Data Science

Gabriel Weber

Welcome to LXN Gabriel Weber

Herzlich Willkommen Gabriel Weberin LXN!

Figure 1: Branching during the reaction mechanisms of the catalytic pyrolysis of guaiacol. The Bronsted acid site density is responsible, which reaction route is taken.

Unveiling the reaction mechanism shines light on the selectivity increase in catalytic processes

Increasing the selectivity of a chemical process through rational catalyst design is the Holy Grail of heterogeneous catalysis. Researchers at PSI and ETH Zürich showcase how revealing hidden steps in reaction pathways can steer processes towards preferred products, as demonstrated in a study focused on biomass valorization.

Céline Hensky

Welcome to LXN Céline Hensky

Herzlich Willkommen Céline Hensky in LXN!

Lehrabschlussfeier PSI 2023

Lehrabschlussfeier 2023

Am Freitag, 18. August durften wir stolz und mit viel Freude 29 neue Berufsleute feiern. Sie schlossen ihrer Berufslehre mit einem tollen Noten-Durchschnitt von 5.1 ab. Im Kreise ihrer Eltern, den Berufsbildnerinnen und Berufsbildnern, den Fachbetreuerinnen und Fachbetreuer erlebten wir einen feierlichen, schönen und unterhaltsamen Abend.

Emanuele Moioli

Revolutionizing Renewable Processes: Ambizione Grant Winner Emanuele Moioli

Emanuele Moioli is one of the recipients of the prestigious Ambizione Grant awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) on a yearly basis. With the great news of his award having arrived in August 2022, Moioli embarks on the journey of his groundbreaking project titled “Moving catalyst vs. Multi-catalyst: determination of the best reactor for the processing of unconventional feedstock,” set to commence this August 2023.

Sala et al

Field-tuned quantum renormalization of spin dynamics in the honeycomb lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet YbCl3

The basis for our understanding of quantum magnetism has been the study of elegantly simple model systems. However, even for the antiferromagnetic honeycomb lattice with isotropic spin interactions – one of the simplest model systems – a detailed understanding of quantum effects is still lacking. Here, using inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the honeycomb lattice material YbCl3, we elucidate how quantum effects renormalize ...

Four treatment stages of the sample. The test assembly of Syntcrud powder + filter+ foil in a zirconium crucible vessel before, during and after the pre-fusion burning step and fully dissolved sample in acid after flux-fusion with Na2O2 + NaCO3.

Forensics: Quantitative tracing of Silicon in CRUD

Chalk River Unidentified Deposits (CRUD) are dissolved and suspended solids, product of the corrosion of structural elements in water circuits of nuclear reactors.  

The chemical composition of CRUD is variable as it depends on the composition of the reactor’s structural material, as well as the types of refueling cycles.  Recent internal investigations have found unexpected but significant Si-amount in CRUD. The chemical composition of CRUD holds key information for an improved understanding of CRUD formation and possible impact in fuel reliability and contamination prevention.

The standard analytical methods available in the hot laboratory did not allow an easy quantitative determination of the Si-amount in CRUD. A new innovative procedure has been developed and tested with synthetic CRUD name Syntcrud.

The adapted flex-fusion digestion method presented here is able to provide reliable concentrations of several elements within CRUD, including Si, which was not possible in methods used previously for ICPMS measurement.

installation ESTIA

Swiss precision optics in Sweden

PSI has finalized the precision Selene neutron optics for the ESTIA instrument. The complex state-of-the-art guide was installed at the European Spallation Source as a Swiss in-kind delivery.

Flokstra et al

Spin-orbit driven superconducting proximity effects in Pt/Nb thin films

Manipulating the spin state of thin layers of superconducting material is a promising route to generate dissipationless spin currents in spintronic devices. Approaches typically focus on using thin ferromagnetic elements to perturb the spin state of the superconducting condensate to create spin-triplet correlations. We have investigated simple structures that generate spin-triplet correlations without using ferromagnetic elements.


Guguchia et al, npj QM

Unconventional charge order and superconductivity in kagome-lattice systems as seen by muon-spin rotation

Kagome lattices are intriguing and rich platforms for studying the intertwining of topology, electron correlation, and magnetism. These materials have been subject to tremendous experimental and theoretical studies not only due to their exciting physical properties but also as systems that may solve critical technological problems. We will review recent experimental progress on superconductivity and magnetic fingerprints of charge order in several kagome-lattice systems from the local-magnetic probe point of view by utilizing muon-spin rotation under extreme conditions, i.e., hydrostatic pressure, ultra low temperature and high magnetic field.


Han et al

Strong phonon softening and avoided crossing in aliovalence-doped heavy-band thermoelectrics

Aliovalent doping is a way to optimize the electrical properties of semiconductors, but its impact on the phonon structure and propagation is seldom considered properly. Here we show that aliovalent doping can be much more effective in reducing the lattice thermal conductivity of thermoelectric semiconductors than the commonly employed isoelectronic alloying strategy. We demonstrate ...

Photo of the tree-hole toad tree frog

On the trail of blue bones

The bones of the tree hollow toad tree frog are turquoise blue. Our team is currently investigating the nanostructure of the bone and its significance for the frog.

Einführungswoche 2023

Einführungswoche 2023

Am Montag, 7. August 2023 durften wir 30 neue Lernende und Praktikant*innen am PSI begrüssen. Wir wünschen ihnen einen guten Start in der Berufswelt und eine erfolgreiche Lehr- und Praktikumszeit.

Apochromatic X-ray focusing Editor Highlight

Apochromatic X-ray focusing as Editor's Highlight in Light: Science & Applications

Our recent work on the 1st demonstration of apochromatic X-ray lenses has been selected as an Editor's Highlight in Light: Science & Applications.

Sandra Mous

Sandra Mous received the ETH Medal for her dissertation at ETH Zurich

Sandra Mous received the ETH Medal for her dissertation at ETH Zurich under the supervision of Prof. Gebhard F.X. Schertler, Division Head of Biology and Chemistry at PSI. She captured the first molecular movie of an anion transported across the cell membrane by a protein pump. Congratulations!

Narmadha Devi Suresh Kumar

Welcome to LXN Narmadha Devi

Herzlich Willkommen Narmadha Devi in LXN!


Direct observation of exchange anisotropy in the helimagnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3

The helical magnetic structures of cubic chiral systems are well explained by the competition among Heisen- berg exchange, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, cubic anisotropy, and anisotropic exchange interaction (AEI). Recently, the role of the latter has been argued theoretically to be crucial for the low-temperature phase diagram of the cubic chiral magnet Cu2OSeO3, which features tilted conical and disordered skyrmion states for a specific orientation of the applied magnetic field (μ0H⃗ ∥ [001]). In this study ...

Bechir Braham

Welcome to LXN Bechir Braham

Herzlich Willkommen Bechir Braham in LXN!

Brahlek et al

Emergent Magnetism with Continuous Control in the Ultrahigh-Conductivity Layered Oxide PdCoO2

The current challenge to realizing continuously tunable magnetism lies in our inability to systematically change properties, such as valence, spin, and orbital degrees of freedom, as well as crystallographic geometry. Here, we demonstrate that ferromagnetism can be externally turned on with the application of low-energy helium implantation and can be subsequently erased and returned to the pristine state via annealing.