterschaft in Entrepreneurship

Am 26. März und am 2. April haben sich insgesamt acht Teams für die Schweizer Berufsmeisterschaft in Entrepreneurship qualifiziert.

Diese Teams werden vom 7. bis 11. September an den SwissSkills 2022 um den Schweizermeister-Titel kämpfen. Unsere Lernenden Noah P., Eric B. und  Janik M. sind dabei!

Horizon 1

Analytical chemistry community gateway - submit your research now!

Launch of the analytical chemistry community gateway.

Find criteria and more information below or on:



Congratulation Noemi and Mario !

PSI: Doktorandentag des Departements Nukleare Energie und Sicherheit 2022.

The Department of Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES) of the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) held its annual PhD Day. The PhD students presented their research work to a jury, which awarded the best presentations in each of the various categories with a prize donated by the Nuklearforum Schweiz.

This year Noemi Cerboni and Mario Veicht, first and fourth year PhD students, respectively, of LRC won this prestigious award. 



Mein Name ist Ben und ich habe die Möglichkeit ein Langzeitpraktikum beim Paul Scherrer Institut von einem Jahr zu absolvieren. In diesem Bericht möchte ich über mein Praktikum einen Einblick geben.

Magnetic field lines of a He atom

Light-Induced Magnetization at the Nanoscale

Targeted manipulations of an atom's magnetic moment are tricky, as the charge currents used for this process are extremely difficult to control . Now, a consortium of collaborators in Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia and Italy reports on a solution to this problem in the cover page article of Physic Review Letters 128, Vol. 15. As it appears, the magnetization of an atomic gas can be altered by high-power lasers using a patterned wave front. The method is promising for studying and manipulating the magnetic properties of matter at the nanoscale.

Choi et al

Unveiling Unequivocal Charge Stripe Order in a Prototypical Cuprate Superconductor

In the cuprates, high-temperature superconductivity, spin-density-wave order, and charge-density-wave (CDW) order are intertwined, and symmetry determination is challenging due to domain formation. We investigated the CDW in the prototypical cuprate La1.88Sr0.12CuO4 via x-ray diffraction employing uniaxial pressure as a domain-selective stimulus to establish the unidirectional nature of the CDW unambiguously.


hybrid perovskites

Mechanochromism of layered perovskites

The mechanochromism of hybrid 2D perovskites is probed at pressures compatible with practical applications