PSI-Lernende an der Stifti'22 in Brugg
Lernende helfen Schüler bei der Berufswahl an der Stifte ’22 in Brugg
„Es wurde höchste Zeit“
Am internationalen Kongress der Eiskern-Forschenden werden die neuesten Entwicklungen in dieser Disziplin diskutiert.
Damage-Repair Cycle in Hydrocarbon Based Membranes for Fuel Cells
The development of next generation fuel cell membranes based on aromatic hydrocarbon chemistry calls for a new antioxidant strategy to tackle radical induced membrane degradation. Although damage by radicals cannot be prevented, the formed aromatic intermediates can be repaired by a suitable additive. Fuel cell experiments demonstrate that the approach is viable on the device level and that repair is a catalytic mechanism.
Nucleation of synthetic antiferromagnetic skyrmions
Magnetic skyrmions stabilized in synthetic antiferromagnets hold promise as nanoscale information carriers in novel non-volatile magnetic memory designs. In this work, scientists in a worldwide collaborative effort have demonstrated the electrically-induced nucleation of magnetic skyrmions in synthetic antiferromagnets, which is a vital stepping stone towards the applicability of these magnetic textures in devices.
Jérôme Gabathuler successfully defended – congratulations!
On 26th September 2022 Jérôme Gabathuler successfully defended his PhD entitled “The thickness of the quasi-liquid layer on ice and its interaction with atmospheric gases as seen by X-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopies" at ETH Zürich.
Tag der offenen Tür 2022 am PSI
Besuchen Sie das Paul Scherrer Institut PSI am Tag der offenen Tür am 23. Oktober 2022 von 10 bis 17 Uhr. Erfahren Sie am grössten Forschungszentrum der Schweiz alles über unsere Forschung, mit der wir weltweit zur Spitze gehören. 38 Stationen mit spannenden Inhalten warten auf Sie.
Datum: 23.10.2022, 10:00 – 17:00
Paul Scherrer Institut
Forschungsstrasse 111, 5232 Villigen, Schweiz
Nähere Infos unter:
Ferrimagnetic Skyrmions: fast and straight
Scientists have demonstrated, through magnetic X-ray microscopy, that magnetic skyrmions stabilized in ferrimagnetic heterostructures can be displaced by electrical currents at high velocities, and exhibit low deflection angles, proving that ferrimagnetic skyrmions are good candidates for fast skyrmionic devices.
Die Aerosol-Jäger vom Jungfraujoch
Nebst einer einmaligen Landschaft bietet das Jungfraujoch auch einen idealen Standort, um den Einfluss von Aerosolen auf unser Klima zu erforschen.
In situ alloying during additive manufacturing
In situ alloying is an effective method to engineer microstructures of additively manufactured Ti6Al4V3Fe alloys.
Alexander Grimm wins 2022 Nicholas Kurti prize
We are happy to announce that Alex has been awarded the 2022 Nicholas Kurti Science prize. The prize recognises his work on non-linear effects in Josephson junctions for quantum information processing.
Two types of charge order with distinct interplay with superconductivity in the kagome material CsV3Sb5
The kagome metals of the family AV3Sb5, featuring a unique structural motif, harbor an array of intriguing phenomena such as chiral charge order and superconductivity. CsV3Sb5 is of particular interest because it displays a double superconducting dome in the region of the temperature-pressure phase diagram where charge order is still present. However, the microscopic origin of such an unusual behavior remains an unsolved issue. Here, to address it, we combine high-pressure, low-temperature muon spin relaxation/rotation with first-principles calculations. We observe ....
13th EMUG meeting, Warsaw (WEBINAR), 2022
Winner of the Schmauss Award 2022!
Imad El Haddad, scientific head (a.i.) of the lab of atmospheric chemistry at PSI, won the Schmauss Award 2022!
The Schmauss award, named after physicist and meteorologist August Schmauss is awarded by the Gesellschaft für Aerosolforschung (GAeF) to recognize outstanding research contributions in the field of atmospheric aerosol science.
Die Goldmedaille und ein Händedruck vom Bundesrat
SwissSkills kürt den PSI-Elektroniker Melvin Deubelbeiss zum besten Lehrabgänger seines Fachs.
Wärmeeinbruch in der Arktis verursacht extreme Schadstoffbelastung
Überraschende Daten zu Schadstoffen auf der nördlichen Halbkugel
Crossover of high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplons to localized magnetic excitations in Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 ladder
We studied the magnetic excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional (q-1D) ladder subsystem of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (SCCO) using Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). By comparing momentum-resolved RIXS spectra with high (x = 12.2) and without (x = 0) Ca content, we track the evolution of the magnetic excitations from collective two-triplon (2 T) excitations (x = 0) to weakly- dispersive gapped modes at an energy of 280 meV (x = 12.2)...
Für eine nachhaltige Schweiz: Sustainable Switzerland Business Day
Mit dem dreitägigen «Swiss Sustainability Forum» lanciert die NZZ eine neue Dialogplattform zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Das Forum findet dieses Jahr erstmals statt und wird vom 22.09. – 24.09.2022 in Bern ausgetragen.
Der «Business Day» am 23.09. trägt die Vision «Towards a Sustainable Swiss Future» und beschäftigt sich mit zentralen Themen wie Kreislaufwirtschaft, Dekarbonisierung und Generationendialog. Rund 500 Vertreter aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Politik werden zusammengebracht zum Mitdiskutieren und Mitgestalten. Vorträge, Deep-Dive- und Networking-Sessions ermöglichen Dialog, Inspiration und Information zur Frage, wie wir die Schweiz gemeinsam nachhaltiger machen können.
Als Speaker:innen mit dabei sind unter anderem Adrianne Gilbride, Ellen MacArthur und Solomon Baumgartner Aviles.
Das PSI unterstützt das Swiss Sustainability Forum als Partner und ist am «Sustainable Switzerland Business Day» in Bern mit dabei.
Detaillierte Informationen zum Programm und Anmeldung zur Konferenz unter:
Capturing control errors in quantum annealing
The real-world application of this type of quantum computing gets one step closer with a new method to capture errors while qubits are talking to each other.
Three PSI research facilities reveal magnetic crossover
Insights from the Swiss Muon Source, Swiss Spallation Neutron Source and Swiss Light Source reveal this coveted characteristic in an exotic layered material.
SwissSkills 2022 - Resultate
Gold für Melvin D.! 4. Platz für Eric B., Noah P. und Janik M.
Wir gratulieren herzlich und sind stolz auf ihre Leistung!
Congratulation Georg!
All LRC members are proud of Tiebel Georg, who won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting 2022, 8 September 2020. Congratulation Georg, great job!
Ein Stück PSI-Geschichte geht auf grosse Fahrt
Auf zu neuen Ufern – eine Hightech-Komponente vom PSI befindet sich auf dem Seeweg nach Australien und soll künftig im Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne zum Einsatz kommen.
Passerelle - Erfahrungsbericht
In der Passerelle geht man ein Jahr lang zur Schule, sodass man die volle Maturität erlangen kann. Nach der Berufsmaturität kann man beispielsweise an die Fachhochschule studieren gehen nicht aber an die Universität oder ETH.
Durch das Diplom der Passerelle erhält man die Maturität und es stehen einem alle Türen offen, um studieren zu gehen.
Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research
Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research “for his significant contributions to the development and construction of novel neutron reflectometers”.
Fräsewettbewerb 2022 mit erfolgreichen PSI-Lernenden
Polymechaniker räumen ab
CASH+ solid solution cement model
A new incrementally extendable thermodynamic model, CASH+, was developed, aimed at accurately describing equilibrium composition, solubility, and elemental uptake of C-A-S-H gel-like phases at varying chemical conditions in cement systems. Cement is widely used as matrix and backfill for low and intermediate level waste. Calcium-Aluminum-Silicate Hydrates (C-A-S-H) are the most important binding phases in cement. They are also responsible for the initial entrapment of radionuclides via sorption or solid solution formation mechanisms. Therefore, the thermodynamic modelling of C-A-S-H stability, solubility and interaction with radionuclides in cement porewater is crucial for understanding hydration, blending, degradation of cement-based materials and for the performance assessment of cementitious repositories.
Neutron scattering collaboration with Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology
A collaboration between the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) provides dedicated beam-time to Norwegian scientists, bringing with them diverse and exciting topics ranging from revealing hidden inscriptions in amulets to neutron based cancer therapies.
Cooperation and licensing agreement between the Paul Scherrer Institute and Alphasynt
The Paul Scherrer Institute and Alphasynt have recently signed a cooperation- and licensing agreement. In doing so, the two pave the way for a fruitful collaboration in the commercialization of methanation.
Mit vereinten Kräften für die Energiewende
Das Paul Scherrer Institut PSI und das Start-up AlphaSYNT vermarkten einen neuen Ansatz, um Energie in Form von Methangas zu speichern.
Swiss-French pulsed magnetic field retreat
The Cristallina-Q team has welcomed French high-field experts at SwissFEL for an informal 2-day retreat. The ten participants discussed which technical capabilities of the UZH-PSI pulsed magnet setup should be further developed and which science cases targeted in the upcoming commissioning and pilot experiment phase.