Archive of Seminars
Archive of Seminars 2023-2019
Completion of SwissFEL LINAC
On September 13th, the last two modules of the linear accelerator were installed in the SwissFEL tunnel. This means that 26 accelerating modules are installed now. One accelerating module consists of four accelerating structures. In total there are 104 accelerating structures, with a lenght of 2 m each.
First acceleration with the SwissFEL C-band module
On Thursday 08/09/2016, the first C-band module boosted an electron beam from 150MeV to 390 MeV. This is the first beam acceleration test of a C-band module in PSI and is an important milestone for the project, since the main accelerator consists of 26 C-band modules of the same kind.
Establishing nonlinearity thresholds with ultraintense X-ray pulses
The advent of X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) is opening the ability to reach extremely high photon numbers within ultrashort X-ray pulse durations and is leading to a paradigm shift in our ability to explore nonlinear X-ray signals.
21st International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Applications
The 21st conference in this series takes place from September 12 to 16, 2016 at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich. The cyclotron is a simple and efficient particle accelerator and its invention for the purpose of performing fundamental research dates back to 1929. Ernest Lawrence received the Nobel Prize for his idea in 1939. Today cyclotrons are used in a broad range of applications from large and complex facilities for basic research to highly optimized and cost effective solutions for industrial and medical applications. The series of cyclotron conferences provides a forum for the world leading experts to meet and to discuss technological and physics advancements in the field.
SwissFEL First Free Electrons, First Beam at 144 MeV and First acceleration with SwissFEL C-band modules
For the first time electrons were accelerated with a SwissFEL C-band module (the first one of a series of 26 modules). The module operated with the nominal parameters that will be used in the last two linac sections. The RF pulse duration was 3 µs, at an RF power of 36 MW from the klystron. This pulse was compressed to 350 ns, yielding a peak power of approximately 215 MW. At these conditions, the energy gain was estimated to be 235 MeV, which is well within expectations.
Der Weg zu besseren Trafos
Dank einer hochmodernen Untersuchungsmethode ist es Forschenden gelungen, in Transformatoren hineinzuschauen und die magnetischen Domänen im Inneren des Trafo-Eisenkerns bei der Arbeit zu beobachten. Transformatoren, kurz Trafos, sind unerlässlich für die Stromversorgung von Industrie und Haushalten. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Untersuchungsmethode sich gewinnbringend zur Entwicklung effizienterer Trafos einsetzen lässt.
Magnetization Response of the Bulk and Supplementary Magnetic Domain Structure in High-Permeability Steel Laminations Visualized In Situ by Neutron Dark-Field Imaging
Industrial transformer cores are composed of stacked high-permeability steel laminations (HPSLs). The performance and degree of efficiency of transformers are directly determined by the magnetic properties of each HPSL. In this article, we show how the neutron dark-field image (DFI) allows for the in situ visualization of the locally resolved response of the bulk and supplementary magnetic domain structures in HPSLs under the influence of externally applied magnetic fields.
Frequency-Induced Bulk Magnetic Domain-Wall Freezing Visualized by Neutron Dark-Field Imaging
We use neutron dark-field imaging to visualize and interpret the response of bulk magnetic domain walls to static and dynamic magnetic excitations in (110)-Goss textured iron silicon high-permeability steel alloy. We investigate the domain-wall motion under the influence of an external alternating sinusoidal magnetic field.
Iridium Oxide for the Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Correlation between Particle Size, Morphology, and the Surface Hydroxo Layer from Operando XAS
A simple and scalable method for preparation of well-defined chlorine–free iridium oxide nanoparticles active for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) was developed. Operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy indicate that OER activity is strongly related to the presence of iridium hydroxo (Ir–OH) species on the surface of iridium oxide nanoparticles.
The chemical state of 79Se in spent nuclear fuel
An interdisciplinary study conducted at different PSI laboratories (LES, AHL, LRS, SYN) in collaboration with Studsvik AB (Sweden) demonstrates that selenium originating from fission in light water reactors is tightly bound in the crystal lattice of UO2. This finding has positive consequences for the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repository planned in Switzerland, as it implies (contrary to previous assumptions) that the safety-relevant radionuclide 79Se will be released at extremely low rates during aqueous corrosion of the waste in a deep-seated repository.
The chemical state of 79Se in spent nuclear fuel
An interdisciplinary study conducted at different PSI laboratories (LES,AHL, LRS, SYN) in collaboration with Studsvik AB (Sweden) demonstrates that selenium originating from fission in light water reactors is tightly bound in the crystal lattice of UO2. This finding has positive consequences for the safety assessment of high-level radioactive waste repository planned in Switzerland, as it implies (contrary to previous assumptions) that the safety-relevant radionuclide 79Se will be released at extremely low rates during aqueous corrosion of the waste in a deep-seated repository.By Enzo Curti (PSI-LES)
First Electron Beam in the SwissFEL Facility
On August, 24th 2016, the electron gun accelerated the first photo-electrons in SwissFEL up to the energy of 7 MeV, initiating the beam commissioning phase of the new SwissFEL facility. After several days of RF conditioning, the gun reached the nominal acceleration gradient of 100MV/m at an input power of 17MW with a pulse-width of 1 micro second at an operating frequency of at 2998.8 MHz.
First Free Electrons at SwissFEL
At SwissFEL the first free electrons were produced and accelerated to 7.9 MeV. The electrons were stopped directly after the gun in the gun-spectrometer. The bunch charge was 20-50pC, with a repition rate of 10Hz. First measurements showed that the generated electron beam was of high quality. This means that the first milestone for the SwissFEL beam commissioning was reached!
Laser spectroscopy of muonic deuterium
The deuteron is the simplest compound nucleus, composed of one proton and one neutron. Deuteron properties such as the root-mean-square charge radius rd and the polarizability serve as important benchmarks for understanding the nuclear forces and structure. Muonic deuterium μd is the exotic atom formed by a deuteron and a negative muon μ-.
Search for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+→e+γ with the full dataset of the MEG experiment
The final results of the search for the lepton flavour violating decay μ+→e+γ based on the full dataset collected by the MEG experiment at the Paul Scherrer Institut in the period 2009–2013 and totalling 7.5×1014 stopped muons on target are presented.
Proteine in Aktion erwischen
Proteine sind unverzichtbare Bausteine des Lebens. Sie spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei zahlreichen biologischen Prozessen. Forschende konnten nun zeigen, wie man mit Freie-Elektronen-Röntgenlasern wie dem SwissFEL am Paul Scherrer Institut PSI die ultraschnellen Abläufe, mit denen Proteine ihre Arbeit machen, erforschen kann. Freie-Elektronen-Röntgenlaser erzeugen extrem kurze und intensive Pulse aus Röntgenlicht. Weltweit sind derzeit erst zwei solcher Anlagen in Betrieb. Die Ergebnisse wurden heute im Wissenschaftsmagazin Nature Communications publiziert.
Catching proteins in the act
Some of the fastest processes in our body run their course in proteins activated by light. The protein rhodopsin sees to it that our eyes can rapidly take in their ever-changing surroundings. Free-electron X-ray lasers such as SwissFEL at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI now make it possible for the first time to catch such processes in flagranti. Free-electron X-ray lasers generate extremely short and intense pulses of X-ray light.
Coexisting multiple order parameters in single-layer LuMnO3 films
Magnetoelectric multiferroics hold great promise for electrical control of magnetism or magnetic control of ferroelectricity. However, single phase ferroelectric materials with a sizeable ferromagnetic magnetization are rare. Here, we demonstrate that a single-phase orthorhombic LuMnO3 thin film features coexisting magnetic and ferroelectric orders.
High-resolution hard x-ray magnetic imaging with dichroic ptychography
Imaging the magnetic structure of a material is essential to understanding the influence of the physical and chemical microstructure on its magnetic properties. Magnetic imaging techniques, however, have been unable to probe three-dimensional micrometer-size systems with nanoscale resolution. Here we present the imaging of the magnetic domain configuration of a micrometer-thick FeGd multilayer with hard x-ray dichroic ptychography at energies spanning both the Gd L3 edge and the Fe K edge, providing a high spatial resolution spectroscopic analysis of the complex x-ray magnetic circular dichroism.
Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning
RENiO3 (RE=rare-earth element) and V2O3 are archetypal Mott insulator systems. When tuned by chemical substitution (RENiO3) or pressure (V2O3), they exhibit a quantum phase transition (QPT) between an antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state and a paramagnetic metallic state. Because novel physics often appears near a Mott QPT, the details of this transition, such as whether it is first or second order, are important.
Call for expressions of interest: Beamline partners at the SLS for PX II and PX III
We invite companies and institutions to secure access to the beamlines X10SA/PX II and X06DA/PX III through a long term contract.
Auch das Deuteron gibt Rätsel auf
Das Deuteron ist – genau wie das Proton – kleiner als bisher gedachtDas Deuteron – einer der einfachsten Atomkerne, bestehend aus nur einem Proton und einem Neutron – ist deutlich kleiner als bislang gedacht. Dieses neue Forschungsergebnis passt zu einer Studie aus dem Jahr 2010, bei dem ebenfalls am Paul Scherrer Institut PSI das Proton vermessen wurde und ebenfalls ein kleinerer Wert gefunden wurde als erwartet. Das Ergebnis von 2010 begründete das seither sogenannte Rätsel um den Protonradius.
On the Interaction between Digitonin and Cholesterol in Langmuir Monolayers
In this article, we describe the effect of a highly hemolytic saponin, digitonin, on model lipids cholesterol and dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) using a combination of tensiometric (surface pressure and dilatational surface elasticity), spectroscopic (infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy, IRRAS), microscopic (fluorescence microscopy), and scattering techniques (neutron reflectivity, NR, and grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, GIXD).
Low temperature activation of supported metathesis catalysts by organosilicon reducing agents
Industrial alkene metathesis processes rely on silica-supported tungsten oxide catalysts, which operate at high temperatures (>350 °C) due to the difficulty in generating active sites (carbenes or metallacyclobutanes). We report here a low temperature activation process of well-defined metal oxo surface species using organosilicon reductants, which generate a large amount of active species at only 70 °C (0.6 active sites/W).
Designernuklid für medizinische Anwendungen
Erstmals ist es Forschenden am PSI in einem Zyklotron gelungen, das Radionuklid Scandium-44 in hinreichend grosser Menge und Konzentration herzustellen. Damit haben sie die erste Voraussetzung geschaffen, dass Scandium-44 später einmal für medizinische Untersuchungen in Kliniken eingesetzt werden kann.
Phononic Structure Engineering: the Realization of Einstein Rattling in Calcium Cobaltate for the Suppression of Thermal Conductivity
Phonons in condensed matter materials transmit energy through atomic lattices as coherent vibrational waves. Like electronic and photonic properties, an improved understanding of phononic properties is essential for the development of functional materials, including thermoelectric materials. Recently, an Einstein rattling mode was found in thermoelectric material Na0.8CoO2, due to the large displacement of Na between the [CoO2] layers.
Physical realization of a quantum spin liquid based on a complex frustration mechanism
Unlike conventional magnets where the magnetic moments are partially or completely static in the ground state, in a quantum spin liquid they remain in collective motion down to the lowest temperatures. The importance of this state is that it is coherent and highly entangled without breaking local symmetries.
Iridates from the molecular side
New exotic phenomena have recently been discovered in oxides of paramagnetic Ir4+ ions, widely known as ‘iridates’. Their remarkable properties originate from concerted effects of the crystal field, magnetic interactions and strong spin-orbit coupling, characteristic of 5d metal ions.
Magnesium Oxide Boosts the Hysteresis of Single-Molecule Magnets
Researchers from PSI and EPFL have demonstrated that the magnetization hysteresis and remanence of TbPc2 single-molecule magnets drastically depends on the substrate on which they are deposited. If a few atomic layers thick magnesium oxide film grown on a silver substrate is used, a record wide hysteresis and record large remanence can be obtained. Single-molecule magnets are attractive for molecular spintronics applications such as information processing or storage.