Fondements de la nature

A l’Institut Paul Scherrer, les scientifiques cherchent des réponses à la question essentielle des structures élémentaires de la matière et des principes fondamentaux de fonctionnement dans la nature. Ils étudient la structure et les propriétés des particules élémentaires – les plus petits composants de la matière – ou se penchent sur la question de savoir comment les molécules biologiques sont structurées et remplissent leur fonction. Les connaissances qu’ils acquièrent de la sorte ouvrent de nouvelles pistes de solution en sciences, en médecine ou dans le domaine des technologies.

Pour en savoir plus, reportez-vous à Aperçu Fondements de la nature


Interface-induced superconductivity in magnetic topological insulators

One of the recipes for realizing topological superconductivity calls for interfacing a topological insulator with a superconductor. In a variant of that approach, Yi et al. grew a heterostructure consisting of layers of a magnetic topological insulator, (Bi,Sb)2Te3 doped with chromium, and antiferromagnetic iron telluride. Neither of these materials is superconducting, but iron telluride is a parent compound for a family of iron-based superconductors. Interfacing the layers led to the appearance of superconductivity in the presence of ferromagnetism and topological band structure. This combination of properties makes the heterostructure a promising, although not yet proven, platform for observing chiral topological superconductivity.

Filterhalterung für ein Mikroskop

Filterhalterung für ein Mikroskop

Teile effizient mittels 3D-Druck herstellen

Paul Scherrer Institute / Procopios Constantinou

Extreme ultraviolet for scalable silicon quantum devices

Experiments at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) show the potential of extreme ultraviolet light (EUV) to make the building blocks of scalable quantum computers.


Unravelling the amorphous structure and crystallization mechanism of GeTe phase change memory materials

Here we use in-situ high-temperature x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and theoretical calculations to quantify the amorphous structure of bulk and nanoscale GeTe. Based on XAS experiments, we develop a theoretical model of the amorphous GeTe structure, consisting of a disordered fcc-type Te sublattice and randomly arranged chains of Ge atoms in a tetrahedral coordination.


Welcome to Archana Ramakrishnan!

A warm welcome to Archana Ramakrishnan.

She will work as a PhD student on the project.


octahedra rotation

Short x-ray pulses reveal the source of light-induced ferroelectricity

Ultrafast measurements of the fluctuating atomic positions in the quantum paraelectric SrTiO3 after mid-infrared light excitation, reveal details about the creation of the material’s ferroelectric state.


Machine Learning for Quantitative Structural Information from Infrared Spectra: The Case of Palladium Hydride

Infrared spectroscopy (IR) is a widely used technique enabling to identify specific functional groups in the molecule of interest based on their characteristic vibrational modes or the presence of a specific adsorption site based on the characteristic vibrational mode of an adsorbed probe molecule. The interpretation of an IR spectrum is generally carried out within a fingerprint paradigm by comparing the observed spectral features with the features of known references or theoretical calculations. This work demonstrates a method for extracting quantitative structural information beyond this approach by application of machine learning (ML) algorithms.

Vertragsunterzeichnung 2024

Vertragsunterzeichnung 2024

Ein herzliches Willkommen an unsere zukünftigen Lernenden!

Muon sites in MnO

"Magnetostriction-Driven Muon Localization in an Antiferromagnetic Oxide" published in Phys. Rev. Lett.

A study involving PSI scientists from the LMS lab, and just published in Physical Review Letters has found that in manganese oxide, a textbook antiferromagnetic material,  the site of an implanted spin-polarized muon is not well identified, but can change due to a previously neglected effect: magnetostriction.

Bonfa et al

Magnetostriction-Driven Muon Localization in an Antiferromagnetic Oxide

Magnetostriction results from the coupling between magnetic and elastic degrees of freedom. Though it is associated with a relatively small energy, we show that it plays an important role in determining the site of an implanted muon, so that the energetically favorable site can switch on crossing a magnetic phase transition. This surprising effect is demonstrated in the cubic rocksalt antiferromagnet MnO which undergoes a magnetostriction-driven rhombohedral distortion at the Néel temperature TN = 118 K. Above TN ...


First Light at MaxIV for SOPHIE

On January 23rd, 2024, first "Swedish" X-ray light was delivered to the SOPHIE endstation, currently installed at the SoftiMAX beamline of the MaxIV light source.

feM-LEAD Closing Event Runde 4

Abschlussveranstaltung vierte Runde feM-LEAD

Möchtest du mehr über das institutionenübergreifende Programm «female Mentoring - Leadership for Equity And Diversity» (feM-LEAD) erfahren? Ist dir Nachwuchsförderung und Chancengerechtigkeit in Führungspositionen ein Anliegen? Interessiert es dich, was die Mentees gelernt haben, wo sie mit ihrer Arbeit am PSI, der Empa und der WSL stehen und welche Kompetenzen sie mitbringen?

Dann nimm an der Schlussveranstaltung teil und lerne spannende Persönlichkeiten und ambitionierte Talente kennen!

Segarra figures

Achieving ultra-low and -uniform residual magnetic fields in a very large magnetically shielded room for fundamental physics experiments

n2EDM is the current state of the art experiment carrying out a high-precision search for an electric dipole moment of the neutron at the ultra-cold neutron source of PSI. In order to reach it’s incredible precision of 10-27 e cm, a stable and uniform magnetic environment is critical. Thus, shielding the experiment from external magnetic flux and preparing a pristine magnetic environment is crucial. To achieve this, n2EDM uses both passive and active magnetic shielding components. External, or residual, magnetic field contributions must be near-zero, and can be achieved via “degaussing” the experiment’s passive magnetic shielding. Degaussing reduces, ideally “erases”, the residual magnetization of a material. In this work, we greatly improved the degaussing procedure of n2EDM, reducing the residual magnetic field by a factor of two, improving its uniformity, and all while taking less time and dissipating less heat.

Ilaria Villa received one of the best poster prices at HFM 2024

LNS at the Highly Frustrated Magnetism conference 2024

Ilaria Villa, PhD student at LNS and LIN, represented our activities at the last conference on Highly Frustrated Magnetism held at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, in Chennai (7-13 January, 2024). Ilaria received one of the best poster prices.


A precision mechanical masterpiece in miniature

With the discovery of a golden miniature box lock, an extraordinary and unique archaeological find was made in north-western Germany by a licensed detectorist.

The object represents an extremely reduced and valuable version of the provincial Roman box locks. These everyday objects were in general significantly larger and normally made either of iron, iron with silver or bronze bands or bronze.


Portrait of Grigori Laura

Prof. Laura Grigori wins the SIAM Supercomputing Career Prize

Congratulations to Laura Grigori for being awarded the 2024 SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing Career Prize in acknowledgement of her "outstanding contributions to scientific computing, particularly communication-avoiding algorithms".

Areal Teaser

Are you interested in working at the Scientific Computing, Theory and Data division at the PSI?

We invite you to join us at the Paul Scherrer Institute, one of Europe's premier multidisciplinary research centres. Since its establishment in 1988, PSI has been dedicated to advancing scientific discovery across various fields. The Scientific Computing, Theory and Data (CSD) division at PSI serves as the core of computational science and data analysis at our institute, playing an important role in supporting research across all scientific disciplines.

Referenzfolienwechsler SLS

Referenzfolienwechsler im SLS

Projekt einer Physiklaborantin EFZ

Achtung Technik Los!

Achtung Technik Los!

Ein Angebot, um dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken, das PSI hilft mit!


Observing laser-induced recrystallization

Synchrotron X-ray diffraction sheds  light on laser-induced local recrystallization .

Fogh et al

Field-induced bound-state condensation and spin-nematic phase in SrCu2(BO3)2 revealed by neutron scattering up to 25.9 T

In quantum magnetic materials, ordered phases induced by an applied mag- netic field can be described as the Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of mag- non excitations. In the strongly frustrated system SrCu2(BO3)2, no clear magnon BEC could be observed, pointing to an alternative mechanism, but the high fields required to probe this physics have remained a barrier to detailed investigation.Here we exploit the first purpose-built high-field neutron scattering facility to measure ...

Cover image Nature Reviews Physics (January 2024)

LMS paper featured on the cover of Nature Reviews Physics

Our paper "How to verify the precision of density-functional-theory implementations via reproducible and universal workflows" was featured on the January 2024 cover of the journal Nature Reviews Physics!

Mu3e data challenege January 2024 - Control room

Second Mu3e Data Challenge at PSI

The Mu3e data challeneges aim at establishing the data processing and storage procedures as well as the online monitoring tools. To this end, we use simulated data to test all involved systems and further develop the code.