Pronouns in our signature

pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically.¹

Why do we include our pronouns in the signature?
Certain people in society prefer different pronouns than we assume. Other people also see themselves as neither male nor female. At PSI, too, such people can be encountered. In order to provide our employees with an inclusive work environment, we have decided to present our pronouns. We tell them how we would like to be addressed, so they have the opportunity to tell us their pronouns as well. This helps them and us to overcome uncomfortable situations and questions.

PSI employees can use our signature as a template and link it to this website if they are interested.

One speaks of trans when a person's inner knowledge of what gender they are (gender identity) does not match the gender assigned at birth. Terms that are also used for this include transgender or transidentity. Some also use the older term "transsexuality".

Transgender Network Switzerland

We want disrespectful behavior to be addressed at an early stage so that it can be stopped quickly and effectively. To this end, we have created various contact points, including low-threshold ones.

Links on the topic of trans people:

¹ 'pronouns' Merriam Webster (2021)

Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(Please note: E-Mails to this address reach all the committee members.)