18 February 2023: National Day of Action for Equal Pay

February 18, 2023 is the Equal Pay Day. A national day of action making the wagegap between men and women visible. The date changes from year to year to reflect the salary gap. In 2023, women in Switzerland will earn an average of 13.8% less than men with the same work. In other words, women worked for free until 18 February. PSI is working on equalisation.

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Within the ETH Domain, the Equal Pay Analysis verifies that equal work is recognized with the same pay - regardless of gender. In doing so, the EQUAL-SALARY method will help the institutions of the ETH Domain to ensure equal pay. 

The Paul Scherrer Institute has signed the Charter for Equal Pay in 2019. As such, PSI is committed to regular reviews and compliance with equal pay.

What this precisely entails and further information can be found on the Swiss government's website:

Committee for Equal Opportunities

(Please note: E-Mails to this address reach all the committee members.)