Mission, Action Plan & Strategy

At PSI, we live diversity, and we want to be known and recognised for our exemplary inclusion and equity policy. That is why we follow a mission statement for diversity, equity and inclusion. The official mission statement can be found here

The Committee for Equal Opportunities together with the Center of Competence for Diversity & Inclusion has the mission to support the directorate in ensuring equal opportunities for all employees to increase their motivation and performance.

The implementation of equal opportunities means: Nobody shall be disadvantaged because of their origin, gender, age, language, social position, way of life, their religious, ideological or political convictions or because of a physical, mental or psychological impairment.

PSI's Committee for Equal Opportunities contributes towards a corporate culture based on equality of opportunity. For this purpose, it is in exchange with PSI employees, human resources management and the directorate. Together with other units at PSI, it is dedicated to prevent discrimination, mobbing and sexual harassment and offers contact points for employees who feel harassed (persons of trust). It is also dedicated to optimize the reconciliation of work and family life. The committee also supports PSI in measures that help increase the proportion of women in leadership positions, research and technology.


The Action Plan Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2021-2024 is oriented towards the Mission Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Tabelar Overview of Goals and Main Measures: 
Ziel Indikator Hauptmassnahmen

A: Erhöhung Anteil Frauen in Kerngebieten

Besetzung Kader Frauen: 25%
Besetzung Postd. Frauen: 30%
Anteil Kader Frauen 2024: 15%

(2020: 12%)
  • PSI Fellow
  • Postdocs & Kader
  • Bereichsleitung
  • Prüfung Anreizsysteme Umsetzung definieren in Arbeitsgruppe des Direktors

B: Förderung interne Inklusionskultur

Ergebnisse MA-Befragung

  • Respekt-Kampagne
  • Adaption «Career Return Program»
  • Reduzierte Kita-Kosten für Wenig Verdienende

C: PSI als Arbeitgeber mit hoher Diversität & Inklusionskultur bekannter machen

Mehr Bewerbungen von Frauen

  • Begeisterung für MINT-Berufe
  • Vorbilder zeigen
  • Prüfung «Hire 4 Excellence»

D: Förderung Einstellung Menschen mit Beeinträchtigungen

Anteil Beeinträchtigte 2024: 1.5%
(2020: 0.5%)

  • Barrierefreie Personalgewinnung und Arbeitsumgebung
  • Sensibilisierung Führungskräfte
  • Aufbau Beratungsstellen / Netzwerke

The previous Action Plan Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2017-2020 can be found here: 

The ETH Domain aims to improve gender balance among its employees by increasing the percentage of women in teaching and research as well as in leadership positions. Ensuring equal opportunity for all genders is a fundamental requirement to achieve this goal.

Further information:

Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

(Please note: E-Mails to this address reach all the committee members.)