
The Committee for Equal Opportunities at PSI 

  • is information point for all employees on equal opportunity issues.
  • is an consultation point for all employees in the event gender specific problems, discrimination, mobbing and sexual harassment at the workplace (see persons of trust) Consultation hours: by appointment only

Persons of Trust in cases of sexual harassment and Mobbing at PSI

A "friendly and ambitious workspace" is an important priority for PSI. Mobbing or sexual harassment of any kind is not tolerated. If PSI employees are affected, they have the right to defend themselves. The Committee for Equal Opportunities supports them in this matter. Early action increases the chances of solving a problem. It is important not to be left alone with what has been experienced. For this reason, the committee provides Confidential Advisors. They are bound by confidentiality and will only take action with the consent of the person seeking support. They listen to, counsel and support those affected or third parties observing, if necessary with the assistance of external experts.

In addition to the PSI representatives, an external confidential consultants are also available to employees.

Employees of PSI find further information in the Intranet by using the key word "Counseling".

Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(Please note: E-Mails to this address reach all the committee members.)