Call for applications: CONNECT

PSI is part of the collaboration project under Module B of the Swissuniversities program «P7 - Equal Opportunities and University Development 2017-2020». Since 2018, six academic institutions from the ETH Domain (ETHZ, EPFL, Eawag, Empa, PSI, WSL) and the University of Zurich (UZH) have decided to offer young female scientists an interactive program to give them real insights into career opportunities outside academia. CONNECT answers those questions that are not covered by career services or job fairs. 

Announcement of the 4th round - apply now!
From now on interested PhDs, postdocs or female scientists* can apply to the 4th round.
Part of the program is the analysis of your own career path, CV and application documents, meeting Role Models in industry and the public sector and the analysis of what you have learned as a conclusion of the project participation. You can find out more about the program on the CONNECT website.