Data Science

PEC Oxynitride

Surface Analysis of Perovskite Oxynitride Thin Films as Photoelectrodes for Solar Water Splitting

Perovskite oxynitride semiconductors have attracted huge interest recently as promising photoelectrode materials for photoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting. Oxynitride thin films grown by physical vapor deposition are ideal model systems to study the fundamental physical and chemical properties of the surface of these materials, including their evolution. Using a combination of high-sensitivity low-energy ion scattering (LEIS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the surface evolution of LaTiOxNy (LTON) and CaNbOxNy (CNON) thin films before and after the PEC characterizations is monitored. This work provides therefore insight into the surface characteristics and evolution of LTON and CNON oxynitride thin films as photoelectrodes for PEC applications.

Comparison between Pr4Fe2As2Te0.88O4 and Ba(Fe1−xCox)2As2

Novel structural orthorhombicity in an iron-pnictide superconductor

Researchers from University of Zurich describe the experimental observation of a new orthorhombic structural phase in the superconducting iron-pnictide compound Pr4Fe2As2Te0.88O4. In contrast to nematicity found in underdoped iron pnictides this phase transition is not electronically driven. 

first ESTIA parts at ESS

First Components of ESTIA arrive at ESS in Lund

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is currently under construction in Lund, Sweden and is set to become the most powerful neutron source in Europe and world-wide. The PSI-ESS project is delivering state-of-the-art contributions to five instruments at ESS, which will be home to a suite of 15 novel instruments. Among the five PSI instruments, the reflectometer ESTIA stands out as it is delivered in its entirety by PSI ...  


Prof. Dr. Roger Schibli has been elected a Council Member 2020-2022 of the European Society for Molecular Imaging - ESMI

European Society for Molecular Imaging - ESMI

The ESMI represents and advocates IMAGING SCIENCE

The ESMI is providing an international, interdisciplinary platform for knowledge exchange in the field covering basic sciences, translational aspects as well as clinical applications.

SINQ hall new

SINQ - performance of the new neutron guide system

In a recent open access article in "Neutron News" the performance of the new neutron delivery system after the SINQ upgrade has been described. Neutron flux gain factors between 2 and more than 10 have been measured at the various cold neutron instruments at SINQ.....  


Proximity-Induced Novel Ferromagnetism Accompanied with Resolute Metallicity in NdNiO3 Heterostructure

Employing X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), and momentum-resolved density fluctuation (MRDF) theory, the magnetic and electronic properties of ultrathin NdNiO3 (NNO) film in proximity to ferromagnetic (FM) La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 (LSMO) layer are investigated. The experimental data shows the direct magnetic coupling between the nickelate film and the manganite layer which causes an unusual ferromagnetic (FM) phase in NNO. Moreover, it is shown the metal–insulator transition in the NNO layer, identified by an abrupt suppression of ARPES spectral weight near the Fermi level (EF), is absent. This observation suggests that the insulating AFM ground state is quenched in proximity to the FM layer. Combining the experimental data (XMCD and AREPS) with the momentum-resolved density fluctuation calculation (MRDF) reveals a direct link between the MIT and the magnetic orders in NNO systems. This work demonstrates that the proximity layer order can be broadly used to modify physical properties and enrich the phase diagram of RENiO3 (RE = rare-earth element).



EuroSkills 2021 in Graz

Mario Liechti kämpft nun auf internationaler Ebene um Medaillen

liu lu photo

Welcome Aboard!

We are happy to welcome Lu Liu in our Laboratory. 

Dr. Lu Liu is a Postdoctoral Researcher, who has recently joined the group of Isotope and Target Chemistry. She will work on the “PASCAL” project, under the supervision of Dr. Jörg Neuhausen.


Guratinder et al

Magnetic correlations in the triangular antiferromagnet FeGa2S4

The crystal structure and magnetic correlations in triangular antiferromagnet FeGa2S4 are studied by x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility, neutron diffraction, and neutron inelastic scattering. We report significant mixing at the cation sites and disentangle magnetic properties dominated by major and minor magnetic sites.



Two-color x-ray free-electron laser by photocathode laser emittance spoiler

A novel and noninvasive method for high-energy two-color x-ray FEL emission was demonstrated at SwissFEL. In the experiment, a laser emittance spoiler pulse is overlapped with the primary photocathode laser pulse to locally spoil the beam emittance and inhibit the FEL emission from the central part of the beam, ultimately resulting in X-ray emission at two wavelengths. High spectral stability and the possibility to independently control the duration and intensity ratio between the two-color X-ray pulses is demonstrated. The laser emittance spoiler also enables shot-to-shot selection between one and two-color FEL emission and further, as it does not contribute to beam losses, it is compatible with high repetition-rate FELs.

This article has been selected as the winner of the first Ernest Courant Outstanding Paper Recognition, a honor sponsored by the journal Physical Review Accelerators and Beams (PRAB) and the APS Division of Physics of Beams (DPB).  This honor recognizes the most outstanding paper published in PRAB annually.


Welcome to Alessia Cesarini

Welcome to Alessia Cesarini, new PhD student in the van Bokhoven group. She is located at EMPA and works together with Andreas Borgschulte.



Wang et al

Soft-mode dynamics in the ferroelectric phase transition of GeTe

GeTe that exhibits a strong anharmonicity and a ferroelectric phase transition between the rhombohedral and cubic structures has emerged as one of the leading thermoelectric materials. Herein, combining molecular dynamics simulations and inelastic neutron scattering measurements, the lattice dynamics in GeTe have been investigated to reveal the soft-mode mechanisms across the phase transition.


Lehrlingsevent 2021

Lehrlingsevent Gewerbeverein 2021

Da der Lehrlingsevent des Gewerbevereins Aaretal-Kirchspiel auch dieses Jahr nicht im üblichen Rahmen stattfinden konnte, haben Vertreter der Zurzibieter Gewerbevereine die Lehrabgänger mit einem Besuch und einem Geschenk überrascht.

Feriencamp 2021

Feriencamp 2021

Auch dieses Jahr konnten wir mit 36 Kinder von PSI-Mitarbeitenden das Feriencamp durchführen. Wir verbrachten eine interessante und tolle Woche am PSI. Herzlichen Dank allen Helfenden, welche diese Woche überhaupt möglich machen!

Enhanced reducibility of ceria influences the reaction mechanism towards CO oxidation

Enhanced Reducibility of the Ceria-Tin Oxide Solid Solution Modifies the CO Oxidation Mechanism at the Platinum-Oxide Interface

The introduction of tin into ceria strongly influences its reducibility. In turn, the reaction mechanism towards the oxidation of carbon monoxide changes: the oxidation rate increases, the apparent activation energy decreases and the reaction order in oxygen increases.

A Three Dimensional View of Chemical Heterogeneities in Defect-Engineered HKUST-1 Crystals

Full-field X-ray absorption tomography reveals the chemical structure of defects in metal-organic frameworks

Cryo-full-field XANES computed tomography was used to visualize the presence and distribution of a second coordination polymer of reduced copper coordination within defect-engineered HKUST-1 MOF crystals. Observations encourage a revisitation of the structure-property relationships of defect-engineered MOFs.

Increasing small scale details of a jet

Analysis of a large-scale turbulent round jet

The entire study is an investigation into the self-similarity behavior [1] of first and second order statistical quantities derived from a large-scale jet flow taken from one of the experiments in the PANDA facility using the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD).

What is presented, are the merits, the potential and the characteristics of the corresponding underlying POD analysis. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is a mathematical framework to extract large-scale structures which are otherwise eventually masked by the complexity of the fully turbulent flow; example: the meandering of a jet which is not so obvious for the original data.

first ESTIA parts at ESS

First Components of ESTIA arrive at ESS

The European Spallation Source (ESS) is currently under construction in Lund, Sweden and is set to become the most powerful neutron source in Europe and world-wide. The PSI-ESS project is delivering state-of-the-art contributions to five instruments at ESS, which will be home to a suite of 15 novel instruments. Among the five PSI instruments, the reflectometer ESTIA stands out as it is delivered in its entirety by PSI ...  


Synchrotron movies

Prof Philip Willmott, the author of the book 'Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation: techniques and applications' (second edition, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2019. ISBN: 9781119280392), makes the scripts for the simulations and animations available to the public.

Pooja Thakkar

SGS award for Pooja Thakkar

Pooja Thakkar received the Shoulders-Gray-Spindt award at the 34th Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference for her paper "Voltage-controlled three-electron-beam interference by a three-element Boersch phase shifter with top and bottom shielding electrodes"

Ptycho-topo teaser image

Imaging strain with high resolution

Imaging strain in crystalline materials with high resolution can be a challenging task. Researchers demonstrate an original use of X-ray ptychography for this purpose: ptychographic topography.

Preissinger et al 2

Vital role of magnetocrystalline anisotropy in cubic chiral skyrmion hosts

Magnetic anisotropy is anticipated to govern the formation of exotic spin textures reported recently in cubic chiral magnets, like low-temperature tilted conical and skyrmion lattice (SkL) states and metastable SkLs with various lattice geometry. Motivated by these findings, we quantified the cubic anisotropy in a series of CoZnMn-type cubic chiral magnets. We found that the strength of anisotropy is highly enhanced towards low temperatures. Moreover, not only the magnitude but also the character of cubic anisotropy drastically varies upon changing the Co/Mn ratio.