Robust Magnetic Properties of a Sublimable Single Molecule Magnet
The organization of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) on surfaces via thermal sublimation is a prerequisite for the development of future devices for spintronics exploiting the richness of properties offered by these magnetic molecules. However, a change in the SMM properties due to the interaction with specific surfaces is usually observed.
The role of ions in the self-healing behavior of soft particle suspensions
Understanding when a material crystallizes is of fundamental importance in condensed matter. In many materials, the presence of point defects suppresses crystallization. Surprisingly, colloidal hydrogels can overcome this limitation: A small number of large microgels can spontaneously deswell to fit in the crystal lattice of smaller microgels, thus avoiding the occurrence of point defects.
Recognition as 'Highly Cited Researchers'
Two researchers of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI were recognized by Thomson Reuters as Highly Cited Researchers 2015. Their published articles rank in the top 1% most cited articles in their subject field for the year of publication.
Bäume tauschen untereinander Kohlenstoff aus
Waldbäume nutzen Kohlenstoff nicht nur für sich – sie tauschen auch grosse Mengen davon über ihre Wurzeln mit Nachbarbäumen aus. Der intensive Kohlenstoffhandel von Baum zu Baum – auch zwischen verschiedenen Baumarten – verläuft über symbiotische Pilzfäden im Boden.
Den Krebs im Inneren treffen
Im Kampf gegen Krebs untersuchen Forschende am Paul Scherrer Institut PSI eine neue Methode, um radioaktive Substanzen nicht nur aussen an eine Tumorzelle anzuheften, sondern sie bis in den Zellkern einzuschleusen. Wenn man die passenden radioaktiven Verbindungen findet, hat dieses Wirkprinzip das Potenzial, in Zukunft bei mehreren Arten von Krebs zu helfen.
Phonon spectroscopy reveals important details of geophysical relevant materials
Using inelastic x-ray scattering and parameter-free calculations the authors provide the first complete and fully consistent lattice dynamics description of MgSiO3-brigmanite, the main constituent of the Earth’s lower mantle and one of the most important Earth’s minerals.
Methan nutzen statt abfackeln
Chemiker an der ETH Zürich und am Paul Scherrer Institut haben einen neuen direkten Weg gefunden, gasförmiges Methan in flüssiges Methanol umzuwandeln. Damit könnte es in Zukunft für die Industrie interessant werden, das Gas vermehrt zu nutzen, statt es wie bisher oft ungenutzt zu verbrennen.
Tailoring Novel Superconductivity
The band insulator strontium titanate SrTiO3 (STO), widely used as a substrate for growing oxide films, is a highly fascinating material. Recently, novel physical properties have been observed at the interface between STO and the materials grown on it. For instance the appearance of superconductivity above the temperature of liquid nitrogen, observed in a single monolayer of FeSe (its critical temperature is higher than in any iron-based bulk material) grown on the STO surface, suggests a key-role of the STO substrate.
Viscoelasticity Enhancement of Surfactant Solutions Depends on Molecular Conformation: Influence of Surfactant Headgroup Structure and Its Counterion
During the anisotropic growth from globular to wormlike micelles, the basic interactions among distinct parts of the surfactant monomer, its counterion, and additives are fundamental to tune molecular self-assembly. We investigate the addition of sodium salicylate (NaSal) to hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride and bromide (CTAC and CTAB), 1-hexadecylpyridinium chloride and bromide (CPyCl and CPyBr), and benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (BDMC), which have the same hydrophobic tail.
Tailoring Novel Superconductivity
The Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements performed on 2DEL at STO surface revealed that, at low carrier density, electrons are always accompanied by a quantized dynamic lattice deformation. Together with the electron, these phonon-cloud formed a new composite quasiparticle called Fröhlich polaron.
Researchers find key to zinc rich plants to combat malnutrition
The diet in many developing countries is lacking zinc, but researchers have just solved the riddle of how to get more zinc into crop seeds. The discovery has been published in Nature Plants, and the research was led by University of Copenhagen.By Johanne Uhrenholt Kusnitzoff
Hard X-ray Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer of SwissFEL successfully delivered and installed
Not a joke: on 1st of April 2016 the Photon Single-Shot Spectrometer (PSSS) got delivered fully assembled and installed already to the front end of SwissFEL. It will measure the photon spectral information in every single shot for the Aramis beamline not only for the users, but also as a direct feedback to the machine during formation of the lasing process.
Watching lithium move in battery materials
In order to understand limitations in current battery materials and systematically engineer better ones, it is helpful to be able to directly visualize the lithium dynamics in materials during battery charge and discharge. Researchers at ETH Zurich and Paul Scherrer Institute have demonstrated a way to do this.
Neues Teilchen könnte Grundlage energiesparender Elektronik bilden
Das erst im vergangenen Jahr entdeckte Weyl-Fermion bewegt sich in Materialien praktisch ohne Widerstand. Nun zeigen Forscher einen Weg, wie man es in elektronischen Bauteilen einsetzen könnte.
Observation of Weyl nodes and Fermi arcs in tantalum phosphide
A Weyl semimetal possesses spin-polarized band-crossings, called Weyl nodes, connected by topological surface arcs. The low-energy excitations near the crossing points behave the same as massless Weyl fermions, leading to exotic properties like chiral anomaly. To have the transport properties dominated by Weyl fermions, Weyl nodes need to locate nearly at the chemical potential and enclosed by pairs of individual Fermi surfaces with non-zero Fermi Chern numbers.
Towards hybrid pixel detectors for energy-dispersive or soft X-ray photon science
JUNGFRAU (adJUstiNg Gain detector FoR the SwissFEL Aramis User station) is a two dimensional hybrid pixel detector for photon science applications at free electron lasers and synchrotron light sources. The JUNGFRAU 0.4 prototype presented here is specifically geared towards low-noise performance and hence soft X-ray detection. With an extremely low noise of less than 30 electrons it enters a field formally reserved for SSD’s and CMOS imagers allowing single photon resolution down to a photon energy of 500eV.
Vom Higgs-Teilchen zu neuen Medikamenten
Ein vorbildliches Beispiel, wie Grundlagenforschung einen handfesten Beitrag zur Wirtschaft leistet, ist die Firma DECTRIS – ein 2006 gegründetes und inzwischen erfolgreiches Spin-off des Paul Scherrer Instituts. Die neueste Entwicklung von DECTRIS ist ein Detektor namens EIGER, der bei Röntgenstrahl-Messungen an grossen Forschungsanlagen eingesetzt wird. EIGER trägt dort unter anderem zur Erforschung neuer Medikamente bei.
Semifluorinated Alkanes at the Air–Water Interface: Tailoring Structure and Rheology at the Molecular Scale
Semifluorinated alkanes form monolayers with interesting properties at the air–water interface due to their pronounced amphi-solvophobic nature and the stiffness of the fluorocarbons. In the present work, using a combination of structural and dynamic probes, we investigated how small molecular changes can be used to control the properties of such an interface, in particular its organization, rheology, and reversibility during compression–expansion cycles.
PSI-Feriencamp 2016
Suchen Sie für Ihr Kind ein spannendes Angebot während den Sommerferien? Möchten Sie in ihm die Neugier und Begeisterung für naturwissenschaftlich-technische Themen wecken? Die Berufsbildung und das Komitee für Chancengleichheit führt dieses Jahr zum achten Mal das PSI-Feriencamp durch!
Spin Liquid State in the 3D Frustrated Antiferromagnet PbCuTe2O6: NMR and Muon Spin Relaxation Studies
PbCuTe2O6 is a rare example of a spin liquid candidate featuring a three-dimensional magnetic lattice. Strong geometric frustration arises from the dominant antiferromagnetic interaction that generates a hyperkagome network of Cu2+ ions although additional interactions enhance the magnetic lattice connectivity.
Fünfhunderttausend Mal unwahrscheinlicher als ein Lottogewinn
Seltenheit eines Teilchenzerfalls vermessenIm sogenannten MEG-Experiment am PSI suchen Forschende nach einem extrem unwahrscheinlichen Zerfallspfad bestimmter Elementarteilchen namens Myonen. Genauer gesagt beziffern sie eben diese Unwahrscheinlichkeit. Ihre neueste Zahl lautet: Dieser Zerfall geschieht in weniger als 1 zu 2,4 Billionen der Fälle. Mithilfe dieses Ergebnisses können theoretische Physiker aussortieren, welche ihrer Ansätze zur Beschreibung des Universums der Realität standhalten.
High-performance thermoelectric nanocomposites from nanocrystal building blocks
Using an assembly of colloidal nanocrystals a Ag-PbS nanocomposite was produced with increased thermoelectic figures of merit up to 1.7K at 850 K. EXAFS spectroscopy at the Ag K-edge was essential to show that Ag does not dissolve in PbS nanoparticles but preserved the individual nanodomains. This reduces the PbS intergrain energy barriers for charge transport
Spin excitations in copper selenate, a skyrmion host material
G.S. Tucker et al., Physical Review B 93, 054401 (2016). Inelastic neutron scattering measurements performed at EIGER and TASP have mapped the magnetic excitation spectrum along high-symmetry directions of the first Brillouin zone for the magnetic skyrmion host copper selenate, Cu2OSeO3.
Spin excitations in copper selenate, a skyrmion host material
Inelastic neutron scattering measurements performed at EIGER and TASP have mapped the magnetic excitation spectrum along high-symmetry directions of the first Brillouin zone for the magnetic skyrmion host copper selenate, Cu2OSeO3. Most of the observed spectrum is consistent with a recently proposed model for the magnetic excitations in Cu2OSeO3, for which a new set of best-fit dominant exchange parameters has been found.
Giant Controllable Magnetization Changes Induced by Structural Phase Transitions in a Metamagnetic Artificial Multiferroic
The realization of a controllable metamagnetic transition from AFM to FM ordering would open the door to a plethora of new spintronics based devices that, rather than reorienting spins in a ferromagnet, harness direct control of a materials intrinsic magnetic ordering. In this study FeRh films with drastically reduced transition temperatures and a large magneto-thermal hysteresis were produced for magnetocaloric and spintronics applications.
Stratified Micellar Multilayers - Toward Nanostructured Photoreactors
Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) with stratification of the internal structure were assembled from statistical amphiphilic copolyelectrolytes of opposite charges. These polyelectrolytes organize in aqueous solutions into micellar structures with fluoroalkyl and aromatic nanodomains, respectively, that were also preserved after deposition as thin films via layer-by-layer (LbL) electrostatic self-assembly.
In-situ visualization of stress-dependent bulk magnetic domain formation by neutron grating interferometry
The efficiency of industrial transformers is directly influenced by the magnetic properties of high-permeability steel laminations (HPSLs). These laminations are coated by insulating layers, to reduce eddy-current losses in the transformer core. In addition, the coating induces favorable inter-granular tensile stresses that significantly influence the underlying magnetic domain structure.
Origin of the Spin-Orbital Liquid State in a Nearly J=0 Iridate Ba3ZnIr2O9
We show using detailed magnetic and thermodynamic studies and theoretical calculations that the ground state of Ba3ZnIr2O9 is a realization of a novel spin-orbital liquid state. Our results reveal that Ba3ZnIr2O9 with Ir5+ (5d4) ions and strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) arrives very close to the elusive J 1⁄4 0 state but each Ir ion still possesses a weak moment.
Medikamente punktgenau hergestellt
Am PSI entwickeln Wissenschaftler neue Wirkstoffe gegen Krebs. Diese enthalten radioaktive Substanzen, die dem Patienten gespritzt werden und somit bis zum Tumor vordringen können. Dort soll ihre Strahlung die Krebszellen im direkten Kontakt zerstören. Doch ehe ein solches radioaktives Arzneimittel in ersten klinischen Studien am Patienten getestet werden kann, muss seine Sicherheit garantiert sein, damit der Patient keinen Schaden nimmt. Deshalb wird am PSI jeder Wirkstoff unter sterilen Bedingungen hergestellt und überprüft – für jeden Patienten separat und nur auf Bestellung.
Quasiparticle-continuum level repulsion in a quantum magnet
When the energy eigenvalues of two coupled quantum states approach each other in a certain parameter space, their energy levels repel each other and level crossing is avoided. Such level repulsion, or avoided level crossing, is commonly used to describe the dispersion relation of quasiparticles in solids.