Grundlagen der Natur

Am Paul Scherrer Institut suchen Forschende nach Antworten auf die fundamentale Frage nach den Grundstrukturen der Materie und den fundamentalen Funktionsprinzipien in der Natur. Sie untersuchen Aufbau und Eigenschaften der Elementarteilchen – der kleinsten Bausteine der Materie – oder gehen der Frage nach, wie biologische Moleküle aufgebaut sind und wie sie ihre Funktion erfüllen. Das so gewonnene Wissen öffnet neue Lösungsansätze in Wissenschaft, Medizin oder Technologie.

Mehr dazu unter Überblick Grundlagen der Natur

Huang et al

Surface oxidation/spin state determines oxygen evolution reaction activity of cobalt-based catalysts in acidic environment

Co-based catalysts are promising candidates to replace Ir/Ru-based oxides for oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysis in an acidic environment. However, both the reaction mechanism and the active species under acidic conditions remain unclear. In this study, by combining surface-sensitive soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy characterization with electrochemical analysis, we discover that the acidic OER activity of Co-based catalysts are determined by their surface oxidation/spin state. 

Wareneingang im Zentrallager

Wareneingang im Zentrallager

Zurzeit bewirtschaften wir ca. 14'000 normierte Artikel. Wir vom Materialdienst haben den Überblick!

Saubere Stühle 2024

Hinter den Kulissen: Eine Aufgabe der Gebäudereiniger am PSI

Ein Teil meiner Arbeit ist das Extrahieren, was ist das?

Agnes Ahl

Farewell of Agnes Åhl

From October 2023 to March 2024, Agnes Åhl, a SwedNess PhD student in the group of Lennart Bergström at the Stockholm University, absolved her external stay in the Soft Matter Group at LNS.



Eine Sitzung zum Austauschen, besprechen und reflektieren, gemeinsam mit den Lernenden und Berufsbildnerinnen.

Abreu et al

All Two-Loop Feynman Integrals for Five-Point One-Mass Scattering

We compute the complete set of two-loop master integrals for the scattering of four massless particles and a massive one. Our results are ready for phenomenological applications, removing a major obstacle to the computation of complete next-to-next-to-leading order QCD corrections to processes such as the production of a H/Z/W boson in association with two jets at the LHC. Furthermore ...

Mu3e Wenegen Meeting 2024 - Group Picture

Collaboartion Meeting in Wengen

The Mu3e collaboration met four four days in Wengen. We discussed in detail the steps needed to build and integrate the detector and how to calibrate and control it. Further sessions were dedicated to on- and offline analysis of first data. 

Ein faszinierender Tag mit den ETH-Lernenden am PSI

Ein faszinierender Tag mit den ETH-Lernenden am PSI

ETH-Lernende erkunden das PSI: Spannende Vorträge, beeindruckende Führungen und Einblicke in den Lehrberuf KV. Ein Tag voller Entdeckungen und Austausch.

Berufsschau Etzgen 2024

Die Suche nach dem richtigen Beruf: Die Berufsschau in Etzgen bietet Orientierung

An der Berufsschau in Etzgen mit über 1000 Besucherinnen und Besucher wurden Weichen gestellt, das PSI war auch vor Ort!

OAM Beam

High-resolution ptychographic imaging at a seeded free-electron laser source using OAM beams

Electromagnetic waves possessing orbital angular momentum (OAM) are powerful tools for applications in optical communications, quantum technologies, and optical tweezers. Now, a consortium of collaborators in France, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, and the US reports on using such beams in the extreme ultraviolet region for ptychographic imaging in the cover page article of Optica 11, Issue 3. By controlling the topological charge, the researchers achieve an improvement of 30% in image resolution.

Thesis Defense Ben Gayther

Ben Gayther successfully defends his thesis

Ben Gayther developed calibration algorithms, carried out detailed studies on the use of timing information in reconstruction, and contributed to the integration run at PSI. He has now successfully defended his thesis at University College London.

Mu3e Wenegen Meeting 2024 - Group Picture

Collaboration Meeting in Wengen

The Mu3e collaboration met four four days in Wengen. We discussed in detail the steps needed to build and integrate the detector and how to calibrate and control it. Further sessions were dedicated to on- and offline analysis of first data. 

Consiglio et al

Electron Glass Phase with Resilient Zhang-Rice Singlets in LiCu3O3

LiCu3O3 is an antiferromagnetic mixed valence cuprate where trilayers of edge-sharing Cu(II)O (3d9) are sandwiched in between planes of Cu(I) (3d10) ions, with Li stochastically substituting Cu(II). Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and density functional theory reveal two insulating electronic subsystems that are segregated in spite of sharing common oxygen atoms: a Cu dz2/O pz derived valence band (VB) dispersing on the Cu(I) plane, and a Cu 3dx2−y2/O 2px,y derived Zhang-Rice singlet (ZRS) band dispersing on the Cu(II)O planes.

Elternabend 2024

Elternabend 2024

Elternabend – Schnee von gestern?

Sommer- und Winterproduktion: Grundlast 2050

New report: “Future demand for flexibility and the significance of baseload energy in Switzerland”

In a new report, “Future demand for flexibility and the significance of baseload energy in Switzerland,” PSI-LEA researchers examine the role of baseload energy in Switzerland's energy system and discuss the challenges of transitioning to a mostly CO2-free system.

Tam et al

Flat-band hybridization between f and d states near the Fermi energy of SmCoIn5

We present high-quality angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) and density functional theory calculations (DFT+U) of SmCoIn5. We find broad agreement with previously published studies of LaCoIn5 and CeCoIn5, confirming that the Sm 4f electrons are mostly localized. Nevertheless, our model is consistent with an additional delocalized Sm component, stemming from hybridization between the 4f electrons and the metallic bands at “hot spot” positions in the Brillouin zone. 

Delay vs. photon energy map of an ammonium iron(III) oxalate solution. The large bandwidth emission covers the full XANES range, making time-consuming monochromator scans obsolete.

Efficient transient X-ray absorption spectroscopy

By combining the unique large bandwidth emission mode of SwissFEL’s ARAMIS undulator and diffractive X-ray optics made of diamond, we have demonstrated a new method for time-resolved X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy that enables faster data acquisition and requires smaller sample quantities for high-quality data.