Nickelate superconductors are intrinsically magnetic
Waves of magnetic excitation sweep through this new material whether in superconducting mode or not – another clue to the mystery of loss-less electric currents.
Big Data am PSI
Eine kurze Zahlenspielerei über die jährliche Datenmenge am PSI
Innovationsveranstaltung: Qualitätssicherung 3D-gedruckter Metallbauteile
Wann: 8.September, 12:45 – 18:00 Uhr
Wo: PSI Villigen Schweiz
Der Anlass «Qualitätssicherung 3D-gedruckter Metallteile» beschäftigt sich mit den Herausforderungen, Bedürfnissen und Problemen im Hinblick auf die Qualität von 3D-gedrukten Bauteilen.
Die cross-ING AG, Inspire AG und ANAXAM tragen diese Veranstaltung gemeinsam am PSI aus und richten sich thematisch vor allem an Industrieanwender. Fokussiert wird im Spannungsfeld der drei Aspekte «Qualität – Kosten – Material» vor allem die Qualität.
Erfahren Sie mehr über die Chancen und Herausforderungen der additiven Fertigung und nutzen Sie die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion und Networking.
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Lehrlingsevent 2022 wurde wieder durchgeführt
Die vier Gewerbevereine des Zurzibiet laden zum gemütlichen Lehrlingsevent ein.
Swissmedic erteilt Genehmigung zur neuen Produktionsstätte für Radiopharmazeutika
Von der Forschung in die Produktion – das neue Pharmalabor am PSI beliefert die umliegenden Spitäler mit neuartigen Krebsmedikamenten.
High performance gas diffusion layers with added deterministic structures
Hydrogen will play an important role in a future energy system based on renewable sources, providing energy storage, being a base material for industry and an energy carrier in transport applications. For the efficient electrification of hydrogen, polymer electrolyte fuel cell technology is developed and applied today in trucks, passenger cars and stationary applications. It is envisaged that even more demanding applications such as airplanes may follow. For road transport applications an increase in power density is required to further reduce cost and future applications may need these advances to be technically competitive. In this work we describe a novel concept for gas diffusion layers, highly important for achieving high fuel cell power densities.
Deep learning-based monitoring of laser powder bed fusion processes
We present a novel monitoring strategy for 3D print processes that consists of developing and training a hybrid machine learning model that can classify regimes across different time scales based on heterogeneous sensing data.
BM- und BS-Abschlussfeiern 2022
In verschiedenen Berufs- und Berufsmaturitätsschulen wurden die erfolgreichen Abschlüsse gefeiert. Wir sind stolz auf unsere Lernenden und ihre tollen Leistungen!
The chemical complex that regulates body zinc storage
Zinc deficiency compromises the immune system and is a global public health problem. Through experiments at the Swiss Light Source SLS and BESSYII, researchers gained new insights into zinc storage, with implications for understanding COVID-19 severity.
Lösung für das Unlösbare
PSI und ETH Zürich haben den Quantum-Computing-Hub gegründet. Spitzenforschende arbeiten dort gemeinsam an Konzepten für Quantencomputer.
Dipolar spin-waves and tunable band gap at the Dirac points in the 2D magnet ErBr3
Topological magnon insulators constitute a growing field of research for their potential use as information carriers without heat dissipation. We report an experimental and theoretical study of the magnetic ground-state and excitations in the van der Waals two-dimensional honeycomb magnet ErBr3. We show that the magnetic properties of this compound are entirely governed by the dipolar interactions which generate a continuously degenerate non-collinear ground-state on the honeycomb lattice with spins confined in the plane.
2022 Feriencamp
Dieses Jahr konnten wir mit 34 Kinder von PSI-Mitarbeitenden das Feriencamp durchführen. Dank den vielen Helfenden verbrachten die Kinder eine interessante und tolle Woche am PSI. Herzlichen Dank allen, welche diese Woche möglich machen!
Nachdem der Mühlebach im Lehrlingslager 2019 saniert wurde, hat der Verein Kultur am Mühlebach Böttstein festgestellt, dass die Kalkablagerungen wieder zunehmen. Paula M., Lernende Chemielaborantin EFZ im 3. Lehrjahr, nahm verschiedene Messungen vor, um den Kalkgehalt im Wasser zu untersuchen.
Athos just got even better
An ambitious upgrade at the soft X-ray beamline of the free electron laser SwissFEL opens up new experimental capabilities.
Wasser besser verstehen
Potenzialkarte von Wassermolekülen erstellt
Marco Ranocchiari takes on the lead of the ESI project as of July 1st, 2022!
«I am very excited to lead a strategic project and the extraordinarily competent and innovative ESI team for PSI, to help contribute to the transition to net zero.»
Role of Dy on the magnetic properties of orthorhombic DyFeO3
Orthoferrites are a class of magnetic materials with a magnetic ordering temperature above 600 K, predominant G-type antiferromagnetic ordering of the Fe-spin system and, depending on the rare-earth ion, a spin reorientation of the Fe spin taking place at lower temperatures. DyFeO3 is of particular interest since the spin reorientation is classified as a Morin transition with the transition temperature depending strongly on the Dy-Fe interaction. Here, we report a detailed study of the magnetic and structural properties of microcrystalline DyFeO3 powder and bulk single crystal using neutron diffraction and magnetometry between 1.5 and 450 K. We find that, while the magnetic properties of the single crystal are largely as expected, the powder shows strongly modified magnetic properties, including a modified spin reorientation and a smaller Dy-Fe interaction energy of the order of 10 μeV. Subtle structural differences between powder and single crystal show that they belong to distinct magnetic space groups. In addition, the Dy ordering at 2 K in the powder is incommensurate, with a modulation vector of 0.0173(5) c∗, corresponding to a periodicity of ∼58 unit cells.
Widely tunable two-color x-ray free-electron laser pulses
SwissFEL team has demonstrated the generation of widely tunable two-color x-ray free-electron laser (FEL) pulses with unprecedented photon energy ratio between the two colors of about three (350 and 915 eV), in addition to a tunable time separation between the two pulses from negative time delays to up to 500 fs. These new capabilities open new opportunities to study ultrafast x-ray-induced energy transfer and relaxation processes in physics, chemistry, and biology.
New Insight into the Gas Phase Reaction Dynamics in Pulsed Laser Deposition of Multi-Elemental Oxides
The gas-phase reaction dynamics and kinetics in a laser induced plasma are very much dependent on the interactions of the evaporated target material and the background gas. For metal (M) and metal–oxygen (MO) species ablated in an Ar and O2 background, the expansion dynamics in O2 are similar to the expansion dynamics in Ar for M+ ions with an MO+ dissociation energy smaller than O2. This is different for metal ions with an MO+ dissociation energy larger than for O2. This study shows that the plume expansion in O2 differentiates itself from the expansion in Ar due to the formation of MO+ species. It also shows that at a high oxygen background pressure, the preferred kinetic energy range to form MO species as a result of chemical reactions in an expanding plasma, is up to 5 eV.
Competing Magnetic Phases in LnSbTe (Ln = Ho and Tb)
The interplay between a topological electronic structure and magnetism may result in intricate physics. In this work, we describe a case of rather peculiar coexistence or competition of several magnetic phases below seemingly single antiferromagnetic transition in LnSbTe (Ln = Ho and Tb) topological semimetals, the magnetic members of the ZrSiS/PbFCl structure type (space group P4/nmm). Neutron diffraction experiments reveal a complex multi-step order below TN = 3.8 K (Ln = Ho) and TN = 6.4 K (Ln = Tb). Magnetic phases can be described using four propagation vectors k1 = (1/2 0 0) and k2 = (1/2 0 1/4) at a base temperature of 1.7 K, which transform into incommensurate vectors k1′ = (1/2 – δ 0 0) and k3 = (1/2 – δ 0 1/2) at elevated temperatures in both compounds. Together with the refined models of magnetic structures, we present the group theoretical analysis of magnetic symmetry of the proposed solutions. These results prompt further investigations of the relation between the electronic structure of those semimetals and the determined antiferromagnetic ordering existing therein.
Welcome Đorđe
We are happy to welcome Dr Đorđe Cvjetinović.
Đorđe will be working on the SINCHRON project as part of his postdoctoral fellowship.
Spiegelbildliche Moleküle leichter unterscheiden
Mit schraubenförmigem Röntgenlicht lassen sich spiegelbildliche Substanzen – sogenannte Enantiomere – besser voneinander unterscheiden.
TFI goes TecDays
In July 2022, two PhDs of our Thin Films and Interfaces (TFI) Group offered a practical teaching module to pupils at the Kantonsschule Stadelhofen as part of the Swiss TecDays. These are one-day events at Swiss grammar schools, organized by the Schweizerische Akademie der Technischen Wissenschaften (SATW), to support and strengthen technology education at schools. By bringing together pupils and experts from industry, universities, or research institutions, TecDays aims to raise an early awareness for technology and science.
High performance doped Li-rich Li1+xMn2-xO4 cathodes nanoparticles synthesized by facile, fast and efficient microwave-assisted hydrothermal route
Li-rich nanoparticles of Li1+xMn2-xO4 doped with Al, Co or Ni are successfully synthesized using a facile, fast and efficient microwave-assisted hydrothermal route. In this study, we demonstrate that nanocrystallinity and cationic doping play an important role in improving the electrochemical performance with respect to LiMn2O4 microparticles. They significantly reduce the charge-transfer resistance, lower the 1st cycle irreversible capacity to 6%, and achieve a capacity retention between 85 and 90% after 380 cycles, with excellent columbic efficiency close to 99%.
PSI an der diesjährigen Swiss Nano Convention!
Vom 5. Juli bis 6. Juli 2022 findet die Swiss NanoConvention in Fribourg statt. Die Plattform bietet die Möglichkeit, sich mit wichtigen Akteuren aus Wissenschaft und Industrie auszutauschen, zu diskutieren und sich zu vernetzen und zu diskutieren und zu vernetzen.
Das PSI ist mit dabei – besuchen Sie uns an unserem gemeinsamen Stand mit dem Hightech Zentrum Aargau. In Verbindung mit den Möglichkeiten modernster Materialanalytik können wir Ihnen helfen, sowohl Ihre Produkte als auch Ihre Fertigungs Prozesse zu verbessern.
Stephan Allenspach received the SNSS Young Scientists Prize
Congratulations to Stephan Allenspach for receiving the Young Scientist Prize of the Swiss Neutron Scattering Society for his outstanding PhD thesis. Stephan did his PhD in the Quantum Criticality and Dynamics Group lead by Christian Rüegg.
Cosmic Run at PSI
We assembled a Mu3e vertex detector prototype and a ribbon of the fibre detector with their associated data acquisition (DAQ) at PSI. This setup was used to develop commissioning and tuning procedures for the sensors, advance DAQ integration, develop user interfaces, check timing and finally to detect cosmic ray muons passing through the set-up.
MARVEL team wins inaugural PRACE HPC Excellence award
The first ever PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) HPC Excellence Award has been awarded to a team led by Professor Nicola Marzari, head of Theory and Simulation of Materials at EPFL's School of Engineering and Materials Simulations at PSI, and director of NCCR MARVEL. The € 20,000 award is given to “an outstanding individual or team for ground-breaking research that leads to significant advances in any research field through the usage of high-performance computing”, and recognizes the team’s effort in the discovery and characterization of novel two-dimensional materials.
Lehrberufe à la Carte 2022
Erneut konnten wir vielen interessierten Besucherinnen und Besucher am Sonntag, 26. Juni 2022 unsere Berufsbildung vorstellen und ihnen ihre Fragen beantworten.
Seeking the sensational on a small scale
The Swiss Research Magazine 'Horizons' features particle physics performed at PSI.