Magnesium Oxide Boosts the Hysteresis of Single-Molecule Magnets
Researchers from PSI and EPFL have demonstrated that the magnetization hysteresis and remanence of TbPc2 single-molecule magnets drastically depends on the substrate on which they are deposited. If a few atomic layers thick magnesium oxide film grown on a silver substrate is used, a record wide hysteresis and record large remanence can be obtained. Single-molecule magnets are attractive for molecular spintronics applications such as information processing or storage.
En stop à la rencontre des sursauts gamma
Des chercheurs au PSI ont développé un détecteur baptisé POLAR. Il doit servir à déceler et analyser des éruptions d’énergie extrêmes, venues du fin fond de l’univers. En septembre prochain, POLAR s’envolera vers l’espace à bord d’une mission spatiale chinoise.
POLAR detector developed at the PSI flies into orbit with a Chinese space mission
Researchers working with Wojciech Hajdas at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI have developed a detector called POLAR. This instrument is expected to search out and investigate so-called gamma ray bursts coming from the depths of the universe. Gamma ray bursts are eruptions of high-energy light that despite being extremely strong remain, up to now, only poorly understood.
Shedding light on the origins of high-Tc superconductivity in bismuth oxides
Researchers have overcome a number of challenges in order to employ an advanced probe in the study of an unusual material, barium bismuth oxide (BaBiO3) – an insulating parent compound of a family of high-temperature superconductors known since the late 80s. In order to finally realize the experiments, the researchers grew and studied thin films of the material completely in situ under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. The results show that superconductivity in bismuth oxides emerges out of a novel insulating phase, where hole pairs located on combinations of the oxygen orbitals are coupled with distortions of the crystal lattice.
Ferromagnetic Quantum Critical Point Avoided by the Appearance of Another Magnetic Phase in LaCrGe3 under Pressure
The temperature-pressure phase diagram of the ferromagnet LaCrGe3 is determined for the first time from a combination of magnetization, muon-spin-rotation, and electrical resistivity measurements. The ferromagnetic phase is suppressed near 2.1 GPa, but quantum criticality is avoided by the appearance of a magnetic phase, likely modulated, AFMQ.
Muon polarization in the MEG experiment: predictions and measurements
The MEG experiment makes use of one of the world’s most intense low energy muon beams, in order to search for the lepton flavour violating process μ+→e+γ . We determined the residual beam polarization at the thin stopping target, by measuring the asymmetry of the angular distribution of Michel decay positrons as a function of energy. The initial muon beam polarization at the production is predicted to be Pμ=−1Pμ=−1 by the Standard Model (SM) with massless neutrinos.
Momentum-Resolved Electronic Structure of the High-Tc Superconductor Parent Compound BaBiO3
We investigate the band structure of BaBiO3, an insulating parent compound of doped high-Tc superconductors, using in situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy on thin films. The data compare favorably overall with density functional theory calculations within the local density approximation, demonstrating that electron correlations are weak. The bands exhibit Brillouin zone folding consistent with known BiO6 breathing distortions.
Carburant solaire
En dépit de son potentiel important, l’énergie solaire est toujours face à un problème: le soleil ne brille pas tout le temps et son énergie est difficilement stockable. Des chercheurs de l’Institut Paul Scherrer PSI et de l’ETH Zurich sont les premiers à présenter un processus chimique permettant d’utiliser l’énergie thermique du soleil pour produire directement des carburants hautement énergétiques à partir de dioxyde de carbone et d’eau. Ils ont développé à cet effet une nouvelle combinaison de matériaux à base d’oxyde de cérium et de rhodium.
Therapeutic drug monitoring in sub-nanoliter volumes
A promising system for painless and minimally-invasive therapeutic drug monitoring has been demonstrated. The proposed device combines biofunctionalized hollow microneedles with an optofluidic system to measure drug concentrations in volumes as small as 0.6 nL.
Magnetoelectroelastic control of magnetism
X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at the Co L3,2 edges measured at the X-Treme beamline, SLS and at the Advanced Light Source, evidence that three distinct electric field driven remanent magnetization states can be set in the Co film at room temperature. Ab initio density functional theory calculations unravel the relative contributions of both strain and charge to the observed magnetic anisotropy changes illustrating magnetoelectroelastic coupling at artificial multiferroic interfaces.
Controlling Quantum States Atom by Atom
A method to precisely alter the quantum mechanical states of electrons within an array of quantum boxes has been developped by an international consortium also including PSI. The method can be used to investigate the interactions between various types of atoms and electrons, which is essential for future quantum technologies.
Des batteries qui durent plus longtemps et se rechargent plus rapidement
Des chercheurs du PSI et de l’ETH Zurich ont développé un procédé simple et bon marché qui permet d’améliorer nettement la performance des batteries lithium-ion. Qu’il s‘agisse de montres, de smartphones, d’ordinateurs ou de voitures, ce procédé permet d’optimiser les batteries pour tous les domaines d’application, car il est modulable en terme de taille. Non seulement l'autonomie est meilleure, mais en plus la recharge se fait plus rapidement.
Single shot grating interferometry demonstrated using direct conversion detection
Researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute's Swiss Light Source in Villigen, Switzerland, have developed an X-ray grating interferometry setup which does not require an analyzer grating, by directly detecting the fringes generated by the phase grating with a high resolution detector. The 25um pitch GOTTHARD microstrip detector utilizes a direct conversion sensor in which the charge generated from a single absorbed photon is collected by more than one channel. Therefore it is possible to interpolate to achieve a position resolution finer than the strip pitch.
Affamer la tumeur
Kurt Ballmer-Hofer, chercheur au PSI, étudie comment affamer les tumeurs en les empêchant de développer des vaisseaux sanguins. Ses 40 années de recherche ont permis de faire émerger de nombreuses connaissances fondamentales sur la formation des vaisseaux sanguins et, entre-temps, une des molécules décisive a été découverte; d’autres recherches tentent à présent de permettre une application clinique.
Faire du gaz avec de l’électricité et de l’électricité avec du gaz
Le développement des installations photovoltaïques et éoliennes va croissant et leur intégration dans le système énergétique existant représente un défi. La plateforme ESI permet de tester les conditions de réussite de cette intégration. La solution: stocker l’excédent d’énergie sous forme de gaz.
Itinerant and Localized Magnetization Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Holmium
Resonant magnetic scattering performed at the x-ray free electron laser facility LCLS (USA) has been used to investigate the magnetization dynamics of elemental Holmium. It is found that the demagnetization of conduction electrons and localized 4f magnetic moments have the same temporal evolution showing a strong coupling between the different magnetic moments.
First light from the SwissFEL Experimental Laser
The SwissFEL Experimental Laser 1 has successfully been delivered and installed in a temporary laser lab by Coherent, from where it will be moved to SwissFEL by end of 2016. The pre-installation in the temporary laser lab allows to become acquainted with the system, to set up a full monitoring and diagnostics system and to debug potential problems in the next months.
Des catalyseurs plus performants pour les voitures à gaz
Les véhicules à gaz ont le vent en poupe et ont besoin eux aussi de pots catalytiques. Alors que l’Empa travaille à optimiser les moteurs et les catalyseurs à gaz, le PSI se spécialise dans les méthodes d’analyse qui permettent d’observer très précisément les processus dans le catalyseur. Les chercheurs du PSI ont développé une chambre de mesure universelle pour leurs travaux, où le catalyseur peut être étudié par le biais de différentes méthodes dans des conditions toujours identiques.
Un atome à la fois
Le groupe de recherche Eléments superlourds étudie au PSI les atomes instables et exotiques, situés à la fin du tableau périodique des éléments. Leur rêve: découvrir un jour sur la carte des chimistes un îlot de stabilité, qui pourrait exister au-delà des éléments connus à ce jour.
Investigating DNA Radiation Damage Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
The key to achieving more effective radioprotection and radiotherapy is to understand the exact mechanism of the interaction between radiation and biomolecules, and in particular to obtain the precise structure of the different forms of damage and their relative ratios. Among all biomolecules exposed to radiation, DNA plays an important role because any damage to its molecular structure can affect the whole cell and may lead to chromosomal rearrangements resulting in genomic instability or cell death.
Zebra - un nouvel instrument pour le PSI
Entretien avec Oksana ZaharkoLes nouvelles interrogations scientifiques nécessitent des installations expérimentales toujours plus performantes. Dans l’entretien ci-après, Oksana Zaharko, chercheuse au PSI, explique les défis que représente la mise sur pied d’un nouvel instrument de recherche destiné à la recherche avec des neutrons.
Les mesures d’aujourd’hui renseignent sur les nuages du passé
Des chercheurs ont montré que la poussière fine pouvait se former dans l’atmosphère à partir de substances naturelles. Leurs résultats améliorent significativement nos connaissances sur les nuages de l’ère préindustrielle et ainsi, contribuent à une description plus précise de l’évolution passée et future du climat.
Organic Nitrate Contribution to New Particle Formation and Growth in Secondary Organic Aerosols from α-Pinene Ozonolysis
The chemical kinetics of organic nitrate production during new particle formation and growth of secondary organic aerosols (SOA) were investigated using the short-lived radioactive tracer 13N in flow-reactor studies of α-pinene oxidation with ozone. Direct and quantitative measurements of the nitrogen content indicate that organic nitrates accounted for ∼40% of SOA mass during initial particle formation, decreasing to ∼15% upon particle growth to the accumulation-mode size range (>100 nm). Experiments with OH scavengers and kinetic model results suggest that organic peroxy radicals formed by α-pinene reacting with secondary OH from ozonolysis are key intermediates in the organic nitrate formation process
Centriolar CPAP/SAS-4 Imparts Slow Processive Microtubule Growth
Centrioles are fundamental and evolutionarily conserved microtubule-based organelles whose assembly is characterized by microtubule growth rates that are orders of magnitude slower than those of cytoplasmic microtubules. Here, we bring together crystallographic, biophysical, and reconstitution assays to demonstrate that the human centriolar protein CPAP (SAS-4 in worms and flies) binds and "caps" microtubule plus ends by associating with a site of β-tubulin engaged in longitudinal tubulin-tubulin interactions.
Structure de la plateforme ESI
La voie vers un avenir énergétique durable passe par l’intégration de nouvelles énergies renouvelables: énergie solaire, énergie éolienne et biomasse. Sur la plateforme ESI (pour «Energy System Integration»), la recherche et l’industrie peuvent tester les solutions prometteuses dans leur complexité.
Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Dipolar Antiferromagnets
We report ac susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron scattering measurements on a dipolar-coupled antiferromagnet LiYbF4. For the thermal transition, the order-parameter critical exponent is found to be 0.20(1) and the specific-heat critical exponent −0.25(1). The exponents agree with the 2D XY/h4 universality class despite the lack of apparent two-dimensionality in the structure.
Swiss chemist wins prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award
Professor Urs Baltensperger, from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, is the Royal Society of Chemistry Spiers Memorial Award winner for 2016.
Expérience dans une goutte en lévitation
La structure exacte des protéines est normalement déterminée au PSI par la technique de diffraction des rayons X. Deux scientifiques du PSI viennent de l’améliorer de façon astucieuse: au lieu d’immobiliser les protéines, ils les ont étudiées dans une goutte de liquide en lévitation.
The role of ions in the self-healing behavior of soft particle suspensions
A. Scotti et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1516011113 (2016). Understanding when a material crystallizes is of fundamental importance in condensed matter. In many materials, the presence of point defects suppresses crystallization. Surprisingly, colloidal hydrogels can overcome this limitation: A small number of large microgels can spontaneously deswell to fit in the crystal lattice of smaller microgels, thus avoiding the occurrence of point defects.
How does food look like on the nanoscale?
The answer to this question could save food industry a lot of money and reduce food waste caused by faulty production. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the Paul Scherrer Institut have obtained a 3D image of food on the nanoscale using ptychographic X-ray computed tomography. This work paves the way towards a more detailed knowledge of the structure of complex food systems.