Dr. Peng Han

Peng Han
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI


Peng Han did his PhD in physical chemistry at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP, Mainz, Germany). From there, he gained hands-on fs laser skills and got familiarised with optic rectification, one of the pioneering THz generation processes back then. Applying this spectroscopy on versatile solid-state nanostructured hybrid materials with a particular interest in a semiconducting 2D metal-organic-framework, he kept pushing the boundaries of his knowledge in the field of photo-physics/chemistry for cost-effective solar energy conversion. After his PhD studies, Peng Han went to the Max Bohn Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy (MBI, Berlin, Germany) as a postdoc. Three years of research experience enabled him to expand his expertise from solid-state to liquid-state, from THz to soft x-ray & mid-infrared, from table-top sources to large-facility sources (e.g. synchrotron, FEL).

In the long run, Peng Han would like to have his own research group in academia. Therefore, he was looking for a direct experience of developing novel THz sources. Moreover, he dreamed of investigating light-matter interaction down to quantum level via applying these sources. Here at PSI, he is aiming to generate narrowband picosecond THz pulses via routes based on totally different conceptions and to later apply those advanced light sources to achieve coherent control of donor Rydberg states in semiconductors for quantum error correction and/or quantum sensing.