(female Mentoring: Leadership for Equity And Diversity)

  • What does leadership (in general / at PSI, Empa, Eawag, WSL) mean?
  • Is that something for me?
  • What steps can I take if I want to become a leader?
  • How can I expand my network?
  • What are the (unwritten) laws in the professional environment?

In the field of diversity, equity and inclusion, PSI's top priority is to increase the proportion of women in the core areas of PSI (see guiding principles in the Diversity Mission Statement). Therefore, we systematically reduce structural barriers and disadvantages and offer various support programs specifically for women, such as feM-LEAD.

The goal of the mentoring programme is the planning of the mentee's career, e.g. through an insight into the career and work experience of the mentor or platforms for visibility and networking. The aim is to promote the mentee's professional career in an enriching way and to encourage them to engage with the leadership topic.

Target group of feM-LEAD:

  • Women who think about taking on a leadership role in the future (at your or another institution) or would like to find out if this is something for them
  • Women who are prepared to spend time for this on a regular basis  (approx. 8 - 10 working days during one year)
  • Female scientists (after postdoc), technicians or women working in administration with a valid contract at PSI, Empa, Eawag or WSL during the duration of the programme

How does feM-LEAD differ from other leadership-programmes for new and upcoming managers?

  • The participants do not yet have a management position, but are interested in one
  • The programme is aimed specifically at women in order to promote gender balance in management positions

Over the course of a year, mentees are supported by mentors in a personal 1:1 mentoring. In a trusting, supportive setting, they can work together with an experienced person on their professional development and benefit from the knowledge and experience of their mentors. An assessment (BIP® test) and accompanying events lay the foundations for the mentoring relationship and promote the networking and visibility of the mentees. The programme is rounded off by courses and trainings on leadership and personal development, which can be selected according to personal interests, and peer coaching.   

Duration: September 2024 - September 2025

The mentees of current round

PSI: Carolin Fichtner, Ye Zhang, Julia Stadler, Florencia Malamud, Tatjana Weber, Hebatallah Mostafa, Nina Genz,Emma Beale

Empa: Carlota Boza-Ginesta, Paula Navascués, Sandra Bürgi, Dea (Andrea) Wehrli, Mashael Yazdanie, Barbara Putz

Eawag: Silvana Käser, Marta Reyes, Alexandra Kroll

WSL: Anne Kempel, Marion Sommer, Irene Cordero Herrera, Isabella Schalko

Duration of programme: September 2024 - September 2025

The mentees of the 4th round

PSI: Natalia Kirchgeorg, Sophie Bürgler, Tatiana Latychevskaia, Kate Smith, Serena Psoroulas

Empa: Edith Perret, Katharina Zwicky, Annina Schneider, Ellina Bernard, Martina Cihova, Elena Mavrona, Eleonora Crenna, Kirsten Remmen, Yashoda Chandorkar

WSL: Tessa Hegetschweiler, Livia Piermattei, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Marielle Fraefel, Linda Ettlin

Duration of programme: March 2023 - March 2024

The mentees of the 3rd round

Boiger RomanaBonnin AnneBossin LilyHennemann LauraLütz Bueno VivianeMorillo Candas Ana SofiaPoghosyan EmiliyaSliz MalgorzataTimpu FlaviaTsai Ching-JuVerezhak MarianaZoller Carolin

Duration of programme: February 2022 - February 2023

The mentees of the 2nd round

Yvonne BäuerleMartina BarandunMalgorzata KasprzakMaya KellerOlga SafonovaZeynep TalipVasudha VermaJustyna Aleksandra Wojdyla

Duration of the programme: October 2019 - October 2020

The mentees of the 1st round

Lea Caminada - Awardee CMS Young Researcher’s Prize 2018, Agnieszka Hamburger-NowakowskaChristine KlauserMonica KosaPolina OtiougovaCinthia PiamontezeJulia SchmaleSabrina TietzeXiaojin Zhang

Duration of the programme: May 2018 – April 2019