SwissFEL nanoengineering
As per Jan. 1st 2020 the SwissFEL nanoengineering group has ben integrated in the new group of Prof. G.V. Shivashankar, PSI Division of Biology and Chemistry.
Research projects:
Recent updates
Chiwon Lee, who has been working at Max-Planck-Institute of Structural Dynamics and Matter for his PhD thesis in the group of Prof. Dr. R. J. Dwayne Miller in collaboration with S. Tsujino, has successfully defended his thesis "Development of Ultrabright Electron Sources and Time-Resolved Low-Energy Electron Diffractometer (LEED)" at University of Hamburg. Congratulations!
The Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI) is funding a PhD project in collaboration with Prof. Thomas R. Ward at University of Basel entitled "Revealing Protein Binding Dynamics Using Time-Resolved Diffraction Experiments at SwissFEL".
Information for applicants for the PhD position is found on the Webpage of the SNI PhD School.
"Oscillation resonances and anisotropic damping of the motion of acoustically levitated droplets in single-axis acoustic levitators" is now published in Applied Physics Letters.
"On-demand droplet loading of ultrasound acoustic levitator and its application for protein crystallography experiments" is now published in Applied Physics Letters.
S. Tsujino was named as a top reviewers 2018 of Applied Physics Letters.
"Microfabricated silicon chip as lipid membrane sample holder for serial protein crystallography ", by M.L. Gorzny et al. is now published in the new open access journal Micro and Nano Engineering.
"Single crystal time-lapse measurement using ultrasonic acoustic levitation", which was presented at the 13th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2018), is now published in AIP Conference Proceedings.
"Demonstration of femtosecond X-ray pump X-ray probe diffraction on protein crystals" by N. Opara et al. is now published in Structural Dynamics.
"Transverse structure of the wave function of field emission electron beam determined by intrinsic transverse energy" is now published in Journal of Applied Physics.
"Transmission low-energy electron diffraction using double-gate single nanotip field emitter" is now published in Applied Physics Letters.