Molecular Nanoscience: Research Team

Molecular Nanoscience Group. From left: Thomas Jung, Rolf Schelldorfer, Jan Nowakowski, Jan Girovsky, Milos Baljozovic, Christian Wäckerlin, Harald Rossmann, Tatjana Hählen, Dorota Siewert

Group Head
Thomas Jung

Based at PSI East

Scientific staff

Markus Kropf


PhD Students
Mehdi Heydari

Based at university of Basel

Based at PEARL beamline

Beamline scientist
Matthias Muntwiler

Patrick Ascher (partly also at VUV beamline)


PhD Students

PhD Students:
Milos Baljozovic, now Post-Doc at EMPA Jan Nowakowski, now Post-Doc at UniBasel
Harald Rossmann, now consultant at D-fine Austria GmbH
Jan Girovsky, now Post-Doc at TU Delft
Tatjana Hählen, now at ETEL S.A. Môtiers
Christian Wäckerlin, now Post-Doc at EMPA
Bettina Baumeister, now: Lizenzmanagement Physical Sciences / IP Licensing Physical Sciences
Peter Morf, now at Komaxsolar, Rotkreuz
Rolf Bertschinger, now at Siemens Switzerland
Claudio Vanoni, now at Mettler Toledo
Niklaus Baumann, now: Teacher
Kathrin Müller, now at Zernike Institut for Materials Science, Groningen
Andre Kaufmann, now at Helmut Fischer Technology Ltd.
Dorota Chylarecka, now Post-Doc University of Basel/PSI
Dariusz Jarzabek, now at IPPT PAN, Warsaw
Dorota Siewert
Foteini Ravani, now at MaxLab, Lund
Andreas Scheybal, now at Dow Chemical, Lucerne
Timur Kim, now at Diamond Light Source
Nirmalya Ballav, now at IISER, Pune