Data Science


Public Tour Radiopharmacy

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of radiopharmacy at the Paul Scherrer Institute. Learn how radioactive substances are used in the diagnosis and treatment of serious illnesses such as cancer.


Public Tour Hot Laboratory

Discover the Hot Laboratory nuclear facility during our guided tour, a unique experimental facility in Switzerland for the nuclear technology investigation and analysis of highly radioactive materials. This is supported by a well-developed infrastructure in terms of safety, analysis, and preparation, with unique laboratories at your disposal.

Ein Strahlkanal des SwissFEL

Public Tour of the SwissFEL

The SwissFEL is one of only five X-ray laser facilities worldwide that can generate hard X-rays in laser quality and make them available for research. During our tour, we will learn about the operation and main research objectives of the X-ray laser and then take a guided walk to view the key components of the 700-meter-long facility.

Ab-Blasfass 2025

Die Polymechaniker im vierten Lehrjahr und ihr gemeinsames Projekt

Aus einer Idee entsteht ein Produkt für die ganze Werkstatt

OASE 2025

Ein Tag im Personalrestaurant Oase

…..willst Du mehr wissen, was es alles braucht, um Dich im PSI zu verpflegen?

Halloran et al

Connection between f-electron correlations and magnetic excitations in UTe2

The detailed anisotropic dispersion of the low-temperature, low-energy magnetic excitations of the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe2 is revealed using inelastic neutron scattering. The magnetic excitations emerge from the Brillouin zone boundary at the high symmetry Y and T points and disperse along the crystallographic b-axis. In applied magnetic fields ...

LEC Highlight December 2024

Decentralized hydrogen-based stationary energy storage systems complemented by smart control can provide increased operational flexibility in the energy system

While the electrification of the energy system implies a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions greatly beneficial to society, it can also pose technical challenges. The most notable among these are that the capacity of the local electric grid may be exceeded, along with the occurrence of imbalances between decentralized renewable energy production and final consumption. Hydrogen-based energy storage systems (HESS) are regarded as promising solutions to address these challenges. However, the feasibility has not been demonstrated and the involved processes are not well characterized on a technical relevant power level, so far. 

Sarenac et al

Small-angle scattering interferometry with neutron orbital angular momentum states

Methods to prepare and characterize neutron helical waves carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) were recently demonstrated at small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) facilities. These methods enable access to the neutron orbital degree of freedom which provides new avenues of exploration in fundamental science experiments as well as in material characterization applications. 

However, ....

Gruppenfoto im Lehrlingslager

100 Tage als Mediamatik-Lernender am PSI

Als Mediamatiker helfe ich die Internetseite zu pflegen, auf Social Media zu posten sowie Fotos und Videos zu bearbeiten. In den ersten 100 Tagen meiner Lehre am PSI konnte ich schon viele grossartige Erfahrungen machen.

Kane et al

Evidence of antiferromagnetism in ultrathin metallic (111)-oriented LaNiO3 films

Antiferromagnets with exotic spin textures promise low-power spintronic devices with extremely high operating frequencies and resistance to external perturbations. In particular, the combination of highly tunable correlated electron physics, as in complex oxides, with metallicity and antiferromagnetism is desirable but exceedingly rare. LaNiO3, the lone example of a perovskite nickelate which is metallic across all temperatures, has long been a promising candidate, but the antiferromagnetic metallic state has remained elusive. We demonstrate the emergence  ...

Jahresschlussapéro 2024

Jahresschlussapéro 2024

Ein erfolgreiches Berufsjahr geht zu Ende

Decrausaz Dectris award

Brigitte Decrausaz receives DECTRIS Award of Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at UZH

Brigitte Decrausaz, PhD student at LNS, received the DECTRIS Award 2023/2024 for the Best Master's Thesis in Experimental Physics at the University of Zürich.

Teaser Highlight OpenSPACE

Not Rocket Science, just Nuclear Rocket Science

The PSI Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT) conducts computational and experimental research with focus on the safety of nuclear reactors and systems. In recent years, it established the EPSILON program to coordinate and consolidate its research activities on nuclear space applications. Among other things, developments were initiated towards an open-source European platform for high-fidelity simulations and experiments dedicated to space nuclear reactors. Referred to as the openSPACE platform, its underlying concepts are a) to include not only solvers but also reference simulation models as well as experimental validation data; b) to make all of these available to the broader and combined nuclear- and space communities for usage and/or further developments. Through this, the goal is thus not only to facilitate collaborative research in this area but also to enable effective support to the European Space Agency for thorough design, safety and performance evaluations of nuclear reactor systems for in-space propulsion and/or surface power. A first development phase focused on nuclear electric propulsion was proposed and retained among the two projects selected in 2023 by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) for its MARVIS call (Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Ventures in Space) and funded by the Swiss Secretariat for Research and Innovation (SERI). This project, to be conducted via four inter-connected PhD theses, was launched in October 2024 and this marks thus a key milestone for the propulsion of PSI nuclear research towards space.

de Reotier et al

Origin of the Suppression of Magnetic Order in MnSi under Hydrostatic Pressure

We experimentally study the evolution of the magnetic moment 𝑚 and exchange interaction 𝐽 as a function of hydrostatic pressure in the zero-field helimagnetic phase of the strongly correlated electron system MnSi. The suppression of magnetic order at ≈1.5  GPa is shown to arise from the 𝐽 collapse and not from a quantum fluctuations induced reduction of 𝑚. Our work provides benchmarks ...