On this page, you will find helpful tools and links for families and others who need to combine care work and home office during Corona. The current circumstances considerably influence our way of working.
List on Childcare Coordination
Parents who are working remotely from home and are not able to look after their children at the same time, have the opportunity to organize themselves with others. This way they can form groups of maximally five children who can be taken care for. These groups are to be kept constant. For more information see https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home/krankheiten/ausbrueche-epidemien-pandemien/aktuelle-ausbrueche-epidemien/novel-cov/haeufig-gestellte-fragen.html go to item "May children meet privately with their friends to play?"and https://bajour.ch/a/2LOtvpAHuq8OlQWh/das-musst-du-beim-huten-beachten (German only).
If you are not yet well connected to your neighborhood (e.g. recently moved here from abroad) and need or can offer childcare locally, the following table can help you coordinate childcare with other families in your area:
The following link directs to groups that have already formed help organizations https://www.hilf-jetzt.ch/ (German and French only).
The following link contains a film by the city of Vienna in which Corona is explained to children as well as related regulations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_kU4oCmRFTw (German with English subtitles).
The following link contains information for children on how to wash their hands properly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXEo9LXPwDw (German with English subtitles).
The following link contains a film on a teacher who shows pupils how important it is to wash their hands:https://www.focus.de/familie/eltern/schutz-vor-viren-lehrerin-zeigt-schuelern-mit-genialem-experiment-wie-wichtig-es-ist-haende-zu-waschen_id_11781443.html (German only, original Video is in English).
Note on KIWI
I work for a "vital" service on site and have no care facilities for my children. Does PSI offer support? Our Kita Kiwi offers day care for children of all ages in this extraordinary situation. Please contact the head of the Day Care Center, Mrs Simone Brunner, 056 310 21 89
The social counselor Guido Toivanen(link is external) is available for consultations via Skype, Zoom etc. Phone: 079 810 14 81 E-mail: beratung@toivanen.ch
Help with Domestic Violence
According to the assessment of the Swiss Federal Office for Gender Equality (EBG), the measures taken may lead to a high increase in domestic violence in the coming weeks.
If you or someone close to you experiences domestic violence, contact the police or these counseling centers directly:
Police: 117
Victim Assistance Switzerland: https://opferhilfe-schweiz.ch/en/where-can-i-find-support/
The Presented Hand: https://www.143.ch/ (German, French, Italian only)
Women's shelters in Switzerland (these are still open): https://www.frauenhaus-schweiz.ch/
(German and French only)
Girls' house: https://mädchenhaus.ch/en/
Men's house: https://www.zwueschehalt.ch/(German only)