Fondements de la nature

A l’Institut Paul Scherrer, les scientifiques cherchent des réponses à la question essentielle des structures élémentaires de la matière et des principes fondamentaux de fonctionnement dans la nature. Ils étudient la structure et les propriétés des particules élémentaires – les plus petits composants de la matière – ou se penchent sur la question de savoir comment les molécules biologiques sont structurées et remplissent leur fonction. Les connaissances qu’ils acquièrent de la sorte ouvrent de nouvelles pistes de solution en sciences, en médecine ou dans le domaine des technologies.

Pour en savoir plus, reportez-vous à Aperçu Fondements de la nature

Highlight DIRK 02/2023 teaser

Approximate Computing for Nuclear Reactor Simulations

During the last decades, computing power has been subject to tremendous progress due to the shrinking of transistor size as predicted by Moore’s law. However, as we approach the physical limits of this scaling, alternative techniques have to be deployed to increase computing performance. In this regard, the next big advance is envisioned to be the usage of approximate computing hardware based on field-programmable gate arrays and/or digital-analogue in-memory circuits. Such approximate computing can provide disproportional gain (x1000) in energy efficiency and/or execution time for acceptable loss of simulation accuracy. This could be highly beneficial in order to accelerate computational intensive simulations such as reactor core analyses with higher resolution multi-physics models. On the other hand, the execution of programming codes on low-precision hardware may result in inadequate outcomes due to quality degradation and/or algorithm divergence. To address these questions, studies on the stability and the performance of advanced reactor simulation algorithms as function of reduced floating-point arithmetic precision are being conducted at the laboratory for reactor physics and thermal-hydraulics. Results obtained so far indicate a large room for the acceleration of nuclear engineering applications using mixed-precision hardware. Therefore, research is now being enlarged towards assessing multiprecision computing methods for reactor core simulations with higher spatial resolution.

Die Konstrukteuere im AKW

Die Konstrukteure im AKW Leibstadt

Der Strom kommt aus der Steckdose, oder?


A practical guide to pulsed laser deposition

A practical guide to pulsed laser deposition

Nanoscale thin films are widely implemented across a plethora of technological and scientific areas, and form the basis for many advancements that have driven human progress, owing to the high degree of functional tunability based on the chemical composition. Pulsed laser deposition is one of the multiple physical vapour deposition routes to fabricate thin films, employing laser energy to eject material from a target in the form of a plasma ...

F. Schirdewahn

Welcome to LXN Frederik Schirdewahn

Herzlich Willkommen Frederik Schirdewahn in LXN!

T. Wollschlegel

Welcome to LXN Theo Wollschlegel

Herzlich Willkommen Theo Wollschlegel in LXN!


Activity Trend Origin of Ethanol Oxidative Dehydrogenation over VOx/CeO2

Using operando time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy, we investigated the origin of volcano-shaped ethanol oxidative dehydrogenation activity trend of VOx/CeO2 catalysts as a function of VOx surface coverage. Vanadium and cerium synergistically change their oxidation states during the catalytic cycle. The catalytic activity correlates with the concentration of reversible Ce4+/3+species.

Wenxiang Hu

Welcome to LXN Wenxiang Hu

Herzlich Willkommen Wenxiang Hun in LXN!

Pd Hydrides on Pd/Al2O3 in Liquid Environment

Preparation, Quantification, and Reaction of Pd Hydrides on Pd/Al2O3 in Liquid Environment

The ability to study in situ the formation and consumption of Pd hydrides (PdH) in liquid environments is a significant challenge hampering a deeper understanding of catalyzed liquid-phase hydrogenation reactions. Here, using quick scanning X-ray absorption spectroscopy (QEXAFS), we present a detailed kinetic study of Pd hydride formation and reactivity on Pd/Al2O3 in 2-propanol solvent. 


Momentum-resolved electronic structure of LaTiO2N photocatalysts by resonant Soft-X-ray ARPES

Oxynitrides are promising materials for visible light-driven water splitting. However, limited information regarding their electron-momentum resolved electronic structure exists. Here, with the advantage of the enhanced probing depth and chemical state specificity of soft-X-ray ARPES, we determine the electronic structure of the photocatalyst oxynitride LaTiO2N and monitor its evolution as a consequence of the oxygen evolution reaction. After the photoelectrochemical reactions, we observe a partial loss of Ti- and La-N 2p states, distortions surrounding the local environment of titanium atoms and, unexpectedly, an indication of an electron accumulation layer at or near the surface, which may be connected with either a large density of metallic surface states or downward band bending. The distortions and defects associated with the titanium 3d states lead to the trapping of electrons and charge recombination, which is a major limitation for the oxynitride LaTiO2N. The presence of an accumulation layer and its evolution suggests complex mechanisms of the photoelectrochemical reaction, especially in cases where co-catalysts or passivation layers are used.

F. Dizdarevic

Welcome to LXN Faris Dizdarevic

Herzlich Willkommen Faris Dizdarevic in LXN!


Welcome to LXN Henry Bell

Herzlich Willkommen Henry Bell in LXN!

Equal Pay Day

18. Februar 2023: Nationaler Aktionstag für Lohngleichheit zwischen allen Geschlechtern

Am 18. Februar 2023 ist Equal Pay Day. Ein nationaler Aktionstag, bei dem die Lohnschere zwischen Männern und Frauen sichtbar gemacht wird. Was unternimmt das PSI dagegen? Lies weiter und finde es heraus! 

Advancing the JUNGFRAU detector toward low-energy X-ray applications

Advancing the JUNGFRAU detector toward low-energy X-ray applications

“Soft” x-rays are notoriously hard to detect. Particularly, in the context of high-performance synchrotron and free electron laser (FEL) experiments, suitable detector options for low-energy x-rays are highly sought after. Currently available options only provide limited area, readout speed, and dynamic range. Now, a team of scientists from the Laboratory for X-Ray Nanoscience and Technologies (LXN) at PSI are challenging these limitations. They combined a detector made at PSI with newly developed silicon sensors to push the resolution toward the soft x-ray limit. A first version of this detector system is now in operation at the SwissFEL endstation Maloja. And it points to further possibilities to refine the detector technology to eventually catch the elusive soft x-rays.

Team Charta

Team Charta für die Berufsbildung

Gelebte Werte und das Zusammenarbeiten wurden gemeinsam an einem Teamanlass erarbeitet.


Ein grosser Moment für die kommenden Lernenden und Praktikanten

Lehrvertragsunterzeichnung 2023

Ein grosser Moment für die kommenden Lernenden und Praktikanten