Do you want to find out about career-building programmes such as CONNECT for female scientists at Swiss universities? Then take part in the hybrid information event on 31 May 2023!
The 5 presenting career development programmes for female scientists
Das Réseau romand de mentoring pour femmes
The Réseau romand is a mentoring program for the next generation of women. It helps female researchers in resolving all issues related to academic life organization as well as their scientific project’s completion.
REGARD: The transversal skills workshop program for women researchers
The REGARD workshops offer you concrete tools for your academic career management - whether you are a PhD candidate, a member of the mid-level faculty or a women professor. During the workshops you develop your transversal skills together with other researchers from the six partner universities. REGARD is thus also a place for discussion and the exchange of experience between women researchers.
FEMINNO: entrepreneurship training and career development program for female researchers
FEMINNO helps you bridge your academic research with innovation, entrepreneurship and industry. Meet experienced career coaches, innovation experts and role models – let them inspire you and help you to mature your start-up idea.
Fix The Leaky Pipeline (FLP)
Fix the Leaky Pipeline (FLP) is a career-building program in the ETH Domain that gives young female scientists on the academic career path the opportunity to reflect on their professional situations and to develop a strategy for finding the career path that fits them best.
For additional information, please visit the CONNECT website.
Committee for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
(Please note: E-Mails to this address reach all the committee members.)