Stellenangebote Stellenangebote AlleBeschleunigerwissenschaften und -technologienDirektionComputergestützte Wissenschaften, Theorie und DatenZentrum für Protonen TherapieCorporate ServicesEnergie- und UmweltwissenschaftenPersonalLife SciencesNukleartechnologien und -wissenschaftenNeutronen- und MyonenforschungPhotonenforschung Offene Stellen AlleAdministrationLehrstellenDiversesDoktorierendeTechnik/LaborInformatikPraktikaPost-DoktorierendeWissenschaft Segment Suche 31.01.2025 •Administration •1380-00 •70 - 90% Stellvertretende Leitung Berufsbildung und Berufsbildner*in KV (70-90%) 31.01.2025 •Doctoral •5312-01 •100% PhD Student in Rechargeble Battery Anodes 19.12.2024 •Informatik •9524-00 •100% Network Engineer 29.01.2025 •Internship •2000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Life Sciences 29.01.2025 •Internship •5000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Energy and Environmental Sciences 29.01.2025 •Internship •8000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Accelerator Science and Engineering 29.01.2025 •4601-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for nuclear materials science and engineering 29.01.2025 •Internship •3000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Neutron and Muon Sciences 29.01.2025 •Internship •6000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Photon Science 29.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •3702-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in proton conducting ceramic thin films for energy storage and conversion 29.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4403-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for AI enhanced multiscale reactive transport simulations and digital twins of iron-cement systems 29.01.2025 •Engineering / Laboratory •100% Head Department of Accelerator Technology / Professor of Accelerator Physics at ETHZ 29.01.2025 •Internship •4000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Nuclear Engineering and Sciences 29.01.2025 •Internship •7000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Scientific Computing, Theory and Data 29.01.2025 •Internship •9000-T1 •100% Summer Students in Corporate Services 29.01.2025 •Diverses •9671-00 •100% Mitarbeitende*n im Sicherheits- und Zugangskontrolldienst 24.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •5505-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow 23.01.2025 •Engineering / Laboratory •2215-01 •100% Chemical/Laboratory Technician 03.10.2024 •Diverses •9624-01 •100% Gruppenleiter*in Rückbaustudien 23.01.2025 •Administration •1354-00 •100% Leiter*in Career Center & Projekte 13.12.2024 •Science •3000-00 •100% Head PSI Center for Neutron and Muon Sciences (CNM) 22.01.2025 •Doctoral •2411-00 •100% PhD Student 22.01.2025 •Diverses •9620-01 •80 - 100% Projektleiter*in, Physiker*in 80-100% 22.01.2025 •Doctoral •2411-01 •100% PhD Student 22.10.2024 •Diverses •9620-00 •100% Gruppenleiter*in Sicherheitsanalysen 22.01.2025 •Diverses •9670-00 •100% Fachspezialist*in Sicherung 21.01.2025 •Science •5312-00 •100% Scientist (Tenure Track) for Battery Aging and Safety 21.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •2215-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in radiochemistry 19.12.2024 •Technik/Labor •9353-00 •100% Techniker*in Gebäudeleitsystem 17.01.2025 •Doctoral •4103-02 •100% PhD Student for core-wide fuel behavior analysis 17.01.2025 •Doctoral •3704-00 •100% PhD Student in implementation of autonomous epitaxy combining experiments, simulations and machine learning 15.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4103-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for thermal-hydraulics modelling, verification, and validation (EASI-SMR project) 15.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4103-01 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for thermal-hydraulics modelling and safety aspects of non-electric nuclear energy production (SANE project) 15.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4501-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for environmental assessment of decarbonization strategies in mining and supply chains of critical raw materials in the context of the European Green Deal 14.01.2025 •Administration •3500-00 •60% Assistent*in (60%) 12.01.2025 •Wissenschaft •9640-00 •100% Physiker*in 19.12.2024 •Diverses •9142-01 •100% SAP CC Senior Expert*in 60-100% 19.12.2024 •Diverses •9131-01 •100% Gruppenleitung Einkauf 19.12.2024 •Doctoral •6212-01 •100% PhD Students for spatial and temporal characterization of soft XFEL pulses using diffractive optical elements 12.12.2024 •Internship •8433-T1 •100% Trainee for the visualization of two-phase flow in cryogenic pulsating heat pipes 06.12.2024 •Technik/Labor •9621-00 •100% Ingenieur*in 28.11.2024 •Internship •8414-T1 •100% Trainee in Numerical Optimization of High Brightness Electron sources for FELs with the inclusion of intra-beam scattering 29.08.2024 •Diverses •9670-02 •80 - 100% Fachspezialist*in Sicherheit und Brandschutz 01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Fachfrau - Fachmann Reinigungstechnik EFZ / Praktikerin - Praktiker Reinigungstechnik EBA
31.01.2025 •Administration •1380-00 •70 - 90% Stellvertretende Leitung Berufsbildung und Berufsbildner*in KV (70-90%)
29.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •3702-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow in proton conducting ceramic thin films for energy storage and conversion
29.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4403-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for AI enhanced multiscale reactive transport simulations and digital twins of iron-cement systems
29.01.2025 •Engineering / Laboratory •100% Head Department of Accelerator Technology / Professor of Accelerator Physics at ETHZ
17.01.2025 •Doctoral •3704-00 •100% PhD Student in implementation of autonomous epitaxy combining experiments, simulations and machine learning
15.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4103-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for thermal-hydraulics modelling, verification, and validation (EASI-SMR project)
15.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4103-01 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for thermal-hydraulics modelling and safety aspects of non-electric nuclear energy production (SANE project)
15.01.2025 •Postdoctoral •4501-00 •100% Postdoctoral Fellow for environmental assessment of decarbonization strategies in mining and supply chains of critical raw materials in the context of the European Green Deal
19.12.2024 •Doctoral •6212-01 •100% PhD Students for spatial and temporal characterization of soft XFEL pulses using diffractive optical elements
12.12.2024 •Internship •8433-T1 •100% Trainee for the visualization of two-phase flow in cryogenic pulsating heat pipes
28.11.2024 •Internship •8414-T1 •100% Trainee in Numerical Optimization of High Brightness Electron sources for FELs with the inclusion of intra-beam scattering
01.08.2024 •Lehrstellen •100% Fachfrau - Fachmann Reinigungstechnik EFZ / Praktikerin - Praktiker Reinigungstechnik EBA