Forschung zu Covid-19

Am PSI widmen sich mehrere Projekte wichtigen Forschungsfragen rund um das Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 und den daraus resultierenden Erkrankungen. Wir informieren über Aktivitäten und Vorhaben, zum Beispiel zu Untersuchungen von Lungengewebe, zur Produktion von Proteinen und Antikörpern oder über Ideen für neue Forschung zu Covid-19.

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Naumov et al

Optical Setup for a Piston-Cylinder Pressure Cell: A Two-Volume Approach

Measurement of the absolute value of the applied pressure in high-pressure muon and neutron experiments is a complicated task. It often requires the presence of a calibration material inside the sample volume, and could also cause additional time to obtain the response of the calibrant. Here we describe the use of optical calibrants for precise determination of the pressure value inside the piston-cylinder clamp cells.



CNRS movie on n2EDM

Our French collaborators and CNRS produced an excellent short movie about our common n2EDM experiment. The apparatus is currently being set up in

UCN Area South. The collaboration is on track for commissioning of the apparatus with neutrons towards the end of 2022.

Vorbereitung WorldSkills 2022

Vorbereitung WorldSkills 2022

Der Countdown für Shanghai ist gezündet, alles Gute Mario!



Cu-doping effects on the ferromagnetic semimetal CeAuGe

We present a study of Cu-substitution effects in 4f-Ce intermetallic compound CeAu1-xCuxGe, with potentially unusual electronic states, in the whole concentration range (x = 0.0 – 1.0). The parent CeAuGe compound, crystallizing in a non-centrosymmetric hexagonal structure, is a ferromagnetic semimetal with Curie temperature 10 K. Cu-doping on Au-site of CeAuGe, CeAu1-xCuxGe, changes the crystal structure from the non-centrosymmetric (P63mc) to centrosymmetric (P63/mmc) space group at the concentration x ∼ 0.5, where the c-lattice constant has a maximum value. Magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements reveal that all Cu-doped compounds undergo magnetic phase transition near 10 K, with the maximum transition temperature of 12 K for x = 0.5. The neutron powder diffraction experiments show the ferromagnetic ordering of Ce3+ magnetic moments with a value of about 1.2 μB at 1.8 K, oriented perpendicular to the hexagonal c-axis. By using symmetry analysis, we have found the solutions for the magnetic structure in the ferromagnetic Shubnikov space groups Cmc'21 and P21′/m' for x < 0.5 and x ≥ 0.5, respectively. Electrical resistivity ρ(T) exhibits a metallic temperature behaviour in all compositions. The resistivity ρ(T) has a local minimum in the paramagnetic state due to Kondo effects at high doping x = 0.8 and 1.0. At the small Cu-doping level, x  = 0.2, the resistivity shows a broad feature at the ferromagnetic transition temperature and an additional transition-like peculiarity at 2.5 K in the ferromagnetic state.

Mazzone et al

Antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator state in Sr3Ir2O7

Excitonic insulators are usually considered to form via the condensation of a soft charge mode of bound electron-hole pairs. This, however, presumes that the soft exciton is of spin-singlet character. Early theoretical considerations have also predicted a very distinct scenario, in which the condensation of magnetic excitons results in an antiferromagnetic excitonic insulator state. Here we report resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) measurements of Sr3Ir2O7.


Restrictions to enter Switzerland have been disposed

As of 17 February 2022 Switzerland has disposed all COVID-related restrictions to enter the country. For the time being certificates for vaccination or negative tests are no longer required.


Lighting up the appealing world of hybrid perovskites

Researchers from Italy, in collaboration with the Paul Scherrer Institut, successfully used the macromolecular crystallography beamline X06DA-PXIII at the Swiss Light Source to characterize promising perovkites materials used in solar cells and other photodetector devices.

Internationaler Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft am 11. Februar

Am 11. Februar war der Internationale UNESCO-Tag der Frauen und Mädchen in der Wissenschaft. Einige unserer Mitarbeiterinnen in der Forschung haben sich hierzu vorgestellt. Was begeistert sie an der Forschung? Die Antwort dazu und ihre Profile sind auf unserer Webseite zu finden und können über LinkedIn und Twitter kommentiert und geteilt werden.

A team of scientists from Paul Scherrer Institut and Oak Ridge National Laboratory review recent experimental studies of spin dynamics in the rare-earth perovskite materials. These compounds show unconventional magnetic excitations at low temperatures, including confined and deconfined spinons as well as multimagnon states, which were revealed by means of high-resolution neutron spectroscopy. These observations demonstrate that the rare-earth perovskite magnets can provide realizations of various aspects of

Low-energy spin dynamics in rare-earth perovskite oxides

A team of scientists from Paul Scherrer Institut and Oak Ridge National Laboratory review recent experimental studies of spin dynamics in the rare-earth perovskite materials. These compounds show unconventional magnetic excitations at low temperatures, including confined and deconfined spinons as well as multimagnon states, which were revealed by means of high-resolution neutron spectroscopy. These observations demonstrate that the rare-earth perovskite magnets can provide realizations of various aspects of quantum low-dimensional physics.



Anfang Oktober erhielten wir von Ask! ein Coaching in Auftrittskompetenz und Präsentationstechnik. Ab Anfang Dezember besuchten wir dann in 2er-Gruppen den Unterricht an verschiedenen Schulen und hielten einen Vortrag über unsere persönliche Erfahrung bei der Lehrstellensuche, unserem Lehralltag und im Lehrbetrieb.

Arbeiten im HomeOffice

Arbeiten im Homeoffice

Im Januar 2022 haben die Automatiker des 1. Lernjahres im Homeoffice ihre ersten eigenen Erfahrungen gemacht.

ESUO questionnaire on impacts of absence of TNA funding

ESUO, the European Synchrotron and FEL Users Organisation, has launched a questionnaire on the Possible impacts of the absence of TransNational Access (TNA) funding for the user community. ESUO, in cooperation with LEAPS, kindly asks you as users of photon facilities to fill in that questionnaire.

The outcome of the questionnaire will empower ESUO to continue advocating both to the European Commission and to the National Funding Agencies for TNA funding for all science topics and for all scientists.

Kagome lattice and orbital currents

New insight into unconventional superconductivity

Signatures for a novel electronic phase that enables charge to flow spontaneously in loops have been observed in a kagome superconductor. The findings are published today in Nature.

Russell McKenna

New Head of Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA)

As of February 1st 2022, Russell McKenna joins the Paul Scherrer Institute’s Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA) as head of the Laboratory. The position at PSI and the full professorship at ETHZ will enable him to combine his research with teaching activities. This optimally reinforces the cooperation between ETH Zurich and the two energy sectors, ENE and NES, of the PSI.

Neuer Aktionsplan Diversität, Chancengerechtigkeit und Inklusion 2021-2024

Der neue Aktionsplan Diversität, Chancengerechtigkeit und Inklusion 2021-2024 ist jetzt online. Hier ist der Link mit der Übersicht und dem vollständigen Dokument.

4 and 5 coordinated Cu complexes

Exploring the role of structural distortions to obtain Cu photosensitizer with thousand times longer excited state lifetime

Cu diimine complexes present a noble metal free alternative to classical Ru, Re, Ir and Pt based photosensitizers in solution photochemistry, photoelectrochemical or dye-sensitized solar cells. Optimization of these dyes requires an understanding of factors governing the key photochemical properties: excited state lifetime and emission quantum yield. Using pump-probe XAS and DFT calculations we have explored the involvement of exciplex formation in the deactivation of the photoexcited state.

Hanisch Christian Georg

New Laboratory Technician Christian Hanisch

A new colleague, Christian Hanisch, started on February 1, 2022, as a technician in the Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry and we warmly welcome him.


HO-Tag eines CH-Lernenden

Ein Homeoffice-Tag eines Chemielaboranten

Wie funktioniert eigentlich Spülmittel? Das sind die Erkenntnisse eines Chemielaboranten.


Andrea Baccarini, former member of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, awarded the ETH Medal for his PhD thesis

Andrea Baccarini, a former PhD student at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry, has been awarded the ETH Medal for his thesis investigating aerosol formation in the Arctic and Antarctic and the role aerosols play in climate change.