Forschung zu Covid-19

Am PSI widmen sich mehrere Projekte wichtigen Forschungsfragen rund um das Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 und den daraus resultierenden Erkrankungen. Wir informieren über Aktivitäten und Vorhaben, zum Beispiel zu Untersuchungen von Lungengewebe, zur Produktion von Proteinen und Antikörpern oder über Ideen für neue Forschung zu Covid-19.

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Pyrophosphate charge/discharge

Enhanced Stability of a Pyrophosphate cathode for Na-ion batteries

The structural changes of Na3.32Fe2.11Ca0.23(P2O7)2 during several charge discharge cycles is viewed by its powder pattern and selected cell parameter evolution.


Harnessing components from the optical internet for programmable spectroscopy

A novel concept for extracting information from spectra where traditional post-processing procedures fail, dubbed ‘software-defined spectroscopy’, offers a fresh approach to high-resolution terahertz spectroscopy. The new method implements an ‘optical comb’ and combines it with a programmable modulator, all using components from the optical internet.

Manuel Guizar-Sicairos

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos elected as Fellow member of The Optical Society (OSA)

Dr. Manuel Guizar-Sicairos, beamline scientist at the cSAXS beamline, was elected as a Fellow Member of The Optical Society (OSA) for seminal contributions to methods and applications of coherent lensless imaging, ptychography, x-ray nanotomography, and new modalities of x-ray microscopy.


Root induced soil deformation influences Fe, S and P: rhizosphere chemistry investigated using synchrotron XRF and XANES

Taking up nutrients from the soil is key to plant growth. Understanding and potentially controlling this process is important when growing food but also when caring for natural habitats, which are the basis for life on Earth. Typically, nutrients are tightly chemically bound to the soil, and roots need to create a chemical environment to harvest nutrients.  Here we use the special capabilities X-ray microscopy with tender X-rays to study the chemical changes of sulfur, phosphorus, and iron in the vicinity of plant roots (rhizosphere). We can show that Fe is slightly reduced, S is increasingly transformed into sulfate (SO42−) and phosphorus (P) is increasingly adsorbed to humic substances in this enrichment zone around the root.

Antognin PRL 2

Demonstration of Muon-Beam Transverse Phase-Space Compression

We demonstrate efficient transverse compression of a 12.5 MeV=c muon beam stopped in a helium gas target featuring a vertical density gradient and crossed electric and magnetic fields. The muon stop distribution extending vertically over 14 mm was reduced to a 0.25 mm size (rms) within 3.5 μs. The simulation including cross sections ...



Refined diagnosis of the “concrete disease”

When bridges, dam walls and other structures made of concrete (cement and aggregates such as sand/gravel) are marked by map-like cracks after a few decades, the diagnosis is ASR (alkali-silica Reaction), in popular science terms also called “concrete disease or concrete cancer”.  The ASR-induced microscale crack initiation can hardly be modelled, mainly due to our limited knowledge of the structure and property of the ASR products. Using X-ray absorption micro-spectroscopy at the PHOENIX beamline of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) allowed a refined diagnosis of ASR products by providing new insights into the crystallinity and structure of ASR products with micro-scale resolution.

Heidelberg DWL66+ at LMN

Installation of Heidelberg DWL66+

Heidelberg DWL66+ direct laser writer, funded by ANAXAM, is in operation now. It is a new photolithographic system closing the gap between the mask aligners on one side and the Nanoscribe two-photon 3D lithography system on the other. It is equipped with semiconductor laser with the wave length of 405 nm and is capable of exposing the minimum feature size down to 0.3 µm on wafers up to 200 mm or 9"x9" mask blanks.

Pip Small

Electroless Deposition of Ni–Fe Alloys on Scaffolds for 3D Nanomagnetism

3D magnetic nanostructures are of great interest due to the possibility to design novel properties and the benefits for both technological applications such as high-density data storage, as well as more fundamental studies.

One of the main challenges facing the realization of these three-dimensional systems is their fabrication, which includes the deposition of magnetic materials on 3D surfaces. In this work, the electroless deposition of Ni–Fe

on a 3D-printed, non-conductive microstructure is presented.


Algorithm protocol flowchart.

Automatic extraction of dynamic features from sub-second tomographic microscopy data

A fully automatized iterative reconstruction pipeline designed to reconstruct and segment dynamic processes within a static matrix has been developed at TOMCAT. The algorithm performance is demonstrated on dynamic fuel cell data where it enabled automatic extraction of liquid water dynamics from sub-second tomographic microscopy data. The work is published in Scientific Reports on 2 October 2020.

Algorithm protocol flowchart.

Automatic extraction of dynamic features from sub-second tomographic microscopy data

A fully automatized iterative reconstruction pipeline designed to reconstruct and segment dynamic processes within a static matrix has been developed at TOMCAT. The algorithm performance is demonstrated on dynamic fuel cell data where it enabled automatic extraction of liquid water dynamics from sub-second tomographic microscopy data. The work is published in Scientific Reports on 2 October 2020.


Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione grant for Franziska Hagelstein

Franziska Hagelstein has been awarded a Swiss National Science Foundation Ambizione grant with PSI as host institution. She joined the particle theory group (NUM, Laboratory of Particle Physics LTP) in October 2020. In the near future she will be accompanied by a PhD student.

Two-color, twin-focus zone plate

Two-color snapshots of ultrafast charge and spin dynamics

In a joint research effort, an international team of scientists lead by Emmanuelle Jal (Sorbonne Université) performed a time-resolved experiment at the FERMI free-electron laser to disclose the dynamic behavior of two magnetic element of a compount material in only one snapshot. The X-ray Optics and Applications group developed a dedicated optical element for this experiment that is usable with two different photon energies (colors) simultaneously.

PSI - member of the Microsoft Quantum Network

The PSD is a research partner in the Microsoft Quantum Network, which is a broad community of individuals and organizations collaborating with Microsoft to advance a comprehensive quantum ecosystem, develop practical solutions, and build a robust quantum workforce.

The institutions of scientific excellence are partnering collaboratively with Microsoft to pursue the advancement of quantum computing research, development, and education. The large scale facilities at PSI, in particular the Swiss Light Source, offers unique characterizations techniques to shed light on the secrets of functional materials.


Spin cascade and doming in ferric hemes

In biology, structure and function are closely interwoven. A case in point is oxygen transport in the lungs, which relies on ferrous heme proteins adopting dome-like shapes.

Remote Operation of the PEEM Endstation

We have recently upgraded the PEEM endstation at the SIM beamline to enable remotely controlled experiments via internet and mailed-in samples. Sample positioning and tilt control is now possible by means of a motorized sample stage. A newly developed computer controlled switchbox is available for remote temperature control and in situ application of electric or magnetic fields to the sample.

Novel Optics

Novel optics enable better X-ray Free Electron Laser experiments

Our research on multifocus off-axis zone plates was accepted in “Optica”, the highest impact journal of the Optical Society of America. In the paper we report on different ways to combine focusing and beam-splitting functionalities in one single optical element.

First light at Maloja endstation

First light in the SwissFEL Maloja endstation

The first endstation at the SwissFEL Athos soft X-ray branch is rapidly developing and on track for first experiments in 2021.

Title page of the Mu3e TDR

Technical Design of the Phase I Mu3e Experiment published on the arXiv

In almost a decade of R&D, we have developed a detailed technical design for the Mu3e experiment, based on many new and exciting detector technologies. 

Kanazawa PRL

Direct Observation of the Statics and Dynamics of Emergent Magnetic Monopoles in a Chiral Magnet

In the three-dimensional (3D) Heisenberg model, topological point defects known as spin hedgehogs behave as emergent magnetic monopoles, i.e., quantized sources and sinks of gauge fields that couple strongly to conduction electrons, and cause unconventional transport responses such as the gigantic Hall effect. We observe a dramatic change in the Hall effect upon the transformation of a spin hedgehog crystal in a chiral magnet MnGe through combined measurements of magnetotransport and small-angle neutron scattering (SANS).