Dual Career Advice at PSI

The PSI Dual Career Advice is currently aimed exclusively at partners of PSI employees with a permanent contract who have been recruited from abroad.

PSI Dual Career Advice:

PSI offers a Dual Career Advice for partners of employees recruited from abroad with a permanent contract. For their partners there is the possibility of a counselling session. Please contact your divisional HR Manager if required.

Useful information for dual career partners of employees at PSI who have recently moved to Switzerland can be found here: Dual Career Information

The guidelines concerning the employment for spouses, life partners and relatives at ETHZ apply for PSI analogiously: Guidelines Dual Career ETHZ

Since the revision of the Personnel Ordinance 2020 employment for spouses, partners and relatives is regulated in Art. 53a111, 2: It is ensured that "employees who are married to each other, living in a partnership, closely related or related by marriage are employed so that they do not work directly together or are in a direct subordinate relationship. Anyone in such a relationship must report that fact to his or her supervisor." (translated). See ETH Domain Personnel Ordinance (only available in German, Italian and French)

PSI is official member of the Basel-Zurich chapter of the International Dual Career Network (IDCN).

On the platform http://registration.idcn.info/user/register, partners of PSI employees can become part of the network and then register for the events of IDCN. The aim of the events is to connect persons who have recently moved to Switzerland with institutions and firms domiciled in the area.

PSI is a member of the Swiss Academic Dual Career Network (S-ADCN). This network aspires a strategy to support Dual Career Couples. The collaboration of academic and research institutions with the economy, associations, and the public administration pursues these requests with measures summarized in a Letter of Intent (not available in English yet).

The BNF (Beraten = Consulting, Netzwerken = Networking, Fördern = Promoting) is a national organizational unit and qualification program run by the University of Bern. The organization supports academics through personal counseling, professional networking and targeted training. You can find a helpful flyer here.

If you are interested in participating in a networking event or courses as well as in consultations, please consult the following website: https://www.bnf.unibe.ch/index_eng.html(link is external)

For specific questions, please contact Melina Spycher (Diversity Manager).

Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

(Please note: E-Mails to this address reach all the committee members.)