Grundlagen der Natur

Am Paul Scherrer Institut suchen Forschende nach Antworten auf die fundamentale Frage nach den Grundstrukturen der Materie und den fundamentalen Funktionsprinzipien in der Natur. Sie untersuchen Aufbau und Eigenschaften der Elementarteilchen – der kleinsten Bausteine der Materie – oder gehen der Frage nach, wie biologische Moleküle aufgebaut sind und wie sie ihre Funktion erfüllen. Das so gewonnene Wissen öffnet neue Lösungsansätze in Wissenschaft, Medizin oder Technologie.

Mehr dazu unter Überblick Grundlagen der Natur

Left: Schematic view of electric dipole and quadrupole transitions probing the band like 5d and localized 4f magnetic subsystems of elemental Holmium, respectively. Middle. Time traces of the magnetic 4f and 5d response, exhibiting equal demagnetization time scales. Right: magnetic structure of elemental Ho.

Itinerant and Localized Magnetization Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Holmium

Resonant magnetic scattering performed at the x-ray free electron laser facility LCLS (USA) has been used to investigate the magnetization dynamics of elemental Holmium. It is found that the demagnetization of conduction electrons and localized 4f magnetic moments have the same temporal evolution showing a strong coupling between the different magnetic moments.

First light from the SwissFEL Experimental Laser

The SwissFEL Experimental Laser 1 has successfully been delivered and installed in a temporary laser lab by Coherent, from where it will be moved to SwissFEL by end of 2016. The pre-installation in the temporary laser lab allows to become acquainted with the system, to set up a full monitoring and diagnostics system and to debug potential problems in the next months.

(a) Top: phosphorus K-edge x-ray absorption spectra of intact and UVA-irradiated aqueous DNA samples. Bottom: P K-edge XAS difference signal between the spectrum of damaged and reference DNA samples. (b) Experimental difference of P K-edge XAS obtained for a UVA-irradiated DNA sample fitted with a linear combination of theoretical lesion spectra.

Investigating DNA Radiation Damage Using X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy

The key to achieving more effective radioprotection and radiotherapy is to understand the exact mechanism of the interaction between radiation and biomolecules, and in particular to obtain the precise structure of the different forms of damage and their relative ratios. Among all biomolecules exposed to radiation, DNA plays an important role because any damage to its molecular structure can affect the whole cell and may lead to chromosomal rearrangements resulting in genomic instability or cell death.

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Welcome Dr. Peter Alpert

We warmly welcome Dr. Peter Alpert in the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry joining the Surface Chemistry group as of 1st June 2016. Peter Alpert has received his PhD at Stony Brook University and has been a postdoc at CNRS-IRCELYON in France. Peter Alpert will strengthen the group’s activities in application of Scanning Transmission X-ray Spectromicroscopy (STXM) in a CROSS project with the SYN department (PolLux beamline and Laboratory of Micro- and Nanotechnology) to develop a new generation of environmental cells.

Centriolar CPAP/SAS-4 Imparts Slow Processive Microtubule Growth

Centrioles are fundamental and evolutionarily conserved microtubule-based organelles whose assembly is characterized by microtubule growth rates that are orders of magnitude slower than those of cytoplasmic microtubules. Here, we bring together crystallographic, biophysical, and reconstitution assays to demonstrate that the human centriolar protein CPAP (SAS-4 in worms and flies) binds and "caps" microtubule plus ends by associating with a site of β-tubulin engaged in longitudinal tubulin-tubulin interactions.

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LUCky Sola Team

The Radiowanderer stroke again: A team of 14 runners from the Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry (LUC) and the Laboratory of Radiochemistry (LRC), as well as a number of external friends and supporters, happily and successfully finished the 43rd Sola event in Zürich. The total distance summed up to 116 km and 2580 m in altitude. Congratulations to the runners!

Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Dipolar Antiferromagnets

We report ac susceptibility, specific heat, and neutron scattering measurements on a dipolar-coupled antiferromagnet LiYbF4. For the thermal transition, the order-parameter critical exponent is found to be 0.20(1) and the specific-heat critical exponent −0.25(1). The exponents agree with the 2D XY/h4 universality class despite the lack of apparent two-dimensionality in the structure.

RSC Spiers Memorial Award Medal

Swiss chemist wins prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award

Professor Urs Baltensperger, from the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland, is the Royal Society of Chemistry Spiers Memorial Award winner for 2016.

The role of ions in the self-healing behavior of soft particle suspensions

A. Scotti et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1516011113 (2016). Understanding when a material crystallizes is of fundamental importance in condensed matter. In many materials, the presence of point defects suppresses crystallization. Surprisingly, colloidal hydrogels can overcome this limitation: A small number of large microgels can spontaneously deswell to fit in the crystal lattice of smaller microgels, thus avoiding the occurrence of point defects.

3D rendering of a portion of about 20 micron diameter of the cream cheese-like food system used for this study. Rendering by Liborius ApS.

How does food look like on the nanoscale?

The answer to this question could save food industry a lot of money and reduce food waste caused by faulty production. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the Paul Scherrer Institut have obtained a 3D image of food on the nanoscale using ptychographic X-ray computed tomography. This work paves the way towards a more detailed knowledge of the structure of complex food systems.

Robust Magnetic Properties of a Sublimable Single Molecule Magnet

The organization of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) on surfaces via thermal sublimation is a prerequisite for the development of future devices for spintronics exploiting the richness of properties offered by these magnetic molecules. However, a change in the SMM properties due to the interaction with specific surfaces is usually observed.

The role of ions in the self-healing behavior of soft particle suspensions

Understanding when a material crystallizes is of fundamental importance in condensed matter. In many materials, the presence of point defects suppresses crystallization. Surprisingly, colloidal hydrogels can overcome this limitation: A small number of large microgels can spontaneously deswell to fit in the crystal lattice of smaller microgels, thus avoiding the occurrence of point defects.

Phonon spectroscopy reveals important details of geophysical relevant materials

Using inelastic x-ray scattering and parameter-free calculations the authors provide the first complete and fully consistent lattice dynamics description of MgSiO3-brigmanite, the main constituent of the Earth’s lower mantle and one of the most important Earth’s minerals.

Viscoelasticity Enhancement of Surfactant Solutions Depends on Molecular Conformation: Influence of Surfactant Headgroup Structure and Its Counterion

During the anisotropic growth from globular to wormlike micelles, the basic interactions among distinct parts of the surfactant monomer, its counterion, and additives are fundamental to tune molecular self-assembly. We investigate the addition of sodium salicylate (NaSal) to hexadecyltrimethylammonium chloride and bromide (CTAC and CTAB), 1-hexadecylpyridinium chloride and bromide (CPyCl and CPyBr), and benzyldimethylhexadecylammonium chloride (BDMC), which have the same hydrophobic tail.

The complex electron phonon interaction in SrTiO3 seen by ARPES. The series of replica bands at low carrier density is an unambiguous spectroscopic fingerprint of Fröhlich polarons. With increasing carrier density, the replica bands evolve into a subtle kink structure in much wider electronic bands. This shows directly that the polarons dissociate as the doping is increased.

Tailoring Novel Superconductivity

The band insulator strontium titanate SrTiO3 (STO), widely used as a substrate for growing oxide films, is a highly fascinating material. Recently, novel physical properties have been observed at the interface between STO and the materials grown on it. For instance the appearance of superconductivity above the temperature of liquid nitrogen, observed in a single monolayer of FeSe (its critical temperature is higher than in any iron-based bulk material) grown on the STO surface, suggests a key-role of the STO substrate.

The diet in many developing countries is lacking zinc, but researchers have just solved the riddle of how to get more zinc into crop seeds. The discovery has been published in Nature Plants, and the research was led by University of Copenhagen. Above picture shows microscopic chemical images of a cross-section through a mutant seed. From left to right and top to bottom: Ca, P, Fe, Zn, MnCaFe, S, K, Cu, Mn. Image courtesy of C. Larue, Uni. Toulouse. Data collected at microXAS (Swiss Light Source). Scale bar

Researchers find key to zinc rich plants to combat malnutrition

The diet in many developing countries is lacking zinc, but researchers have just solved the riddle of how to get more zinc into crop seeds. The discovery has been published in Nature Plants, and the research was led by University of Copenhagen.By Johanne Uhrenholt Kusnitzoff

Tailoring Novel Superconductivity

The Angle Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) measurements performed on 2DEL at STO surface revealed that, at low carrier density, electrons are always accompanied by a quantized dynamic lattice deformation. Together with the electron, these phonon-cloud formed a new composite quasiparticle called Fröhlich polaron.