Maternity and Paternity Leave
Paid maternity leave of 16 weeks is granted following the birth of a child. After consultation, half of this leave can be taken as a self-determined reduction of the level of employment. If the the other parent also works in the ETH Domain, this leave can be divided between the parents, as they choose.
If children up to the age of 6 years, and children with disabilities, are fostered with the intent to adopt, paid leave of two months is granted.
Fathers may take twenty days' paid paternity leave after the birth of their child. Partners of the person giving birth are also entitled to paternity leave since the adoption of "Marriage for All" as of July 1, 2022.
Child and education allowances
PSI pays generous child and education allowances. Per year, these are:
- CHF 4605.60.- for the 1. child
- CHF 2940.55.- for every subsequent child, up to the age of 16
- CHF 3310.80.- for every subsequent child, from the age of 16 and still receiving an education
If employment is part-time and below 50 %, the level of the allowance conforms to that set down in the Swiss Law on Family Allowances.
Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
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