Forschung zu Covid-19

Am PSI widmen sich mehrere Projekte wichtigen Forschungsfragen rund um das Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 und den daraus resultierenden Erkrankungen. Wir informieren über Aktivitäten und Vorhaben, zum Beispiel zu Untersuchungen von Lungengewebe, zur Produktion von Proteinen und Antikörpern oder über Ideen für neue Forschung zu Covid-19.

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Brookhaven’s Mark Dean and PSI’s Thorsten Schmitt at the ADRESS beamline at the Swiss Light Source. (Photo: PSI / M. Fischer)

New Insights into Superconducting Materials

An American-Swiss research team has used a new X-ray technique at Swiss Light Source (SLS) of the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) to investigate the magnetic properties of atomically thin layers of a parent compound of a high-temperature superconductor. It turns out that the magnetic properties of such thin films differ by only a surprisingly small degree from those of macroscopically thick samples.

Power-Law Spin Correlations in the Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet Tb2Ti2O7

Spin correlations with power-law decay are usually associated with a critical point, but stable phases with power-law correlations may exist in frustrated magnets. Such phases are interesting, because they represent model materials where short-range interactions and local constraints lead to emergent symmetries and fractional quasiparticles.

Marco Stampanoni at the TOMCAT beamline

ERC Grant for the development of a new imaging method with high potential clinical impact

Marco Stampanoni, Assistant Professor for X-ray microscopy at the ETH Zürich and Head of the 'X-ray Tomography Group' of the SLS has been recently awarded one of the coveted European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for the project PhaseX: 'Phase contrast X-ray imaging for medicine'. Marco Stampanoni's project will be supported by the ERC with 1.5 million euros for the next 5 years. The highly competitive ERC Starting Grants are reserved for outstanding young research talents.

Two types of adjacent dimer layers in the low temperature phase of BaCuSi2O6

The interest in BaCuSi2O6 is motivated by its extraordinary phase diagram with field-induced Bose-Einstein condensation. Being a quantum paramagnet at zero magnetic field down to the lowest temperatures, the system displays a quantum phase transition into a magnetically ordered state at the critical value of magnetic field of ~23.5 T.

Experimental Fermi surface of VSe2 sliced in three planes in 3D k-space. The FS anisotropy reflects the highly anisotropic macroscopic properties of this material. The experiment is in excellent agreement with the DFT predictions (blue contours).

Three-Dimensional Electron Realm in Crystalline Solids Revealed with Soft-X-Rays

The electronic band structure E(k) as energy E of the electrons depending on its wavevector k is the cornerstone concept of the quantum solid state theory. The main experimental method to investigate E(k) is the angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES). However, a small photoelectron escape depth of a few Å largely restricts the applications of ARPES to two-dimensonal crystals.

Laser-Induced Forward Transfer for the Fabrication of Devices

In conjunction with the increasing availability of cost-efficient laser units during the recent years, laser-based micromachining techniques have been developed as an indispensable industrial instrument of ‘‘tool-free’’ high-precision manufacturing techniques for the production of miniaturized devices made of nearly every type of materials. Laser cutting and drilling, as well as surface etching, have grown meanwhile to mature standard methods in laser micromachining applications where a well-defined laser beam is used to remove material by laser ablation. As an accurately triggerable nonmechanical tool, the ablating laser beam directly allows a subtractive direct-write engraving of precise microscopic structure patterns on surfaces, such as microchannels, grooves, and well arrays, as well as for security features. Therefore, laser direct-write (LDW) techniques imply originally a controlled material ablation to create a patterned surface with spatially resolved three-dimensional structures, and gained importance as an alternative to complementary photolithographic wet-etch processes. However, with more extended setups, LDW techniques can also be utilized to deposit laterally resolved micropatterns on surfaces, which allows, in a general sense, for the laser-assisted ‘‘printing’’ of materials.

Simon Rutishauser assembles phase and absorption gratings into the grating interferometer structure (Photo: PSI/M. Fischer)

Ultra-short X-ray laser pulses precisely surveyed for the first time

X-ray lasers belong to a modern generation of light sources from which scientists in widely different disciplines expect to obtain new knowledge about the structure and function of materials at the atomic level. On the basis of this new knowledge, it could then be possible one day to develop better medicines, more powerful computers or more efficient catalysts for energy transformation.

Room-temperature conductance of LASTO:x films for (a) x=0.50, (b) x=0.75, and (c) x=1. The dashed vertical lines for x=1.0 and 0.75 indicate the experimentally determined threshold thicknesses tc, which for x=0.5, is represented by a band for the more gradual transition. All values were obtained after ensuring that the samples had remained in dark conditions for a sufficiently long time to avoid any photoelectric contributions. The blue triangles are samples belonging to the first set, and red points denot…

Tunable conductivity threshold at polar oxide interfaces

The physical mechanisms responsible for the formation of a two-dimensional electron gas at the interface between insulating SrTiO3 and LaAlO3 have remained a contentious subject since its discovery in 2004. Opinion is divided between an intrinsic mechanism involving the build-up of an internal electric potential due to the polar discontinuity at the interface between SrTiO3 and LaAlO3, and extrinsic mechanisms attributed to structural imperfections.

The researchers Claudia Cancellieri (left) and Mathilde Reinle-Schmitt at an apparatus that produces thin layers of different materials with the aid of a laser (Paul Scherrer Institute/M. Fischer)

Controversy clarified: Why two insulators together can transport electricity

How can two materials which do not conduct electricity create an electrically conducting layer when they are joined together? Since this effect was discovered in 2004, researchers have developed various hypotheses to answer this question – each with its own advocates, who defend it and try to prove its validity. Now, an international team under the leadership of researchers at the Paul Scherrer Institute has probably settled the controversy.

Sequential printing by laser-induced forward transfer to fabricate a polymer light-emitting diode pixel

Patterned deposition of polymer light-emitting diode (PLED) pixels is a challenge for electronic display applications. PLEDs have additional problems requiring solvent orthogonality of different materials in adjacent layers. We present the fabrication of a PLED pixel by the sequential deposition of two different layers with laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT), a “dry” deposition technique. This novel use of LIFT has been compared to “normal” LIFT, where all the layers are transferred in a single step, and a conventional PLED fabrication process.

(a) Mn K-edge XANES spectra of the ∼60 nm o-LMO epitaxial film were measured at room temperature for polarizations E || [110] and E || [001]. The inset shows the magnified pre-edge features. (b) FEFF simulations using the crystallographic data of the bulk o-LMO sample for E || [110] and E || [001]. The simulated pre-edges are shown on a larger scale in the inset.

Laser-Induced Forward Transfer for the Fabrication of Devices

X-ray near edge absorption spectroscopy was used to probe the electronic structure of multiferroic orthorhombic LuMnO3 polycrystalline samples and strained, twin-free orthorhombic (1–10) LuMnO3 films grown by pulsed laser deposition on (1–10) YAlO3 substrates. For all o-LuMnO3 samples x-ray near edge absorption spectroscopy spectra reveal that the pre-edge structure is influenced by the increase in MnO6 distortion as a result of the smaller Re-ion or film strain. Furthermore there is clear evidence of anisotropic Mn-O bonding and Mn orbital ordering along the c- and [110] direction. The experimental film and bulk data are in agreement with ab initio simulations.

ETH Zurich, IBM and Paul Scherrer Institut Researchers receive 2012 PRACE Award

The MEGAWatt Pilot Experiment was operated for neutron generation with the PSI high intensity proton beam in 2006. The experiment utilized liquid target material, a lead bismuth eutectic. This marked a major milestone towards Accelerator Driven Systems (ADS), which are intended to be used for the incineration of nuclear waste.

Dipolar Antiferromagnetism and Quantum Criticality in LiErF4

Magnetism has been predicted to occur in systems in which dipolar interactions dominate exchange. We present neutron scattering, specific heat, and magnetic susceptibility data for LiErF4, establishing it as a model dipolar-coupled antiferromagnet with planar spin-anisotropy and a quantum phase transition in applied field Hc|| = 4.0 ± 0.1 kilo-oersteds.

Summary of the LIFT process for tri-color OLED pixels. The 1-D substrate architecture is shown for the LIFT donor substrate (a) and the receiver substrate (b). The transfer of the first OLED color, blue, is shown in detail with the laser beam approaching (c) and the TP ablation and pixel deposition (d). LIFT of the green (e) and red (f) OLEDs is shown in sequence, and EL operation of the final three colors, side-by-side is also shown (g).

Red-green-blue polymer light-emitting diode pixels printed by optimized laser-induced forward transfer

An optimized laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) technique has been used to fabricate tri-color organic light-emitting diode (OLED) pixels. At reduced pressures, and with a defined donor-receiver gap, patterned depositions of polyfluorene-based OLED pixels have been achieved. OLED pixel functionality has been demonstrated and compared with devices made using conventional deposition techniques. In addition, improved functionality has been obtained by coating the cathode with an electron-injecting layer, a process not possible using conventional OLED fabrication techniques. The OLED pixels fabricated by LIFT reach efficiencies on the range of conventionally fabricated devices and even surpass them in the case of blue pixels.

Direct observation of the quantum critical point in heavy fermion CeRhSi3

In many heavy fermion materials the quantum critical point is masked by superconductivity and it can only be detected by use of a local probe. In the noncentrosymmetric heavy fermion CeRhSi3 the ground state at ambient pressure is antiferromagnetically ordered and superconductivity sets in above 12 kbar coexisting with antiferromagnetism. We have unraveled a magnetic quantum critical point hidden deep inside the superconducting state of CeRhSi3.

3D view of the spin-vector orientation as determined by SARPES

Three-Dimensional Spin Rotations in a Monolayer Electron System

In the emerging field of spintronics, the generation, injection, and in particular the control of highly spin polarized currents are main issues to be solved. Lifting of spin degeneracy by the spin-orbit interaction at surfaces, known as Rashba effect, represents a promising approach, since it generates two spin-polarized bands without the necessity of an external field. In our recent study, we realize such a system for a metallic surface layer on a semiconductor: Au/Ge(111).