Recherche sur le Covid-19

Au PSI, plusieurs projets se consacrent à des questions de recherche importantes autour du coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 et des maladies qui en résultent. Nous vous informons sur les activités et les projets, par exemple sur les analyses de tissus pulmonaires, sur la production de protéines et d'anticorps ou sur les idées de nouvelles recherches sur le Covid-19.

Liens utils

Ian Shipsey

Ian Shipsey

The Mu3e collaboration is deeply saddened to by the loss of our colleague and friend Professor Ian Shipsey, Head of Department of Physics in Oxford and co-lead of the Oxford Mu3e group.

Rok Venturini

Welcome to LXN Rok Venturini

Herzlich Willkommen Rok Venturini im LXN!

LEC Highlight September 2024

Converting the CHF3 greenhouse gas into LiF coating for high-voltage cathode materials toward high-energy density Li-ion batteries

The instability and the fading of high voltage cathode materials above 4.3 V remains a major challenge for the next generation of high energy density Li-ion batteries. Here, we present a facile, environmentally friendly, cost effective and scalable method to address this problem by uniformly fluorinating the surface of cathode materials with CHF3, a mild fluorinating agent but a potent greenhouse gas. CHF3 is successfully transformed into ~2 nm LiF homogenous layer covering the surface of layered-oxide cathode materials.

Stifti Brugg

Die Stifti’24 fand am 12. und 13. September 2024 in Brugg-Windisch statt

Die Erstausgabe der Regionalen Berufsschau im September 2022 stiess auf ein rundum positives Echo. Jetzt geht es in die zweite Runde auch mit dem PSI.

Start-up Lernende 2024

Start-up Lernende 2024

Über 50 Lernende nahmen an der Begrüssung des Gewerbeverein Surbtal teil!

Shin et al

Ferromagnetic quantum critical point protected by nonsymmorphic symmetry in a Kondo metal

Quantum critical points (QCPs), zero-temperature phase transitions, are win- dows to fundamental quantum-mechanical phenomena associated with universal behaviour. Magnetic QCPs have been extensively investigated in the vicinity of antiferromagnetic order. However, QCPs are rare in metallic ferromagnets due to the coupling of the order parameter to electronic soft modes. Recently, antisymmetric spin-orbit coupling in noncentrosymmetric systems was suggested to protect ferromagnetic QCPs. Nonetheless, multiple centrosymmetric materials ...

WorldSkills 2024

WorldSkills 2024

Grossartig! Melvin Deubelbeiss hat an der WorldSkills 2024 in der Disziplin Elektronik die Silbermedaille gewonnen


Berufsübergreifendes Projekt (BüP), eine Zwischenbilanz

Erfolgreicher Start des Töggelikasten-Projekts

Am 13. Dezember 2023 startete das Projekt Töggelikasten. In diesem Projekt wollen wir alle Berufe am PSI abbilden und dies 2025 am Anlass «Lehrberufe à la carte» präsentieren.

Jamie Bragg

Welcome to LXN Jamie Bragg

Herzlich Willkommen Jamie Bragg im LXN!

Tijl Degroote

Welcome to LXN Tijl Degroote

Herzlich Willkommen Tijl Degroote im LXN!


PRISMAP Radiolanthanides Workshop: Advancing Cancer Therapy

The PRISMAP Radiolanthanides Workshop took place at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland from September 3 to 5, 2024. This influential three-day event gathered leading experts to review the latest advancements in radiolanthanides—radioactive elements at the forefront of cancer therapy. The workshop showcased cutting-edge developments in radiolanthanide production and explored their applications in both preclinical and clinical settings. A key highlight was an insightful panel discussion on the "Clinical Translation of Terbium-161 and Lessons Learned," which provided valuable takeaways for the future of cancer treatment. The event received extensive media coverage and was recently featured by the Swiss Society of Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry (SGRRC)