ANAXAM has Officially Launched

Anaxam officially started operations as of today. Anaxam is a technology transfer center created as a collaboration between PSI, the FHNW, the SNI and the Kanton of Aargau. Created to provide simplified access for industry to the large research facilities at PSI and focused on delivering services to support Advanced Manufacturing, both in the improvement of existing products as well as with manufacturing processes. Anaxam seeks to provide answers to Advanced Manufacturing problems and challenges with an end-to-end analysis service utilizing neutrons and x-rays, starting with customer consulting through to report preparation and results interpretation. From PSI’s perspective, Anaxam is a partner that provides a simplified access to the complex world of neutrons and synchrotron x-rays – often misunderstood or considered too complex for industrial use, and as a result augments the reach of PSI with regard to access to technology at PSI. A clear win for Technology Transfer at PSI. Anaxam engages its customers with an unintimidating industrial mindset and approach. For investigative and collaborative research with Industry PSI will continue to be the direct collaboration partner. Anaxam’s offices will be located within Park Innovaare.

Sie stehen hinter Anaxam: Thierry Strässle (Direktor PSI), Urs Hofmann (Volkswirtschaftsdirektor Aargau), Christian Grünzweig (Geschäftsführer Anaxam), Frithjof Nolting (Präsident Verein Anaxam), Vincenza Trivigno (Staatsschreiberin Aargau), Jürg Christener (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz), Clemens Schulze-Briese (Vizepräsident Verein Anaxam), Lars Sommerhäuser (Dachverband AM-TTC), Hans-Helmuth Jung (Spectra Flow AG, von links) beim Gruppenbild im Innern der Synchrotron-Lichtquelle am Paul- Scherrer-Institut in Villigen.