Grundlagen der Natur

Am Paul Scherrer Institut suchen Forschende nach Antworten auf die fundamentale Frage nach den Grundstrukturen der Materie und den fundamentalen Funktionsprinzipien in der Natur. Sie untersuchen Aufbau und Eigenschaften der Elementarteilchen – der kleinsten Bausteine der Materie – oder gehen der Frage nach, wie biologische Moleküle aufgebaut sind und wie sie ihre Funktion erfüllen. Das so gewonnene Wissen öffnet neue Lösungsansätze in Wissenschaft, Medizin oder Technologie.

Mehr dazu unter Überblick Grundlagen der Natur

Tseng et al

Crossover of high-energy spin fluctuations from collective triplons to localized magnetic excitations in Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 ladder

We studied the magnetic excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional (q-1D) ladder subsystem of Sr14−xCaxCu24O41 (SCCO) using Cu L3-edge resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). By comparing momentum-resolved RIXS spectra with high (x = 12.2) and without (x = 0) Ca content, we track the evolution of the magnetic excitations from collective two-triplon (2 T) excitations (x = 0) to weakly- dispersive gapped modes at an energy of 280 meV (x = 12.2)...


2022 SwissSkills - Gold

SwissSkills 2022 - Resultate

Gold für Melvin D.! 4. Platz für Eric B., Noah P. und Janik M.

Wir gratulieren herzlich und sind stolz auf ihre Leistung!

georg oto

Congratulation Georg!

All LRC members are proud of Tiebel Georg, who won the Best Poster Presentation Award at the Swiss Chemical Society Fall Meeting 2022, 8 September 2020. Congratulation Georg, great job!

Marc Albert Ilg

Passerelle - Erfahrungsbericht

In der Passerelle geht man ein Jahr lang zur Schule, sodass man die volle Maturität erlangen kann. Nach der Berufsmaturität kann man beispielsweise an die Fachhochschule studieren gehen nicht aber an die Universität oder ETH.

Durch das Diplom der Passerelle erhält man die Maturität und es stehen einem alle Türen offen, um studieren zu gehen.

Artur Glavic NI Price

Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research

Artur Glavic received the first Instrumentation Price Neutron Research “for his significant contributions to the development and construction of novel neutron reflectometers”. 

Fräswettbewerb 2022

Fräsewettbewerb 2022 mit erfolgreichen PSI-Lernenden

Polymechaniker räumen ab


CASH+ solid solution cement model

A new incrementally extendable thermodynamic model, CASH+, was developed, aimed at accurately describing equilibrium composition, solubility, and elemental uptake of C-A-S-H gel-like phases at varying chemical conditions in cement systems. Cement is widely used as matrix and backfill for low and intermediate level waste. Calcium-Aluminum-Silicate Hydrates (C-A-S-H) are the most important binding phases in cement. They are also responsible for the initial entrapment of radionuclides via sorption or solid solution formation mechanisms. Therefore, the thermodynamic modelling of C-A-S-H stability, solubility and interaction with radionuclides in cement porewater is crucial for understanding hydration, blending, degradation of cement-based materials and for the performance assessment of cementitious repositories.

Dr. Øystein Slagtern Fjellvåg during the commissioning of the wide angle detector of DMC

Neutron scattering collaboration with Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology

A collaboration between the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) and the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) provides dedicated beam-time to Norwegian scientists, bringing with them diverse and exciting topics ranging from revealing hidden inscriptions in amulets to neutron based cancer therapies.

Vertragsunterzeichnung Alphasynt

Cooperation and licensing agreement between the Paul Scherrer Institute and Alphasynt

The Paul Scherrer Institute and Alphasynt have recently signed a cooperation- and licensing agreement. In doing so, the two pave the way for a fruitful collaboration in the commercialization of methanation.  


Prize from International Society for muSR Spectroscopy

PhD student of the E-QuP group Charles Mielke III receives the Prize for best Young Scientist Talk at the 15th International Conference on Muon Spin Spectroscopy.


Welcome to Luca Longetti!

We warmly welcome Luca Longetti to the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry.



Cashlessly money upload of PSI badge

It is now possible to upload your PSI badge cashless directly with your credit card. The respective machine is located in the entrance area of the PSI restaurant OASE. 


SwissSkills 2022

Reicht es für eine Medaille oder ein Diplom?

Top of Europe

High-ranking visitor on the Jungfraujoch Research Station

On Friday 19th of August, US Ambassador to the Swiss confederation Scott Miller visited the Jungfraujoch, where PSI scientists conduct research at 3580 meters above sea level. 

Bonfa et al

Entanglement between Muon and I > 1/2 Nuclear Spins as a Probe of Charge Environment

We report on the first example of quantum coherence between the spins of muons and quadrupolar nuclei. We reveal that these entangled states are highly sensitive to a local charge environment and thus, can be deployed as a functional quantum sensor of that environment. The quantum coherence effect was observed in vanadium intermetallic compounds which adopt the A15 crystal structure, and whose members include all technologically pertinent superconductors. Furthermore ...


Teaser Rahel

Poster Prize 2022: First Prize (AKB Foundation) of the SAPhW Poster Award at the Swiss Pharma Science Day 2022

Rahel Wallimann, PhD student in the “Nuclide Chemistry Group”, received the first prize (AKB Foundation) of the SAPhW Poster Award at the Swiss Pharma Science Day 2022.

Berufsbildnerabend 2022

Berufsbildnerabend 2022

1 Million Liter Wasser sprudelt jeden Tag aus den vielen Thermalquellen im Bäderquartier in Baden

2022 WorldSkills

WorldSkills 2022

Vom 19. - 22. Oktober 2022 drücken wir Mario Liechti (ehem. Lernender) im Beruf des Elektroniker EFZ beide Daumen!


Lehrabschlussfeier 2022

Bei schönstem Wetter feierten wir unsere 27 neuen Berufsleute.


Doctoral thesis award 2022 for Igor Plokhikh

Doctoral thesis award of the Dr. Alfons Paulus Foundation at the University of Regensburg, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy for Igor Plokhikh 

On 14th of July 2022 Dr Igor Plokhikh (currently postdoc at SSCG, LMX PSI) has been awarded with the Doctoral thesis award of the Dr. Alfons Paulus Foundation at the University of Regensburg, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy. He completed his doctoral studies at the group of Prof. Arno Pfitzner working on synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of crystal and magnetic structures of new magnetic Eu2+-containing compounds. This work resulted in discovery of over 10 new compounds, some of which exhibit complex magnetic phase diagrams.

Thomas Mortelmans

Thomas Mortelmans receives the Swiss Nanotechnology PhD award

Thomas Mortelmans has been a PhD at the Laboratory for X-ray Nanosciences and Technologies for the last four years. He recently defended his PhD-thesis at the University of Basel entitled: "The development of a nanofluidic particle size sorter and its biomedical sciences" and was awarded the grade of summa cum laude.