PSI Diversity Award for Executives

The first award ceremony of the PSI Diversity Award for executives took place for the first time on January 16, 2019, and will be realised every two years. In the process, managers are nominated by their team members.

The following criteria, for instance, are decisive for the nomination of executives:

  • Does your boss foster diversity in their team and at PSI?
  • Do they lead the team in the sense of promoting diversity and equal opportunity as well as the respectful interaction with each other?

Satisfied, healthy and committed employees are our most important asset. They ensure innovation and performance. Fairness, openness and respect at all levels as well as equal treatment of all employees are the management principles of the Paul Scherrer Institute.


The award ceremony was held during the Director's New Year's Employee Information on January 16, 2025.

Winner: Marc Janoschek
Finalists: Elisabeth Müller and Giovanni Pizzi

from a total of 8 nominated executives

Diversity Award 2024
Christian Rüegg, Marc Janoschek, Giovanni Pizzi, Elisabeth Müller und Melina Spycher (v. l.)


The award ceremony was held during the Director's New Year's Employee Information on January 17, 2023.

Winner: Klaus Kirch 
Finalists: Daniel Schnorf und Martina Gröschl

from a total of 7 nominated executives

Gewinner und Finalist*innen Diversity Award
Karsten Bugmann, Daniel Schnorf, Dr. Klaus Kirch, Martina Gröschl, Melina Spycher (v.l.)


The award ceremony was held online during the Director's New Year's Employee Information on January 19, 2021.

Winner: Eva Hartmann
Finalists: Marco Stampanoni and David Meer

from a total of 11 nominated executives

Diversity Award 2020


Winner: Peter Burgherr
Finalists: Bénédicte Hofstetter-Boillat & Bernd Schmitt

from a total of 20 nominated executives

Divaersity Award 2018
Preisverleihung 2019 - Dr. Xiaodan Li, Dr. Thierry Strässle, Dr. Bénédicte Hofstetter-Boillat, Dr. Bernd Schmitt, Dr. Peter Burgherr, Natalie Lerch-Pieper, Karsten Bugmann (v.l.)

Further topics on the promotion of young researchers and leadership: