Methane storage in flexible metal–organic frameworks with intrinsic thermal management
As a cleaner, cheaper, and more globally evenly distributed fuel, natural gas has considerable environmental, economic, and political advantages over petroleum as a source of energy for the transportation sector. Despite these benefits, its low volumetric energy density at ambient temperature and moderate pressure presents substantial challenges, particularly for light-duty vehicles with little space available for on-board fuel storage.
Ins rechte Licht gerückt
Forschende des Paul Scherrer Instituts PSI konnten mit handelsüblicher Kamera-Technologie Terahertzlicht visualisieren. Damit eröffnen sie nicht nur eine kostengünstige Alternative zum bisher üblichen Verfahren. Auch die Bildauflösung konnten sie im Vergleich um das 25-Fache verbessern. Durch seine besonderen Eigenschaften ist Terahertzlicht für viele Anwendungen interessant. Am PSI wird es bei den Experimenten am Freie-Elektronen-Röntgenlaser SwissFEL zum Einsatz kommen.
New methods to generate short and high-power X-ray Free-Electron-Laser pulses
State-of-the-art X-ray Free-Electron-Laser (XFEL) facilities like SwissFEL are able to provide radiation pulses with pulse powers of a few tens of gigawatts and pulse durations of several tens of femtoseconds and shorter. There is, however, a strong demand in research fields such as bioimaging and nonlinear optics to obtain higher radiation powers and shorter pulses than in standard facilities. In this context, we have developed two new methods able to generate terawatt-attosecond XFEL pulses. Both proposals are based on superradiance, a regime with quadratic growth of the radiation power and a shortening of the spike while it slips into unspoiled (good-beam) regions of the bunch.
Room-temperature carbon monoxide oxidation by oxygen over Pt-Al2O3 mediated by reactive platinum carbonates
A new possibility for the attainment of low-temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide is demonstrated. Here we report using time-resolved DRIFTS, XAS, and mass spectrometry a platinum carbonate-mediated mechanism for the room-temperature oxidation of carbon monoxide.
Interfacial Control of Magnetic Properties at LaMnO3/LaNiO3 heterostructures
Using a X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measured at the X-Treme beamline, SLS, in conjunction with X-ray reflectivity measured at the SEXTANTS beamline, SOLEIL, the authors show that the degree of intermixing at the monolayer scale allows interface-driven properties such as charge transfer and the induced magnetic moment in the nickelate layer to be controlled.
Robustes Röntgengerät für Entwicklungsländer
Das Paul Scherrer Institut PSI ist an einem Projekt mehrerer Forschungsinstitute (unter Leitung der EPFL) beteiligt, ein Röntgengerät speziell für Entwicklungsländer zu entwickeln. Das Gerät soll mit tropischem Klima zurechtkommen sowie einfach zu reparieren und kostengünstig sein. PSI-Forschende konzentrieren sich dabei auf das Herstellen eines kostengünstigen Detektors, der für die Bildaufnahmen benötigt wird. Vergleichbar mit einem Chip in einer Digitalkamera registriert der Detektor das Röntgenlicht.
Fermi states and anisotropy of Brillouin zone scattering in the decagonal Al–Ni–Co quasicrystal
Quasicrystals (QCs) are intermetallic alloys where excellent long-range order coexists with lack of translational symmetry in one or more dimensions. These materials have a high potential in application as a material for a solar cells, hydrogen storage applications, heat insulating layers, and others.
Observation of Gravitationally Induced Vertical Striation of Polarized Ultracold Neutrons by Spin-Echo Spectroscopy
We describe a spin-echo method for ultracold neutrons (UCNs) confined in a precession chamber and exposed to a |B0| = 1μT magnetic field. We have demonstrated that the analysis of UCN spin-echo resonance signals in combination with knowledge of the ambient magnetic field provides an excellent method by which to reconstruct the energy spectrum of a confined ensemble of neutrons.
Response of Plasma-Polymerized Hexamethyldisiloxane Films to Aqueous Environments
Thin plasma polymer films were deposited in hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDSO) and HMDSO/O2 low-pressure discharges and their chemical structures analyzed using infrared (IR) spectroscopy and neutron reflectometry (NR). The (plasma-polymerized) ppHMDSO film exhibits hydrophobic, poly(dimethylsiloxane)-like properties, while the retention of carbon groups is reduced by O2 addition, yielding a more inorganic, hydrophilic ppSiOx film.
Robuster dank Abweichungen
Mikroskopische Abweichungen von der idealen Struktur machen den KKW-Brennstoff Urandioxid widerstandsfähiger gegen Strahlungsschäden.
2015 Otto Kratky award
Marianne Liebi was awarded the 2015 Otto Kratky award by the Helmholtz-Centre Berlin for excellence in the field of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) analysis. The award was bestowed in the last SAS2015 conference in Berlin. Marianne is a postdoctoral fellow in the coherent X-ray scattering group (CXS) in PSI, carrying out research in scanning SAXS measurement and analysis in 2D and 3D. Image credit ©HZB/Michael Setzpfandt
Remotely induced magnetism in a normal metal using a superconducting spin-valve
Superconducting spintronics has emerged in the past decade as a promising new field that seeks to open a new dimension for nanoelectronics by utilizing the internal spin structure of the superconducting Cooper pair as a new degree of freedom. Its basic building blocks are spin-triplet Cooper pairs with equally aligned spins, which are promoted by proximity of a conventional superconductor to a ferromagnetic material with inhomogeneous macroscopic magnetization.
Neue Methode wird bisher genaueste Vermessung von Neutronen ermöglichen
Unser Universum besteht aus deutlich mehr Materie, als sich mit bisherigen Theorien erklären lässt. Dieser Umstand ist eines der grössten Rätsel der modernen Wissenschaft. Ein Weg, diese Unstimmigkeit zu klären, führt über das sogenannte elektrische Dipolmoment des Neutrons. Forschende am PSI haben in einer internationalen Zusammenarbeit eine neue Methode entwickelt, die helfen wird, dieses Dipolmoment genauer als je zuvor zu bestimmen.
Perfekte Strahllinien merkt man nicht
Interview mit Luc PattheyLuc Patthey ist für das Design und die Umsetzung der Strahllinien für den Freie-Elektronen-Röntgenlaser SwissFEL verantwortlich. Im Interview erklärt er, welche Anforderungen die Strahllinien erfüllen müssen, damit die vom SwissFEL erzeugten Röntgenlichtpulse in der optimalen Form zu den Experimenten gelangen und welche Rolle Kooperationen bei der Entwicklung von Strahllinien spielen.
Wasserkanäle machen Brennstoffzellen effizienter
Forschende des Paul Scherrer Instituts PSI haben im Labor ein Beschichtungsverfahren entwickelt, das die Effizienz von Brennstoffzellen erhöhen könnte. Das für die Massenproduktion geeignete Verfahren haben die PSI-Wissenschaftler bereits zum Patent angemeldet.
Laser arrival time measurement and correction for the SwissFEL lasers
To probe ultrafast processes at SwissFEL it is crucial that the pump laser, used at the end stations, arrives in time with the generated X-ray pulses. For fs resolution pump probe experiments a path-length change of few-hundred nanometers already affects the measurement quality. The length of SwissFEL and the total propagation path of the pump laser light to the experiment is in the scale of several hundred meters, which makes this task challenging.
Thermodynamic phase transitions in a frustrated magnetic metamaterial
Materials with interacting magnetic degrees of freedom display a rich variety of magnetic behaviour that can lead to novel collective equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium phenomena. In equilibrium, thermodynamic phases appear with the associated phase transitions providing a characteristic signature of the underlying collective behaviour.
Winzige Magnete imitieren Dampf, Wasser und Eis
Aus einer Milliarde winziger Magnete haben Forschende am Paul Scherrer Institut PSI ein künstliches Material erschaffen, ein sogenanntes Metamaterial. Überraschenderweise zeigt sich nun, dass seine magnetischen Eigenschaften sich je nach Temperatur ändern, so dass es verschiedene Zustände einnehmen kann; ähnlich wie Wasser einen gasförmigen, flüssigen und festen Zustand hat.
Pressure-induced electronic phase separation of magnetism and superconductivity in CrAs
The recent discovery of pressure (p) induced superconductivity in the binary helimagnet CrAs has raised questions on how superconductivity emerges from the magnetic state and on the mechanism of the superconducting pairing. In the present work the suppression of magnetism and the occurrence of superconductivity in CrAs were studied by means of muon spin rotation.
Der Schlüssel für schnelles Aufladen einer Lithiumionen-Batterie
Lithiumeisenphosphat-Batterien sind sehr langlebig und lassen sich relativ schnell aufladen. Forschende des Paul Scherrer Instituts PSI, der ETH Zürich und der Forschungs- und Entwicklungslabore von Toyota zeigen in einer neuen Studie die Gründe für diese Eigenschaften. Die Erkenntnisse wurden möglich dank Messungen mit einer neuen Methode an der Synchrotron Lichtquelle Schweiz SLS des PSI.
Néel-type skyrmion lattice with confined orientation in the polar magnetic semiconductor GaV4S8
Following the early prediction of the skyrmion lattice (SkL) - a periodic array of spin vortices - it has been observed recently in various magnetic crystals mostly with chiral structure. Although non-chiral but polar crystals with Cnv symmetry were identified as ideal SkL hosts in pioneering theoretical studies, this archetype of SkL has remained experimentally unexplored.
Auf der Suche nach dem kleinsten Bit
Für immer kompaktere Speichermedien der Zukunft müssen magnetische Bereiche – die Speicherbits – immer kleiner werden. Doch wie klein kann ein Magnet überhaupt werden? Frithjof Nolting und seine Kollegen erforschen am Paul Scherrer Institut PSI den Nanomagnetismus.
Lattice dynamics of α-cristobalite and the Boson peak in silica glass
This work marks a decisive step in the solution of the longstanding problem understanding the origin of the Boson peak in silica glass. The investigation by means of diffuse and inelastic x-ray scattering and lattice dynamics calculations from first principles allow for a direct comparison of the atomic motion in crystalline silica polymorphs and silica glass. The article was selected to illustrate the cover page of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol. 27, Nr. 30.
Lattice dynamics of α-cristobalite and the Boson peak in silica glass
B. Wehinger et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27, 305401 (2015). This work marks a decisive step in the solution of the longstanding problem understanding the origin of the Boson peak in silica glass. The investigation by means of diffuse and inelastic x-ray scattering and lattice dynamics calculations from first principles allow for a direct comparison of the atomic motion in crystalline silica polymorphs and silica glass.
Candidate Quantum Spin Liquid in the Ce3+ Pyrochlore Stannate Ce2Sn2O7
We report the low-temperature magnetic properties of Ce2Sn2O7, a rare-earth pyrochlore. Our suscep- tibility and magnetization measurements show that due to the thermal isolation of a Kramers doublet ground state, Ce2Sn2O7 has Ising-like magnetic moments of ∼1.18 μB. The magnetic moments are confined to the local trigonal axes, as in a spin ice, but the exchange interactions are antiferromagnetic.
Umbrella MoU Signed by 14 Parties
The Memorandum of Understanding of the Umbrella Collaboration was signed by 14 parties: ALBA, DESY, Diamond Light Source Ltd, Elettra, EMBL Heidelberg, ESRF, European XFEL, HZB, ILL, Instruct Academic Services Ltd, KIT, PSI, STFC and SOLEIL.
In Situ Serial Crystallography Workshop at the SLS
The Macromolecular Crystallography group at SLS is organizing a three days workshop on in situ serial crystallography ( between November 17 and 19, 2015. It will be dedicated in the presentation of a novel method facilitating the structure determination of membrane proteins, which are highly important pharmaceutical targets but are difficult to handle using 'classical' crystallographic tools. Designed for 20 Ph.D. students, postdocs and young scientists from both academia and industry, the workshop will consist of introductory lectures, followed by hands-on practicals on in meso or lipidic cubic phase (LCP) crystallization, on in situ serial crystallography data collection using a micro-sized beam and on data processing.
New insight into receptor signalling
A team of 72 investigators across 25 institutions including researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut obtained the X-ray structure of a rhodopsinàarrestin complex, which represents a major milestone in the area of G-protein-coupled-receptor (GPCR), a protein family recognized in the award of the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Terahertz laser light focused to the extreme
There are limits to how short a flash of light can be – in both time and space. Researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) have now succeeded in reaching these physical limits and producing the smallest possible flash. To do so, they used terahertz light, which is physically related to visible light or radio waves, but differs in its wavelength.
Kleinstmöglicher Lichtblitz erzeugt
Am Paul Scherrer Institut ist es Forschenden gelungen, den kleinstmöglichen Blitz aus Terahertzlicht zu erzeugen. Damit eröffnet sich ein neuer Weg, um die Eigenschaften von Materialien zu untersuchen.